Evaluation of the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business - Follow-up Report Status Update as of September 30, 2014

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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of September 30, 2014

Lands and Economic Development

Evaluation of the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business
Approval Date: 27/06/14
Project Recommendations Action Plan Expected
Completion Date
Program Response
1. Develop an enhanced approach to the PSAB that is tailored to the different needs of different types of business, including a stronger focus on direct and regional training to support newer and smaller Aboriginal firms to navigate the increasingly complex and competitive procurement environment

Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Branch (AEB) concurs. AEB will undertake the following actions:

  • Distribution/ awareness of new PSAB video.
  • Increase outreach activities and training on federal procurement processes and how to access to procurement opportunities (through working with regional offices to have booths at relevant conferences, increased collaboration with OSME, building on current MOU for training, and other related opportunities).
  • Funding for research/ gap analysis with Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business and private sector funding to inform training needs.
  • Aboriginal Financial Institution (AFI) pilots – Communication and PSAB awareness dissemination to enable Aboriginal businesses to compete on federal. procurement opportunities and build on registration in the Aboriginal Business Directory (ABD).
On going from
14-15 to 18-19.

Status: Request change to expected completion date to March 31, 2015.

As of 30/09/2014:

  • Funding has been provided to CCAB to update the Aboriginal business profile through a survey. This information will provide an update and be used to understand training needs and gaps. Report due in March 2016.
  • The Aboriginal Business Directory video is posted to the AANDC website and outside organizations such as TACC (an Aboriginal Financial Institution).
  • A detailed workplan to enhance the ILA with OSME has been created and in the processes of being implemented.
  • AFI pilots are still being explored and have commenced (TACC, Waubetek).
  • Establishing stronger PSAB representation with the regions across Canada (Atlantic, BC, Saskatchewan).
  • Note: It is expected that this activity will be integrated into ongoing business by March 31 2015; therefore a change in completion date is requested.

Outreach events from June 1, 2014 - November 16, 2014

  • 6 sessions with Aboriginal businesses (1 of which was a teleconference)
  • 1 with outside stakeholder (British High Commission)
  • 4 Aboriginal procurement focused conferences

AES: Recommend acceptance of revised completion date. Good progress to date. Report back Q1 2015-2016.

2. Work with PWGSC to ensure ongoing performance data allows for a complete capture of data on individual businesses winning procurement contracts by value and type both for set-asides and incidental contracts

AEB concurs. AEB is committed to undertake the following actions:

  • Continue to work with PWGSC to explore options for replacing the Supplier Registration Information (SRI) Aboriginal indicator to enable accurate validation of Incidental Aboriginal procurement data.
  • Explore a whole of government approach (DM initiative on simplifying e-services for businesses) for a common identifier that is used by all government departments and agencies.
From 14-15 to 18-19.

Status: Underway

As of 30/09/2014:

PWGSC has replaced use of the SRI with the Aboriginal Business Directory (ABD) to verify Aboriginal suppliers and improve set-asides. Work is ongoing to have the SRI eliminated as a source list of Aboriginal suppliers.

Work with PWGSC will continue past March 31, 2015, however, this activity may be completed in 2015-2016.

AES: Recommend acceptance of revised completion date. Good progress to date. Report back Q1 2015-2016.

3. Develop better accountability mechanisms for the accurate capture of whether or not bidders qualify as Aboriginal

AEB concurs. AEB is committed to undertake the following actions:

  • Increase audit resources through innovative approaches.
  • Increase numbers of pre-, post- and random audits.
  • Complete an audit toolkit for internal auditors.
  • Increase awareness of the auditing process within the contracting authorities' and procurement community.
  • Increase the review of BuyandSell.gc.ca to monitor.
On going from
14-15 to 18-19

Status: Request change to expected completion date to March 31, 2015.

As of 30/09/2014:

  • AEB has increased the number of audits six fold (32 audits conducted annually). A second auditor is expected to be hired between January and April 2015.
  • An auditing tool kit has been created for new and existing auditors.
  • Planning is underway to increase the scope of the ABD to include databases of Aboriginal businesses from other levels of government and land claim beneficiaries. However, due to the different criteria used, AANDC will ensure that only those who meet the PSAB criteria will be listed as PSAB and eligible for set-asides.
  • Note: It is expected that this activity will be integrated into ongoing business by March 31 2015; therefore a change in completion date is requested.

AES: Recommend acceptance of revised completion date. Good progress to date. Report back Q1 2015-2016.

4. As part of the promotion of PSAB, work with contracting authorities to ensure the best likelihood of Aboriginal business success, including promoting the most appropriate application of the 25-day posting option

AEB concurs. AEB will undertake the following actions:

  • Provide information sessions to the procurement community and Aboriginal businesses regarding posting options and the flexible posting options available for set-aside contracts.
From 14-15 to 18-19

Status: Request change to expected completion date to March 31, 2015.

As of 30/09/2014:

  • Four outreach sessions provided to procurement officials from OGDs which provided the appropriate application of the 25-day posting. Up-coming round table will host a session dedicated to 25 day posting.
  • Note: It is expected that this activity will be integrated into ongoing business by March 31 2015; therefore a change in completion date is requested.

AES: Recommend acceptance of revised completion date. Good progress to date. Report back Q1 2015-2016.


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