Audit of Grants and Contributions Management Control Framework 2012-2013 - Follow-up Report Status Update as of September 30, 2013

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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Audit Committee - As of September 30, 2013


Audit of Grants and Contributions Management Control Framework 2012-2013
Approval Date: 06-20-2013

Project Recommendations Action Plan Expected
Completion Date
Program Response
1. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) should establish a process to better support the work of senior program managers in their development of program management regimes/program MCFs, which should more formally link the recipient and program/project risk to the funding approach selection, fully integrating recipient risk as per the General Assessment, program risk, and the nature and value of funding. All applicable funding approaches should be considered and the applicability of the flexible funding approach should be assessed for both core and non-core programs. The CFO, with the support of senior program/regional managers, should ensure monitoring and transparent reporting to senior management on the consistent application of these program management regimes/MCFs by regions. The CFO will establish a process to clarify the role of governance and oversight in program management regimes / management control frameworks as it relates to the selection of funding approaches and monitoring. (This will be reflected in the new Case Management Approach currently in development.) March 2014  
2. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) should develop a departmental program compliance framework for programs and regions to implement. To support the implementation, the CFO should establish a process to work with each program area, directly linking compliance activities (i.e. nature and frequency) to the funding approach (including block funding) and recipient risk. This framework should include periodic monitoring by the CFO to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. The CFO, in the context of the senior management team in charge of improving transparency and accountability, will lead the development of a departmental compliance framework. December 2013  
3. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO), in collaboration with the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister of Regional Operations and the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Northern Affairs Organization, with the support of senior program managers, should develop and formally communicate to regions the Departmental position on moving eligible recipients to block funding. This should include tools and communication approaches to work with recipients to plan and prepare for block funding, where eligible. In addition, continued monitoring of regional take-up of this funding approach should be conducted by the CFO, with the support of senior program managers. The CFO, in collaboration with the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister of Regional Operations and the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Northern Affairs Organization, will work with the Director General, Communications Branch to establish the departmental position on block funding eligibility and communicate it. December 2013  
4. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) should leverage the existing G&C governance structure to establish an oversight mechanism and monitoring program to support programs/regions in implementing the Treasury Board Policy on Transfer Payments relative to funding approaches. The oversight mechanism should ensure that program management regimes exist or are in development for each budget activity (program) associated with G&C funding. The CFO will review the Terms of Reference for the existing G&C governance structure to ensure that oversight and monitoring of the implementation of Policy on Transfer Payment. September 2013 Status : Underway
As of 30/09/2013:

A review is underway of the terms of reference of the existing Policy on Transfer Payments DG Working Group and ADM Steering Committee to change the mandate, given that initially the terms of reference were focused on the Policy on Transfer Payments implementation project.

The mandate is being reviewed with a focus on oversight and monitoring of: program management regimes as they relate to the selection of funding approaches and the extent to which programs are applying Transfer Payments Center of Expertise policies and directives developed to implement the Policy on Transfer Payments.

AES: Implementation ongoing.

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