Five-Year Plan for Evaluation and Performance Measurement Strategies 2016-17 to 2020-21

Update September 2016

PDF Version (528 Kb, 38 Pages)


Table of contents

Deputy Head Confirmation Note

I approve the Departmental Evaluation Plan of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada for the fiscal years 2016-17 to 2020-21, which I submit to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat as required by the Policy on Evaluation.

As per Section 6.1.8 of the policy, I confirm that the following evaluation coverage requirements are met and reflected in this five-year plan:

As per Section 6.1.7, I confirm that this five year plan:

I will ensure that this plan is updated annually, and I will provide information about its implementation to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, as required.


Hélène Laurendeau
Deputy Minister
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada


Date: __________________________



Executive Summary

This document presents the Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) Five-Year Plan for Evaluation and Performance Measurement Strategies 2016-17 to 2020-21. The plan calls for 44 program areas to be evaluated over the next five years. In 2016-17 specifically, the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Branch (EPMRB) of INAC will submit for approval nine evaluations that began in 2015-16, which scheduled completion dates in 2016-17, and will launch 11 new program evaluations.

The current Plan was developed in accordance with the evaluation planning guidance provided by Treasury Board Secretariat and was developed to reflect the requirements set out in the Treasury Board Secretariat Policy on Evaluation, which came into full effect on April 1, 2013. The Policy calls for all departmental direct program spending to be evaluated every five years. Thus, the Plan aligns with, and supports the Department's Management Resources and Results Structure. In addition, EPMRB planning ensures a risk-based approach is taken for the conduct of evaluations of Internal Service programs/activities, and other studies or reviews as requested by the Department.

Finally, the Plan provides an overview of the drivers that contribute to the timing, scope and level of effort of each evaluation. These are based on such factors as the timing of previous evaluations, program materiality, risk levels and complexity. It also provides a summary of recent branch initiatives that are meant to support and strengthen the Department's evaluation and performance measurement activities.



1. Introduction

This document presents the INAC rolling plan for evaluation for the period 2016-17 to 2020-21. Implementation and monitoring of the Plan falls to the EPMRB at INAC. The document was developed based on guidance from the Treasury Board Secretariat's Guide to Developing a Departmental Evaluation Plan.Footnote 1

Across the Government of Canada, evaluation is understood as the systematic collection and neutral analysis of information pertaining to the use of public resources. This is done to provide an assessment of, and allow for the judgement of the relevance, performance, and efficiency with which these resources are utilised. It helps to identify possible alternative ways to contribute to or achieve the same results, outcomes or outputs in a more effective and efficient manner. The information evaluation provides is used to inform decision making and make improvements.

While this Plan adheres to the current 2009 Policy on Evaluation, EPMRB planning for 2016-17 also takes into consideration the impending shift to a "delivering results" approach, as proposed in the pending new Policy on Results and Resource Alignment, tentatively planned to come into effect July 1, 2016. The new draft policy represents an integration of the Policy on Evaluation (2009), the Policy on Management, Resources and Results Structures (2010) and the Policy on Reporting of Federal Institutions and Corporate Interests to Treasury Board Secretary (2007).

Under the new policy, the federal evaluation function will be called upon to provide evidence that helps the Government of Canada demonstrate that its spending contributes to results that matter to Canadians, rather than simply supporting programs where efficacy is not always clear. The current government has committed to this modernization in its platform, mandate letters, Speech from the Throne, and public statements. EPMRB evaluators are already considering the policy shift in their scoping and planning for new projects scheduled to begin in 2016-17. The aim is to ensure that INAC's evaluation function can contribute fully to helping to address questions related to the delivery of results for Canadians.

While the Policy on Results and Resource Alignment is not yet in effect, as appropriate, the Branch will make adjustments to its evaluation and performance measurement activities in 2016-17 and beyond, if required, when the new policy comes into effect. It will then report any modifications to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee (EPMRC) when appropriate.

1.1 Purpose of the Five-Year Plan

The primary purpose of the Plan is to help the Deputy Head ensure that credible, timely and neutral information on the ongoing relevance and performance of direct program spending and ongoing programs of grants and contributions is available to support evidence-based decision making and speaks to results for Canadians.Footnote 2 The Plan also:

  • Provides an opportunity to align evaluations to ensure that the information needs of the Department and other evaluation users (e.g., other government departments where we are delivering horizontal programming) are being met;
  • Helps ensure that evaluations supporting program redesign are planned and completed in advance of program renewal;
  • Provides an annual platform for program managers and the Head of Evaluation to discuss the development and implementation of performance measurement strategies that effectively support evaluations;
  • Allows departmental units responsible for the development of the Report on Plans and Priorities and the Departmental Performance Reports, as well as other groups engaged in strategic planning and reporting activities, to identify when evaluations will be available to inform their work;
  • Initiates regular communication and consensus building on evaluation needs and priorities across the Department; and
  • Provides central agencies with advanced notice of when evaluations will be available to inform their work (e.g., in support of Memoranda to Cabinet, Treasury Board submissions, etc.).

Moreover, the Plan serves as an important tool for the Head of Evaluation and the Branch in managing project workflows and planning the activities of its human resources. Status reports on the Plan are typically presented at all regular meetings of the EPMRC to provide assurance of timely implementation, and alert the Committee to any required changes or additions. The EPMRC typically meets four times during the fiscal year.

1.2 Background and Departmental Context

The Plan has been developed using the Treasury Board's Guide to Developing a Departmental Evaluation Plan but also with an eye towards forthcoming guidance in the Treasury Board Policy on Results and Resource Alignment. The impending update of the 2009 Policy on Evaluation was based on the conclusion that the government-wide Program Alignment Architectures and Program Measurement Frameworks had reached a level of maturity and required repurposing. According to the Treasury Board Secretariat, existing reporting tools were felt to be overburdening departments with reporting compliance and were focusing on low level indicators rather than the achievement of results. In addition, evaluations are viewed as not being sufficiently timely, and are often limited by insufficient performance information. As a result, in some instances, the ability to demonstrate that it was achieving its results was constrained.

The new policy is expected to allow departments to establish a results framework that identifies core responsibilities, associated results, and appropriate indicators. It will also limit requirements so that departments will collect performance information while remitting only some of this to Treasury Board. It will allow departments to prioritize evaluation coverage and issues, while professionalizing the evaluation function. It will continue to ask departments to report on both direct program spending and ongoing program of grant and contribution evaluation coverage, but will grant greater flexibility by allowing for risk-based planning for direct program spending coverage, and the option to defer evaluations beyond five years where average yearly expenditures are less than $5 million.

1.3 Departmental Mandate

INAC is the federal department primarily responsible for meeting the Government of Canada's obligations and commitments to First Nations, Inuit and Métis, and for fulfilling the federal government's constitutional responsibilities in the North.Footnote 3

The Department's overall mandate derives from: the Constitution Act (1982), the Indian Act; the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Act; territorial acts; treaties; comprehensive claims and self-government agreements, as well as various other statutes affecting Indigenous people and the North.

