Nunavut Water Resources division

Our role

Nunavut contains 21% of Canada's freshwater within its many rivers, streams and lakes. The Water Resources division's role is to conserve, protect and increase understanding of Nunavut's water resources.

Our activities

water sampling

Source: Christine Wilson

Our mandate falls within 2 areas: water management and stewardship and regulatory activities.

Water management and stewardship activities include:

Our regulatory responsibilities involve participating in the Nunavut Impact Review Board's and Nunavut Water Board's procedures for environmental assessment and water licencing. These institutions of public government base their mandates and associated responsibilities from the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act and the Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada's participation in regulatory activities include:

Water management areas in Nunavut

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Water Management Areas are defined in the Nunavut Waters Regulations, SOR/2013-69 as part of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act and Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act.

  1. Seal Watershed
  2. Thlewiaza Watershed
  3. Geillini Watershed
  4. Tha-anne Watershed
  5. Thelon Watershed
  6. Dubawnt Watershed
  7. Kazan Watershed
  8. Baker Lake Watershed
  9. Quoich Watershed
  10. Chesterfield Inlet Watershed
  11. Maguse Watershed
  12. Ferguson Watershed
  13. Wilson Watershed
  14. Lorillard Watershed
  15. Wager Bay Watershed
  16. Hudson Bay Islands Watershed
  17. Northern Southhampton Island Watershed
  18. Repulse Bay Watershed
  19. Barrow Watershed
  20. Kingora Watershed
  21. Gifford Watershed
  22. MacDonald Watershed
  23. Prince Charles Island Watershed
  24. Koukdjuak Watershed
  25. Aukpar Watershed
  26. Great Bear Watershed
  27. Amundsen Gulf Watershed
  28. Coppermine Watershed
  29. Coronation Gulf Watershed
  30. Queen Maud Gulf Watershed
  31. Back Watershed
  32. Back-Hayes (Nunavut) Watershed
  33. Rasmussen Basin - Larsen Sound Watershed
  34. Gulf of Boothia Watershed
  35. Northwestern Victoria Island Watershed
  36. Hadley Bay Watershed
  37. Eastern Victoria Island Watershed
  38. Southern Victoria Island Watershed
  39. Prince Albert Sound Watershed
  40. Minto Inlet Watershed
  41. King William Island
  42. Western Prince of Wales Watershed
  43. Eastern Prince of Wales Watershed
  44. Western Somerset Island Watershed
  45. Eastern Somerset Island Watershed
  46. Western Brodeur Peninsula Watershed
  47. Admiralty Inlet Watershed
  48. Eclipse Sound Watershed
  49. Southwestern Baffin Bay Watershed
  50. Northwestern Davis Strait Watershed
  51. Northern Cumberland Sound Watershed
  52. Southern Cumberland Sound Watershed
  53. Frobisher Bay Watershed
  54. Melville Island Watershed
  55. Bathurst and Cornwallis Islands Watershed
  56. Western Devon Island Watershed
  57. Eastern Devon Island Watershed
  58. Sverdrup Islands Watershed
  59. Nansen and Eureka Sounds Watershed
  60. Greely Fiord Watershed
  61. Arctic Ocean and Lincoln Sea Watershed
  62. Northeastern Ellesmere Island Watershed
  63. Southeastern Ellesmere Island Watershed
  64. South Ellesmere Island Watershed
  65. Hudson Strait Watershed (North and West)

Contact us

Water Resources manager
Phone: 867-975-4550

Nunavut Regional Office
Water Resources division

918 Nunavut Drive
Iqaluit NU X0A 3H0

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