Faro Mine Remediation Project: Yukon

Learn about the work underway to maintain and remediate the Faro Mine site.

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What is the Faro Mine?

Faro Mine was once the largest open pit lead-zinc mine in the world. Today, it is the site of one of the most complex abandoned mine remediation projects in Canada. The mine spans 25 sq. km, an area roughly the size of the city of Victoria, British Columbia.

It is located in south-central Yukon, near the town of Faro, on the traditional territory of the Kaska Nations, and upstream from Selkirk First Nation. The Devolution Transfer Agreement identifies the Ross River Dena Council, Liard First Nation, Kaska Dena Council, and Selkirk First Nation as affected First Nations for the Faro Mine.

Processing the valuable minerals at the mine left behind 70 million tonnes of tailings and 320 million tonnes of waste rock. This waste has the potential to leach metals and acid into the surrounding land and water.

The mine was abandoned in 1998 and is currently in care and maintenance, which includes:

What is the Faro Mine Remediation Project?

The Faro Mine Remediation Project is one of the most complex abandoned mine clean-up projects in Canada. It was established to prevent the contamination of nearby land and water from the former mining operation.

Risk mitigation work is on-going at the site to ensure it remains stable and secure. Care and maintenance activities continue on site to reduce the risk the site poses to the environment, as well as protecting human health and safety. On-going environmental monitoring is being conducted to track risks and determine if conditions are changing. Where monitoring identifies environmental change is occurring, adaptive management is undertaken (including putting new infrastructure in place) to prevent conditions from further impacting the environment, or human health and safety.

Adaptive management measures undertaken by the project team include:

The highest priority issues are being addressed while the Faro Mine Remediation Project proposal proceeds through regulatory approvals.

Who is responsible for the project?

The Government of Canada funds the project and is leading the care and maintenance, site monitoring, consultation, remediation plan design and regulatory process.

First Nations, the Town of Faro and other stakeholders are consulted on an on-going basis to ensure the project incorporates their input. First Nations include the Kaska Nations (Ross River Dena Council, Liard First Nation and Kaska Dena Council) and Selkirk First Nation.

The remediation plan

The Faro Mine Remediation Project Team has prepared a plan to remediate the Faro Mine site. In 2005 the project team, in partnership with the Government of Yukon, the Kaska Nations, Selkirk First Nation and other affected and interested groups, established 5 critical objectives for the remediation plan:

  1. protecting human health and safety
  2. protecting and, to the extent practicable, restoring the environment, including land, air, water, fish and wildlife
  3. maximizing local and Yukon socio-economic benefits
  4. managing long-term site risk in a cost-effective manner
  5. returning the mine site to an acceptable state of use that reflects pre-mine land use, where practicable

After many years of research, extensive professional review and consultation, a remediation approach was selected in 2009. Key features of the selected remediation approach include:

The Remediation Plan was submitted to the Yukon Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment Board in May of 2019. It continues to be reviewed by the board and stakeholders with a decision expected in 2025.

Progress to date

Key dates in the remediation project:

What's next?

After the completion of the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board process, an application for a water licence will be filed with the Yukon Water Board. The major construction phase is expected to begin in 2028, once all of the designs are complete and regulatory approvals are in place.

Remediation is expected to take about 15 years to complete, followed by 20 to 25 years of testing and monitoring to make any needed improvements to the site.

Some areas of the Faro Mine site will always remain under active management and monitoring.

Consultation and engagement

A key aspect of the Faro Mine Remediation Project is on-going consultation and engagement with Ross River Dena Council, Liard First Nation, Selkirk First Nation, the town of Faro and other interested parties. The project team is keeping these groups informed and involved.

Through an on-going and respectful nation-to-nation dialogue, the Faro Mine Remediation Project will continue as a partnership with local First Nations. There is a commitment to provide training and jobs for local First Nations and other Yukoners ranging from specialized services to general labour.

Contracting and jobs

The majority of the work associated with the Faro Mine Remediation Project is being contracted by the Main Construction Manager, Parsons Inc. For more information, please visit their project website at www.faromineproject.ca or merx.com.

Contact us

Faro Mine Remediation Project
415C-300 Main Street
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 2B5
Email: faromine@rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca

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