A significant amount of the Department's mandate also derives from policy decisions and program practices that have evolved over time. Its mandate is also framed by judicial decisions where there are direct policy implications for the Department.Footnote 4

1.4 Program Structures and Performance

Departmental activities are largely structured by funding arrangements or formal agreements with First Nations and/or provincial or territorial governments. Most departmental programs, representing a majority of INAC spending are, in fact, delivered through partnerships with Indigenous communities and federal-provincial or federal-territorial agreements. INAC also works with urban Indigenous peoples, Métis and non–status Indians, many of whom live in rural areas.

1.5 Planned Expenditures and Transfer Payments

According to the 2015 Public Accounts of Canada, INAC is the fifth largest federal department in terms of total ministerial net expenditures, and the third largest in terms of total transfer payments and grants and contributions, after Finance Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada.

According to the 2016–2017 Main EstimatesFootnote 5, INAC spends over $7.5 billion annually, with approximately 88 percent ($6.7 billion) going directly to recipients through transfer payments. Total forecasted spending for 2016-17 is outlined in the table below according to the Department's strategic outcomes.

Table 1: INAC Total Forecasted Spending (2016-17) by Strategic Outcome
Strategic Outcome 2016-17 Forecast Spending
The Government $1,691,246,550
The People $3,814,737,301
The Land and Economy $1,534,139,668
The North $241,331,117
Internal Services $224,097,504
Total Statutory Spending $153,153,455
Total Transfer Payments $6,652,765,968
Total $7,505,552,140
Source: 2016-17 Main Estimates. Figures include the following expenditures: salary; operations and maintenance; capital; statutory and grants and contributions funding; and, the costs of employee benefit plans.


2. Reporting on Status and Coverage

2.1 Drivers for Evaluation Planning

Program evaluations are required as per the current Treasury Board Policy on Evaluation (2009), Section 6.1.7. There is also a requirement under the Financial Administration Act (Section 42.1) to evaluate all ongoing grants and contribution programs every five years. Evaluation planning is conducted with those requirements in mind, and also in the spirit of robust management practices, which aid to ensure that results are being delivered for Canadians.

Each year, the Audit and Assurance Services Branch develops priority rankings for auditable units in the Department in a manner consistent with guidance from the Office of the Comptroller General. Risk considerations include: the impact of identified risks on the achievement of departmental outcomes; materiality; scope; potential for public scrutiny; legal risk; prevalence of risk; and the severity of consequences. This Plan is developed with alignment to the Risk-Based Audit Plan (2016-2017 to 2018-2019) in mind. Risk rankings are shown in Appendix B and are colour-coded to reflect the level of risk identified in the Risk-Based Audit Plan.Footnote 6

2.2 What's New in the Plan

Note that the Government's Results Agenda, driven by publicly articulated ministerial mandates, the impending Policy on Results and Resource Alignment, and key government priorities being communicated to INAC, are collectively poised to spur change in program structures and available performance information in the Department. This could result in the creation of new program entities and the articulation of new results expectations and associated performance indicators. Notwithstanding this, Treasury Board Secretariat guidance clarifies that 2016-17 planning is to be done according to existing policies and coverage requirements.

The first step in preparing the 2016-17 to 2020-21 Plan included ensuring that all ongoing program spending is being evaluated every five years. Credit for evaluation coverage is granted upon deputy head approval of a report, under the premise that approval allows for the sharing of information in support of management action and the sharing of results with the public. This review was based on the Department's 2016-17 Program Alignment Architecture (Appendix A) and, as in previous years, is aligned with INAC's Management, Resources and Results Structure.

It also included the review of program areas within the Department to ensure that each is evaluated prior to program renewal or according to timing commitments made to the Treasury Board, and that Federal Accountability Act requirements are being met.

As a result, this document now includes two 'coverage tables', which all departments must complete and submit to the Treasury Board Secretariat on an annual basis. Appendix B – Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada – Five-year Evaluation Schedule 2016-17 to 2020-21, outlines the sequencing of all program evaluations over the next five years with planned start and end dates.Footnote 7 As a result, the Plan shows the expected conduct of 44 evaluations covering 100 percent of direct program spending between 2016-17 and 2020-21.

The Five-Year Evaluation Schedule is attached in Appendix B. Appendix C – Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada – Coverage of Ongoing Programs of Grants and Contributions – 2016-17 to 2020-21, includes an overview of the timing of evaluations as required by the Financial Administration Act.

2.3 Planned Evaluation Coverage of Direct Program Spending, Internal Services and Reviews

Looking back on the previous year, ten evaluation reports addressing direct program spending were approved in 2015-16, including two that began in the previous fiscal year. These evaluations represent $1.2 billion (15.02 percent) of the Department's direct program spending and include:

  • Evaluation of Access to Capital and Business Services Program;
  • Evaluation of Consultation and Accommodation;
  • Evaluation of Contaminated Sites South of 60 Program (formerly identified as Contaminated Sites (On Reserve));
  • Evaluation of Eco-Energy for Aboriginal and Northern Communities;
  • Evaluation of Education Facilities and Community Infrastructure;
  • Evaluation of the Administration of Reserve Land;
  • Evaluation of the Impact of Self-Government Agreements;
  • Evaluation of the Implementation of Income Assistance Reform On-Reserve (joint evaluation with Employment and Social Development Canada);
  • Evaluation of Lands and Economic Development Services; and
  • Evaluation of Petroleum and Minerals.

One additional evaluation was completed and approved in 2015-16, namely the Evaluation of INAC Recruitment, Development and Retention Activities. This Internal Services evaluation was conducted to address INAC management needs and spoke to important administrative activities at INAC that the Department wished to examine.

Looking forward to 2016-17, the following evaluations, which began in 2015-16 and address direct program spending, are planned to be completed and approved:

  • Evaluation of Governance and Institutions of Government;
  • Evaluation of On-Reserve Housing;
  • Evaluation of Northern Governance — Support for Territorial Relations and Northern Organizations; and
  • Horizontal Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation (to be completed jointly with Environment Canada).

In addition to the above evaluations that address direct program spending, additional work begun in 2015-16 will be completed in 2016-17. This includes the delivery of five Internal Services evaluations and two reviews:

  • Evaluation of Business Management Units (Internal Services Evaluation);
  • Evaluation of the Annual Agreement Management Cycle (formerly Accelerated Annual Funding Cycle) (Internal Services Evaluation);
  • Evaluation of the Implementation of Workplace 2.0 (formerly Accommodation 2.0) (Internal Services Evaluation);
  • Review of the Implementation of the Tripartite Education Agreement (formerly identified as the First Nations Education Steering Committee) (Review); and
  • Lessons Learned Study of Personal Credits (Review/Lessons Learned Study).

Therefore, nine evaluations that began in 2015-16 will be completed and submitted to EPMRC for approval in 2016-17.

Appendix D – Evaluation and Performance Measurement Review Committee – 2016-2017 Planned Schedule of Items, provides a list of all planning commitments and milestones/deliverables for the Branch. In addition to the work being completed above, the table shows that 18 new evaluations will be launched at some point in 2016-17. Of these, 16 will focus on programs with direct program spending and two will focus on Internal Services, namely the Evaluation of the Aboriginal Leadership Development Initiative and the Evaluation of Contracting and Procurement Hubs. Of that 18, five will be completed and submitted to EPMRB for approval in 2016-17.

The graph on the following page shows the level of activity that EPMRB will need to engage in over the course of 2016-17 and into the following year in order to meet the plan and deliver against policy requirements. The red line shows the volume of active projects when Terms of Reference development and project close-out (process for web posting) is taken into consideration. Note the peak of activity at the close of 2016-17 when a series of new Terms of Reference for future evaluations is expected to be launched.

Graph 1: Volume of Planned Active Evaluation Projects (2016-17)

Volume of Planned Active Evaluation Projects  (2016-17)

*TOR – Terms of Reference
*DM – Deputy Minister

Text alternative for Graph 1: Volume of Planned Active Evaluation Projects (2016-17)

Graph 1 shows the volume of planed active evaluation projects to take place between January 2016 and November 2017. The vertical axis of the graph is labelled "Number of active projects". The axis is numbered from zero to twenty-five, in increments of five. The horizontal axis is unlabelled and shows the time span by month, beginning with January 2016 and ending with November 2017.

The graph shows three lines. One is a straight horizontal line across the entire graph, starting and ending at 17.5 on the vertical axis. Text within the graph labels the line as the "Average number of active projects".

A second fluctuating horizontal line is labelled "Volume of evaluations including TORs (3m) and closeout (4m). The points on the line are as follows: January 2016, 16; February 2016, 15; March 2016, 15; April 2016, 15; May 2016, 20; June 2016, 16; July 20l6, 16; August 2016, 17; September 2016, 19; October 2016, 18; November 2016, 18; December 2016, 19; January 2017, 16; February 2017, 20; March 2017, 23; April 2017, 20; May 2017, 20; June 2017, 20; July 2017, 18; August 2017, 18; September 2016, 18; October 2017, 15; November 2017, 15.

A third fluctuating horizontal line is labelled "Volume of evaluations based on TORs approval date to DM approval date only". The points on the line are as follows: January 2016, 9; February 2016, 8; March 2016, 8; April 2016, 8; May 2016, 10; June 2016, 13; July 20l6, 9; August 2016, 9; September 2016, 12; October 2016, 11; November 2016, 11; December 2016, 12; January 2017, 11; February 2017, 10; March 2017, 16; April 2017, 13; May 2017, 13; June 2017, 13; July 2017, 11; August 2017, 11; September 2016, 11; October 2017, 8; November 2017, 8.


2.4 Planned Evaluation Coverage of Ongoing Programs of Grants and Contributions

INAC currently delivers 36 authorities (voted grants and contributions). A one-to-one relationship between the authorities listed in the Main Estimates and the inventory of ongoing programs of grants and contributions deemed a 'program' by the Department exists in only seven instances. A number of programs draw on multiple grants and contributions. Conversely, there are grants and contributions that contribute to multiple departmental programs.

The Branch takes the above into account when planning in an effort to ensure that evaluations examine the relevance and performance of all voted grants and contributions over a five-year cycle. Evaluation activities are organized to capture necessary information either through discrete evaluations of individual authorities/grants and contributions, or through evaluations that speak to the relevance and performance of authorities imbedded in larger programs. Each evaluation report will clearly identify the authorities that have been addressed through the evaluation activities.

On this basis, the Plan outlines the planned timing of evaluations in Appendix C – Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada – Coverage of Ongoing Programs of Grants and Contributions – 2016-17 to 2020-21. This table links all authorities to all departmental programs. This helps clarify the links that exist between and amongst authorities and programs in order to support the Department's efforts to meet Federal Accountability Act requirements and to provide the necessary performance information.

In 2016-17, it is anticipated that 22 of 36 authorities (61 percent) will be addressed in full or in part as part of the Branch's planned evaluations and reports that are expected to be approved.

2.5 Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Branch Performance Metrics

EPMRB has established performance measures to ensure progress towards coverage requirements. The Audit and Evaluation Sector Business Plan 2016-17 has set targets for the Branch regarding the initiation, progression and completion of scheduled evaluations. The Branch has targeted 50 percent of scheduled evaluations being initiated in the first quarter of the fiscal year; an additional 25 percent in the second quarter and the final 25 percent in the third quarter. Thus, for Year 1 of the Plan, five evaluations will be started in Q1, four to start in Q2 and the remaining two in Q3. In addition, the Branch has established targets for its deliverables, as follows:

  • Eighty percent of evaluations will deliver preliminary findings as scheduled; and
  • Sixty-five percent of evaluations projects will see final reports delivered as scheduled.

2.6 Implementing the Plan

Evaluations conducted by EPMRB are used to inform decision making and reporting (such as the Reports on Plans and Priorities, Departmental Performance Reports, Annual Report on the State of Performance Measurement); and to assess progress made by programs in achieving expected results and to incorporate lessons learned in order to improve program design and delivery.

Increasingly, as a means of managing workload, improving the timeliness of evaluations and ensuring the greatest relevance of the evaluation function, the Branch will work to focus on priority issues in its evaluations, and will seek to scope them to respond to the most pressing relevance, performance and efficiency theme as determined in its planning phase. Impending policy changes provide for more flexibility in the identification of issues, allowing EPMRB more flexibility in scoping its work. Once defined, the Terms of Reference for each evaluation will then be approved by the EPMRC.

Further, in 2015-16 EPMRB put in place new standing offer agreements with a range of firms providing access to evaluation, survey and statistical and quantitative analysis services. In support of achieving its plan, the Branch will appropriately complement its in-house led activities with the skills of additional evaluation resources where appropriate.

The table below provides an overview of evaluation expenditures and human resources, both planned and actual over a three year horizon.

Table 2: Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Branch Actual and Planned Expenditures
Expenditure Type 2014-15 (Actuals) 2015-16 (Actual) 2016-17 (Planned)
Salaries $1,555,208.78 $1,868,282.00 $1,950,000.00
Contracted Services -
Specific to evaluations
$808,780.81 $165,456.15 $500,000.00
Operations and Maintenance -
Excluding Contracted Services (specific to evaluations)
$354,168.66 $319,978.12 $330,000.00
Total $2,718,158.25 $2,353,716.27 $2,780,000.00
Full-Time Equivalents (#) 16.31 21.42 22

Note that while 22 full time equivalent positions are listed, the Branch, must work to address position vacancies on an ongoing basis as it has seldom been at full capacity given the general movement of staff to other opportunities and the ensuing timelines needed to fill positions. The Branch also leverages the skills and talents of undergraduate and graduate students throughout the year.

2.7 Other Branch Activities

In addition to conducting evaluations, the Branch undertakes a wide range of activities to support and strengthen the Department's evaluation and performance measurement work. These include providing advice and support on performance measurement, corporate planning and reporting at the departmental level (e.g., Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Management Framework), supporting capacity building and outreach activities, and developing research and special studies on evaluation and performance measurement issues.

Performance Measurement

EPMRB works closely with other key internal service offices to provide advice and guidance on performance measurement strategies and other performance measurement-related activities in the Department.

In addition, the role of the EPMRC has been to review and recommend the Deputy Head approve performance measurement strategies, and annual updates to the Department's Five-year Plan on Evaluation and Performance Measurement Strategies. In light of forthcoming changes that will affect all areas of performance measurement and evaluation, EPMRB will continue to provide advice and guidance to programs on new performance measurement and evaluation requirements, as well as the roles and responsibilities flowing from the new Policy on Results and Resource Alignment.


The Branch also undertakes reviews, which are distinct from evaluations and conducted on a case-by-case basis as directed by the Deputy Minister. EPMRB and other branches of the Audit and Evaluation Sector conduct or commissions these reviews, discussion papers and studies on topics of relevance to their mandates.

Corporate Advice

The Branch provides advice and support across in the Department on the development of Treasury Board submissions and Memoranda to Cabinet, on the Department's Report on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Report and other related activities.

Capacity Development

In support of increased capacity within the federal evaluation function, EPMRB team members deliver presentations and course work within the evaluation community. In 2016-17, INAC will present at the Canadian Evaluation Society Conference on the results of its 2015-16 Internship project, which supported INAC's Strategic Policy Directorate on the analysis of public reporting against departmental performance metrics. "Navigating the Unchartered Waters of INAC's Performance Story: Where program outcomes meet community impacts" will detail the work done by the Department to analyze the robustness of its strategic outcome and program indicators.

EPMRB considers capacity development a key part of its work and has undertaken to provide undergraduate and graduate students from across the country with opportunities to learn more about evaluation, performance measurement and the Department in general. It regularly hires students to actively work and contribute to program evaluations.

Summer Internship Program

Beginning in 2008, the Branch has offered a unique internship program whereby eight to ten graduate students from selected universitiesFootnote 8 across Canada, enrolled in Public Policy or Administration, are hired for a period of 16 weeks over the summer. Students are placed in positions throughout the Department to gain a deeper understanding of INAC activities, work in teams on a research project, and participate in learning sessions that provide them with the knowledge and skills necessary to complete their research project and to support their career development. The project in 2015-16, entitled Advancing AANDC's Results-Based Management Capacity, focused on updating, streamlining and refining Performance Measurement Strategy Indicators that are used throughout the Department to meet Program Alignment Architecture objectives. It was presented to the EPMRC and was noted as advanced the Department's understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of its performance measurement regime.

In 2016-17, it is anticipated that the interns will undertake work that will support EPMRB in playing a role that will assist the Department in meeting the objectives of its Mandate Letter, as well as its key priorities as articulated by the Cabinet committee on Agenda, Results and Communications.



Appendix A: INAC’s 2016-17 Program Alignment Architecture

INAC’s 2016-17 Program Alignment Architecture
Text alternative for Appendix A: INAC’s 2016-17 Program Alignment Architecture

1 The Government Support good governance, rights and interests of Aboriginal Peoples

1.1 Governance and Institutions of Government
1.1.1 First Nation Governments
1.1.2 Aboriginal Governance Institutions and Organizations

1.2 Aboriginal Rights and Interests
1.2.1 Negotiations of Claims and Self-Government Agreements

1.2.2 Specific Claims
1.2.3 Consultation and Accommodation
1.2.4 Métis Relations and Rights Management, and Non-Status Indian Relations

1.3 Management and Implementation of Agreements and Treaties

2 The People Individual, family and community well-being for First Nations and Inuit

2.1 Education
2.1.1 Elementary and Secondary Education
2.1.2 Post-Secondary Education

2.2 Social Development
2.2.1 Income Assistance
2.2.2 National Child Benefit
2.2.3 Assisted Living
2.2.4 First Nations Child and Family Services
2.2.5 Family Violence Prevention

2.3 First Nations Individual Affairs
2.3.1 Registration and Membership
2.3.2 Estates

2.4 Residential Schools Resolution
2.4.1 Independent Assessment Process
2.4.2 Reconciliation
2.4.3 Support to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

3 The Land and Economy Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non-Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy

3.1 Aboriginal Entrepreneurship
3.1.1 Business Capital and Support Services
3.1.2 Business Opportunities

3.2 Community Economic Development
3.2.1 Lands and Economic Development Services
3.2.2 Investment in Economic Opportunities
3.2.3 Administration of Reserve Land
3.2.4 Contaminated Sites (On Reserve)

3.3 Strategic Partnerships

3.4 Infrastructure and Capacity
3.4.1 Water and Wastewater
3.4.2 Education Facilities
3.4.3 Housing
3.4.4 Other Community Infrastructure and Activities
3.4.5 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
3.4.6 Emergency Management Assistance

3.5 Urban Aboriginal Participation

4 The North Self-reliance, prosperity and well-being for the people and communities of the North

4.1 Northern Governance and People
4.1.1 Political Development and Intergovernmental Relations
4.1.2 Nutrition North
4.1.3 Climate Change Adaptation

4.2 Northern Science and Technology
4.2.1 Northern Contaminants
4.2.2 Science Initiatives

4.3 Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Management
4.3.1 Petroleum and Minerals
4.3.2 Contaminated Sites
4.3.3 Land and Water Management

5.1 Internal Services



Appendix B - Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada - Five-year Evaluation Schedule 2016-17 to 2020-21

Select Organization Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Identify PAA used: 2016-2017
Spending Source: Main Estimates (2016-17)
Identify total organizational spending ($) $7,505,552,140.00

* PAA – Program Alignment Architecture
* DPS – Direct Program Spending
* G&C – Grants and Contributions

Link to
PAA #(s)
Proposed Title of the Evaluation Identify Policy on Evaluation Coverage Requirement: Horizontal Evaluation (No/Lead/ Participant) Priority
as per Risk-Based Audit Plan 2016-17 to 2018-2019
Planned Audit
Completion as per Risk-Based Audit Plan 2016-17 to 2018-2019
Involves Public Opinion Research Date Last Evaluated (Deputy Head Approval Date)
Planned Evaluation Start Date (M\Y) Planned Preliminary Findings Presented Date (M\Y) Planned Deputy Head Approval Date
Estimated G&C Value ($) Estimated Value (Including Gs&Cs)
1570-7/14080 1.1 Evaluation of Governance and Institutions of Government DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal High Completed 2015/16 No Apr-11 Jan-16 Sep-16 Mar-17 355,664,301 395,355,192
1570-7/16119 1.1.2 Evaluation of Implementation and Enforcement Supports for the Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act
(Matrimonial Real Property)
DPS and Ongoing G&C Horizontal Lead High N/A No N/A Jun-16 Jan-17 Jun-17 1,175,700 1,815,700
1570-7/161120 1.2.4 Evaluation of Métis and Non-Status Indian Relations and Métis Rights Management (Formerly the Federal Interlocutor Program) DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal High Audit of Métis Relations and Rights Management, and Non-Status Indian Relations Program
No Sep-13 Dec-16 Jun-17 Dec-17 14,663,588 19,977,380
1570-7/08040 1.3a Evaluation of Treaty Commissions DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Very High Audit of the Implementation of Modern Treaty Obligations
Q4 2016/17
No Feb-10 Dec-16 n/a Sep-17 5,715,521 7,752,860
1570-7/15109 2.1 Review of the Implementation of the Tripartite Education Framework Agreement Spending not subject to the Policy on Evaluation Non-Horizontal High   No N/A Jul-15 Apr-16 Jun-16 7,300,000 7,300,000
1570-7/12035 2.2.1 Evaluation of Income Assistance DPS and Ongoing G&C Horizontal Lead Very High Evaluation of Income Assistance Program
No Feb-09 Sep-16 Mar-17 Sep-17 1,044,663,082 1,052,098,399
1570-7/10024 2.2.5 Evaluation of Family Violence Prevention DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal High Audit of the Family Violence Prevention Program
No Feb-12 Jun-16 Dec-16 Mar-17 31,205,393 33,250,502
1570-7/16126 2.2.5a Horizontal Evaluation of the National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking DPS and Ongoing G&C Horizontal Participant High Audit of the Family Violence Prevention Program
No N/A Jun-16 n/a Jun-17 0 0
1570-7/16121 2.3.1 Evaluation of Administration of Registration and Membership DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Very High System Under Development Audit of the Secure Integrated Registration and Certification Unit
Q2 2016/17
Audit of the Indian Registration System
TBA 2017/18
No Sep-10 Dec-16 Mar-17 Dec-17 8,066,674 24,878,196
1570-7/15111 2.4.2 Lessons Learned - Personal Credits Spending not subject to the Policy on Evaluation Non-Horizontal High N/A No N/A Sep-15 Apr-16 Sep-16 0 0
1570-7/15108 3.4.3 Evaluation of On-Reserve Housing DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Very High Audit of the On-Reserve Housing Program
Q1 2016/17
No Jun-12 Oct-15 Jun-16 Dec-16 157,519,209 159,632,424
1570-7/16122 3.4.6 Evaluation of the Emergency Management Assistance Program DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Very High Audit of the Emergency Management Assistance Program
Q3 2016/17
No Jun-12 Jun-16 Dec-16 Mar-17 64,977,822 67,165,877
1570-7/09083 3.5 Evaluation of the Urban Aboriginal Strategy DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal High Audit of Urban Aboriginal Strategy Program
Q1 2016/17
No Jun-11 Jun-16 Sep-16 Dec-16 27,313,051 29,645,997
1570-7/14093 4.1.1 Evaluation of Northern Governance - Support for Territorial Relations and Northern Organizations DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Moderate   No N/A Jun-15 N/A Sep-16 10,250,393 23,281,425
1570-7/16123 4.1.1 Evaluation of Northern Hospital and Physician Services DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Moderate   No N/A Jun-16 Dec-16 Mar-17 54,367,000 54,367,000
1570-7/XXXXX 4.1.3 Environment Canada Horizontal Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation DPS and Ongoing G&C Horizontal Participant Low   No Feb-11 May-15 N/A Feb-16 0 94,072
1570-7/16124 4.3.3 Evaluation of Land and Water Management DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Moderate   No Apr-13 Sep-16 Mar-17 Jun-17 4,526,729 24,675,119
1570-7/15116 5.1
Internal Services
Evaluation of the Implementation of Workplace 2.0 Spending not subject to the Policy on Evaluation Non-Horizontal Low   No N/A Sep-15 Mar-16 Jun-16 0 0
1570-7/15117 5.1 Internal Services Evaluation of the Annual Agreement Management Cycle Spending not subject to the Policy on Evaluation Non-Horizontal High   No N/A Sep-15 Jan-17 Mar-17 0 0
1570-7/15115 5.1
Internal Services
Aboriginal Leadership Development Initiative Spending not subject to the Policy on Evaluation Non-Horizontal Moderate   No N/A Dec-16 Mar-17 Sep-17    
1570-7/15114 5.1
Internal Services
Evaluation of the Business Management Units Spending not subject to the Policy on Evaluation Non-Horizontal High   No N/A Oct-15 Jun-16 Sep-16 0 0
Total Year 2016-17 1,787,408,463 1,901,290,143
Link to
PAA #(s)
Proposed Title of the Evaluation Identify Policy on Evaluation Coverage Requirement: Horizontal Evaluation (No/Lead/ Participant) Priority
as per Risk-Based Audit Plan 2016-17 to 2018-2019
Planned Audit
Completion as per Risk-Based Audit Plan 2016-17 to 2018-2019
Involves Public Opinion Research Date Last Evaluated (Deputy Head Approval Date)
Planned Evaluation Start Date (M\Y) Planned Preliminary Findings Presented Date (M\Y) Planned Deputy Head Approval Date
Estimated G&C Value ($) Estimated Value (Including Gs&Cs)
1570-7/XXXXX 1.2.2 Evaluation of Specific Claims DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Very High Audit of INAC Support to the Specific Claims Process
Q1 2016/17
No Apr-13 Mar-17   Mar-18 377,617,693 383,165,319
1570-7/XXXXX 2.1.1 Evaluation of Elementary and Secondary Education DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Very High Audit of the Elementary and Secondary Education Program
TBA 2016/17
No Jun-12 Mar-17   Mar-18 1,437,704,670 1,463,679,017
1570-7/XXXXX 2.2.3 Evaluation of the Assisted Living Program DPS and Ongoing G&C Horizontal High   No Feb-09 Jan-17   Mar-18    
1570-7/XXXXX 2.1.2 Post-Secondary Education (note: to include Indspire) DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal High Audit of the Post- Secondary Education Program
No Jun-12 Mar-17   Mar-18 356,623,107 358,318,901
1570-7/XXXXX 2.2.4 Evaluation of the First Nations Child and Family Services Program DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Very High Audit of the First Nations Child and Family Services Program
Q4 2016/17
No Apr-14 Mar-17   Mar-18 673,638,979 679,011,897
1570-7/XXXXX 3.3 Evaluation of the Strategic Partnerships Initiative DPS and Ongoing G&C Horizontal Lead Low   No Sep-14 Mar-17   Mar-18 31,700,000 39,583,926
1570-7/15113  5.1
Internal Services
Contracting and Procurement Hubs Spending not subject to the Policy on Evaluation Non-Horizontal High   No N/A Mar-17   Mar-18    
1570-7/XXXXX 4.1.2 Evaluation of Nutrition North Canada DPS and Ongoing G&C Horizontal Lead High Audit of Nutrition North Canada
No Sep-13 Mar-17   Mar-18 53,930,000 57,151,800
Total Year 2017-18 2,931,214,449 2,980,910,860
Link to
PAA #(s)
Proposed Title of the Evaluation Identify Policy on Evaluation Coverage Requirement: Horizontal Evaluation (No/Lead/ Participant) Priority
as per Risk-Based Audit Plan 2016-17 to 2018-2019
Planned Audit
Completion as per Risk-Based Audit Plan 2016-17 to 2018-2019
Involves Public Opinion Research Date Last Evaluated (Deputy Head Approval Date)
Planned Evaluation Start Date (M\Y) Planned Preliminary Findings Presented Date (M\Y) Planned Deputy Head Approval Date
Estimated G&C Value ($) Estimated Value (Including Gs&Cs)
1570-7/XXXXX 2.3.2 Evaluation of the Estates Program DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Low   No Apr-13 Mar-18   Mar-19 209,039 4,033,424
1570-7/XXXXX 1.2.1 Evaluation of Negotiations of Claims and Self-Government Agreements DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Very High Audit of Negotiations of Comprehensive Land Claims and Self-government Agreements
No Nov-13 Mar-18   Mar-19 24,169,120 40,768,972
1570-7/XXXXX 1.3 Evaluation of Pre-1975 Treaties DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Very High Audit of the Implementation of Modern Treaty Obligations
Q4 2016/17
No Nov-13 Mar-18   Mar-19 821,183 2,174,840
1570-7/XXXXX 3.4 Evaluation of the Infrastructure and Capacity Program - Water and Wastewater DPS and Ongoing G&C Horizontal Lead Very High Audit of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Program 2017/18 No Sep-13 Mar-18   Mar-19 198,099,961 202,965,486
1570-7/XXXXX 4.3.2 Evaluation of the Contaminated Sites Program DPS and Ongoing G&C Horizontal Participant Very High Audit of Contingent Liabilities 2017/18
Audit of Contaminated Sites Program 2018/19
No Sep-13 Mar-18   Mar-19 8,679,970 28,055,668
Year 2018-19 231,979,273 277,998,390
Link to
PAA #(s)
Proposed Title of the Evaluation Identify Policy on Evaluation Coverage Requirement: Horizontal Evaluation (No/Lead/ Participant) Priority
as per Risk-Based Audit Plan 2016-17 to 2018-2019
Planned Audit
Completion as per Risk-Based Audit Plan 2016-17 to 2018-2019
Involves Public Opinion Research Date Last Evaluated (Deputy Head Approval Date)
Planned Evaluation Start Date (M\Y) Planned Preliminary Findings Presented Date (M\Y) Planned Deputy Head Approval Date
Estimated G&C Value ($) Estimated Value (Including Gs&Cs)
1570-7/XXXXX 1.2.3 Evaluation of Consultation and Accommodation DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal High   No Apr-15 Mar-19   Mar-20 37,522,308 43,520,569
1570-7/XXXXX 2.1 ESDC-led Horizontal Evaluation of the Youth Employment Strategy DPS and Ongoing G&C Horizontal Participant Very High Audit of the Elementary and Secondary Education Program
TBA 2016/17
No Feb-15 Mar-19   Mar-20 26,175,000 26,175,000
1570-7/XXXXX 3.2.2 Evaluation of the Investment in Economic Opportunities Program DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Moderate   No Feb-15 Mar-19   Mar-20 30,052,781 34,058,368
1570-7/XXXXX 4.2 Evaluation of the Northern Science and Technology Program DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Low   No Sep-13 Mar-19   Mar-20 3,873,028 47,822,067
Total Year 2019-20 97,623,117 151,576,004
Link to
PAA #(s)
Proposed Title of the Evaluation Identify Policy on Evaluation Coverage Requirement: Horizontal Evaluation (No/Lead/ Participant) Priority
as per Risk-Based Audit Plan 2016-17 to 2018-2019
Planned Audit
Completion as per Risk-Based Audit Plan 2016-17 to 2018-2019
Involves Public Opinion Research Date Last Evaluated (Deputy Head Approval Date)
Planned Evaluation Start Date (M\Y) Planned Preliminary Findings Presented Date (M\Y) Planned Deputy Head Approval Date
Estimated G&C Value ($) Estimated Value (Including Gs&Cs)
1570-7/XXXXX 1.3 Evaluation of Modern Treaties and Self-Government DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Very High Audit of the Implementation of Modern Treaty Obligations
Q4 2016/17
No Jan-16 Mar-20   Mar-21 710,670,844 727,911,903
1570-7/XXXXX 3.1 Evaluation of Aboriginal Entrepreneurship DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Moderate   No Jan-16 Mar-20   Mar-21 36,450,000 42,636,070
1570-7/XXXXX 3.2.1 Evaluation of Lands and Economic Development Services DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal High Audit of Economic Development Programs
No Jun-15 Mar-20   Mar-21 112,430,538 138,344,764
1570-7/XXXXX 3.2.3 Evaluation of the Administration of Reserve Land DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal High Audit of Additions to Reserves Process
TBA 2016/17
Audit of Lands Management (incl. Lands Registry System)
No Sep-15 Mar-20   Mar-21 6,283,000 33,078,386
1570-7/XXXXX 3.2.4 Evaluation of Contaminated Sites (On Reserve) DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal High Audit of Contingent Liabilities 2017/18

Audit of Contaminated Sites Program 2018/19
No Jan-16 Mar-20   Mar-21 3,286,911 3,992,793
1570-7/XXXXX 3.4 Evaluation of Education and Community Infrastructure
(Other Community Infrastructure and Activities)
DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal High Audit of the Education Facilities Program
TBA 2017/18
No Jun-15 Mar-20   Mar-21 735,419,373 752,968,481
1570-7/XXXXX 3.4.5 Evaluation of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (Eco-Energy for Aboriginal and Northern Communities) DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Low   No Jun-15 Mar-20   Mar-21 0 0
1570-7/XXXXX 4.3.1 Evaluation of Petroleum and Minerals DPS and Ongoing G&C Non-Horizontal Moderate   No Jan-16 Mar-20   Mar-21 0 4,411,966
Total Year 2020-21 1,604,540,666 1,703,344,363
Five-year Total 6,652,765,968 7,015,119,760
Spending not subject to the Policy on Evaluation
Internal Services 0 224,014,004
Independent Assessment Process 0 165,991,965
Other Statutory Spending - excluding Employee Benefits Plan 0 100,426,411
Total spending not subject to the Policy on Evaluation 0 490,432,380
Total 6,652,765,968 7,505,552,140
% of Spending accounted for 100%


Appendix C: Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada – Coverage of Ongoing Programs of Grants and Contributions - 2016-17 to 2020-21

Organization Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Enter the total value ($) of Voted Grants and Contributions from the Main Estimates for FY 1 $6,652,765,968.00

Status of Evaluation Coverage of all Ongoing Programs of Grants and Contributions as Required by Section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act

Title of Ongoing Program of Gs&Cs Title of Corresponding Voted Gs&Cs Listed in the Main Estimates Estimated Voted Gs&Cs Value($) Estimated Program Value
Program Start Date (M\Y) Program End Date (M\Y or ongoing) Date of Next Planned Evaluation (Expected Deputy Head Approval Date) (M\Y) Date Last Evaluated (Deputy Head Approval Date) (M\Y) Title of Last Evaluation
First Nations Governments Contributions to Financial Transfer Agreement     Dec-2006     Jul-2009 Indian Government Support Program
  Contributions to supply public services in Indian Government Support and to build strong governance administrative and accountability systems     Dec-2006     Jul-2009 Indian Government Support Program
  Grants for Band Support Funding     Dec-2006     Jul-2009 Indian Government Support Program
  Grants to British Columbia Indian bands in lieu of a per capita annuity     Dec-2006     Jul-2009 Indian Government Support Program
  Grants to the Miawpukek Indian Band to support designated programs     Dec-2006     Feb-2011 Miawpukek First Nation Grant Agreement
    $340,811,035 $379,957,788          
Aboriginal Governance Institutions and Organizations Contributions to Financial Transfer Agreement     Dec-2006     Apr-2011 Implementation of the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act
  Contributions to supply public services in Indian Government Support and to build strong governance administrative and accountability systems     Dec-2006     Apr-2011 Implementation of the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act
  Grants to the First Nations Finance Authority pursuant to the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act     Dec-2006     Apr-2011 Implementation of the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act
    $14,853,266 $15,397,404   Ongoing Dec-2016    
Matrimonial Real Property Contributions to supply public services in Indian Government Support and to build strong governance administrative and accountability systems $1,175,700 $1,815,700 Nov-2013 Mar-2018 Mar-2017 N/A N/A
Negotiations of Claims and Self-Government Agreements Contributions to support the negotiation and implementation of Treaties, Claims and self-government agreements or initiatives     Dec-2006     Nov-2013 Process for Negotiating Comprehensive Land Claims and Self-Government Agreements
Negotiations of Claims and Self-Government Agreements Contributions to promote social and political development in the North     Dec-2006     Nov-2013 Process for Negotiating Comprehensive Land Claims and Self-Government Agreements
Negotiations of Claims and Self-Government Agreements Contributions to supply public services in Indian Government Support and to build strong governance administrative and accountability systems     Dec-2006     Nov-2013 Process for Negotiating Comprehensive Land Claims and Self-Government Agreements
    $24,169,120 $40,768,972   Ongoing Nov-2018    
Specific Claims Contributions to support the negotiation and implementation of Treaties, Claims and self-government agreements or initiatives     Dec-2008     Apr-13 Summative Evaluation of the Specific Claims Action Plan
Specific Claims Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development     Dec-2008     Apr-13 Summative Evaluation of the Specific Claims Action Plan
Specific Claims Grants to First Nations to settle specific claims negotiated by Canada and/or awarded by the Specific Claims Tribunal     Dec-2008     Apr-13 Summative Evaluation of the Specific Claims Action Plan
    $377,617,693 $383,165,319   Mar-2019 Mar-2018    
Consultation and Accommodation Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development     Dec-2006     Apr-2014 Evaluation of Engagement and Policy Development
Consultation and Accommodation Contributions to supply public services in Indian Government Support and to build strong governance administrative and accountability systems     Dec-2006     Apr-2015 Evaluation of Consultation and Accommodation Unit
Consultation and Accommodation Federal Interlocutor's Contribution Program     Dec-2006     Apr-2015 Evaluation of Consultation and Accommodation Unit
Consultation and Accommodation Contribution for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North's natural resources and promoting scientific development     Dec-2006       Evaluation of Consultation and Accommodation Unit
Consultation and Accommodation Contributions to support the basic organizational capacity of representative Aboriginal organizations     Dec-2006     Apr-2015 Evaluation of Consultation and Accommodation Unit
    $37,522,308 $43,520,569   Ongoing Mar-2020    
Métis Relations and Rights Management and Non-Status Indian Relations Federal Interlocutor's Contribution Program $14,663,588 $19,977,380 Dec-2006 Ongoing Dec-2017 Sep-2013 Federal Interlocutor's Bilateral and Tripartite Processes and the Powley Initiative
Management and Implementation of Agreements and Treaties Grants to participating First Nations and First Nations Education Authority pursuant to the First Nations Jurisdiction over Education in British Columbia Act     Sep-2007     Jan-2016 Evaluation of the Impact of Self Government Agreements
Management and Implementation of Agreements and Treaties Contributions to support the negotiation and implementation of Treaties, Claims and self-government agreements or initiatives     Sep-2007     Jan-2016 Evaluation of the Impact of Self Government Agreements
Management and Implementation of Agreements and Treaties Grants to implement comprehensive land claims and self-government agreements     Sep-2007     Jan-2016 Evaluation of the Impact of Self Government Agreements
Management and Implementation of Agreements and Treaties Contributions to support First Nations Elementary and Secondary Educational Advancement     Sep-2007     Jan-2016 Evaluation of the Impact of Self Government Agreements
    $710,670,844 $727,911,903   Ongoing Jan-2021    
Pre-1975 ("Historic") Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development $821,183 $2,174,840 Sep-2007 Ongoing Nov-2018 Feb-2010 Treaty Commissions
Treaty Commissions Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development     Sep-2007     Feb-2010 Treaty Commissions
Treaty Commissions Contributions to support the negotiation and implementation of Treaties, Claims and self- government agreements or initiatives     Sep-2007     Feb-2010 Treaty Commissions
    $5,715,521 $7,752,860   Ongoing Jun-2017    
Elementary and Secondary Education Contributions to Financial Transfer Agreement     Dec-2006     Apr-2015 Review of Federally Managed Schools on Reserve in Ontario
Elementary and Secondary Education Contributions to support First Nations Elementary and Secondary Educational Advancement     Dec-2006     Jun-2012 Summative Evaluation of the Elementary / Secondary Education Program on Reserve
Elementary and Secondary Education Grants to support First Nations Elementary and Secondary Educational Advancement     Dec-2006     Jun-2012 Summative Evaluation of the Elementary / Secondary Education Program on Reserve
Elementary and Secondary Education Contributions to increase First Nations and Inuit Youth Participation in Education and Labour Market Opportunities     Dec-2006     Jun-2012 Summative Evaluation of the Elementary / Secondary Education Program on Reserve
Elementary and Secondary Education Grants to increase First Nations and Inuit Youth Participation in Education and Labour Market Opportunities     Dec-2006     Jun-2012 Summative Evaluation of the Elementary / Secondary Education Program on Reserve
    $1,445,004,670 $1,470,979,017   Ongoing Jun-2017    
Youth Employment Strategy Contributions to increase First Nations and Inuit Youth Participation in Education and Labour Market Opportunities $26,175,000 $26,175,000 Dec-2006 Ongoing Jan-2020 Feb-2015 ESDC-led Horizontal Summative Evaluation of th Youth Employment Strategy - Phase II
Post-Secondary Education Contributions to support First Nations and Inuit Post-Secondary Educational Advancement     Dec-2006     Jun-2012 Summative Evaluation of the Post-Secondary Education Program
Post-Secondary Education Grants to support First Nations and Inuit Post-Secondary Educational Advancement     Dec-2006     Jun-2012 Summative Evaluation of the Post-Secondary Education Program
Post-Secondary Education Contributions to increase First Nations and Inuit Youth Participation in Education and Labour Market Opportunities     Dec-2006     Nov-2009 National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation (NAAF)
    $356,623,107 $358,318,901   Ongoing Jun-2017    
Income Assistance, National Child Benefit and Assisted Living Contributions to Financial Transfer Agreement     Dec-2006     Feb-2009 Impact Evaluation of the Income Assistance, National Child Benefit Reinvestment and Assisted Living Programs
Income Assistance, National Child Benefit and Assisted Living Contributions to provide Income Support to on-reserve residents     Dec-2006     Jan-2016 Joint Evaluation of the On-Reserve Income Assistance Reform
Income Assistance, National Child Benefit and Assisted Living Grants to provide income support to on-reserve residents     Dec-2006     Feb-2009 Impact Evaluation of the Income Assistance, National Child Benefit Reinvestment and Assisted Living Programs
    $1,044,663,082 $1,052,098,399   Ongoing Sep-2017    
First Nations Child and Family Services Contributions to provide Income Support to on-reserve residents     Dec-2006     Apr-2014 Enhanced Prevention Approach for the First Nations Child and Family Services Program in Manitoba
First Nations Child and Family Services Contributions to provide women, children and families with Protection and Prevention Services     Dec-2006     Apr-2014 Enhanced Prevention Approach for the First Nations Child and Family Services Program in Manitoba
    $673,638,979 $679,011,897   Ongoing Mar-2018    
Family Violence Prevention Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development     Dec-2006     Feb-2012 Family Violence Prevention
Family Violence Prevention Contributions to provide women, children and families with Protection and Prevention Services     Dec-2006     Feb-2012 Family Violence Prevention
    $31,205,393 $33,250,502   Ongoing Feb-2017    
Registration and Membership Contributions to Financial Transfer Agreement     Dec-2006     Sep-2010 Summative Evaluation of the Contributions Made to Indian Bands for the Registration Administration
Registration and Membership Contributions to Indian Bands for registration administration     Dec-2006     Sep-2010 Summative Evaluation of the Contributions Made to Indian Bands for the Registration Administration
Registration and Membership Contributions to support Land Management and Economic Development     Dec-2006     Sep-2010 Summative Evaluation of the Contributions Made to Indian Bands for the Registration Administration
    $8,066,674 $24,878,196   Ongoing Sep-2017    
Estates Contributions to supply public services in Indian Government Support and to build strong governance administrative and accountability systems $209,039 $4,033,424   Ongoing Apr-2018 April-2013 Evaluation of Indian Moneys, Estates and Treaty Annuities
Aboriginal Entrepreneurship (Business Capital and Support Services and Business Opportunities) Contributions to support Land Management and Economic Development     Dec-2006     Jan-2016 Evaluation of Business Capital and Support Services Program
              Jun-2014 Evaluation of the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Businesses
    $36,450,000 $42,636,070   Ongoing Jan-2021    
Lands and Economic Development Services Contributions to Financial Transfer Agreement     Dec-2006     Jun-2015 Evaluation of Economic and Development Services
Lands and Economic Development Services Contributions to support Land Management and Economic Development     Dec-2006     Jun-2015 Evaluation of Economic and Development Services
Lands and Economic Development Services Contributions to First Nations for the Management of contaminated sites     Dec-2006     Jun-2015 Evaluation of Economic and Development Services
    $112,430,538 $138,344,764   Ongoing Jun-2020    
Investment in Economic Opportunities Contributions to support Land Management and Economic Development $30,052,781 $34,058,368 Dec-2006 Ongoing Feb-2020 Feb-2015 Evaluation of the Investment in Economic Opportunities
Administration of Reserve Land Grants to First Nations to settle specific claims negotiated by Canada and/or awarded by the Specific Claims Tribunal     Dec-2006     Sep-2015 Evaluation of Administration of Reserve Land
Administration of Reserve Land Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development     Dec-2006     Sep-2015 Evaluation of Administration of Reserve Land
Administration of Reserve Land Contributions to support Land Management and Economic Development     Dec-2006     Sep-2015 Evaluation of Administration of Reserve Land
    $6,283,000 $33,078,386   Ongoing Sep-2020    
Contaminated Sites (On Reserve) Contributions to First Nations for the Management of contaminated sites     Dec-2006     Jan-2016 Evaluation of Contaminated Sites South of 60 Program
Contaminated Sites (On Reserve) Contributions to support Land Management and Economic Development     Dec-2006     Jan-2016 Evaluation of Contaminated Sites South of 60 Program
    $3,286,911 $3,992,793   Ongoing Jan-2021    
Strategic Partnerships Contributions to support the Aboriginal Economic Development Strategic Partnerships Initiative $31,700,000 $39,583,926 Jun-2010 Ongoing Mar-2018 Sep-2014 Evaluation of Strategic Partnership Initiatives
Water and Wastewater Contributions to support the construction and maintenance of community Infrastructure $198,099,961 $202,965,486 Dec-2006 Ongoing Sep-2018 Sep-2013 Evaluation of the First Nations Water and water Action Plan
Education Facilities Contributions to Financial Transfer Agreement     Dec-2006     Jun-2015 Evaluation of Education Facilities and Community Infrastructure
Education Facilities Contributions to support the construction and maintenance of community Infrastructure     Dec-2006     Jun-2015 Evaluation of Education Facilities and Community Infrastructure
    $304,328,316 $306,428,973   Ongoing Jun-2020    
Housing Contributions to Financial Transfer Agreement     Dec-2006     Jun-2012 First Nations Market Housing Fund
Housing Contributions to support the construction and maintenance of community Infrastructure     Dec-2006     Jun-2012 First Nations Market Housing Fund
    $157,519,209 $159,632,424   Ongoing Dec-2016    
Other Community Infrastructure and Activities Contributions to Financial Transfer Agreement     Dec-2006     Jun-2015 Evaluation of Education Facilities and Community Infrastructure
Other Community Infrastructure and Activities Contributions to support the construction and maintenance of community Infrastructure     Dec-2006     Feb-2014 Evaluation of the First Nation Infrastructure Fund
    $431,091,057 $446,539,508   Ongoing Jun-2020    
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Contribution for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North's natural resources and promoting scientific development           Jun-2015 EcoEnergy for Aboriginal and Northern Communities
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Contributions to support the construction and maintenance of community Infrastructure           Jun-2015 EcoEnergy for Aboriginal and Northern Communities
    $0 $0   Ongoing Jun-2020    
Emergency Management Assistance Contributions for emergency management assistance for activities on-reserves $64,977,822 $67,165,877 Nov-2004 Ongoing Mar-2017 Jun-2012 Review of the Performance of the Emergency Management Assistance Program during the 2011-2012 Manitoba Floods
Urban Aboriginal Strategy Contribution for Urban Aboriginal Strategy $27,313,051 $29,645,997 Dec-2006 Ongoing Dec-2016 Jun-2011 Impact Evaluation of the Urban Aboriginal Strategy
Northern Governance and People - Political Development and Intergovernmental Relations Contributions to promote social and political development in the North     Dec-2006        
Northern Governance and People - Political Development and Intergovernmental Relations Grants for the Political Evolution of the Territories, particularly as it pertains to Devolution     Sep-2011        
Northern Governance and People - Political Development and Intergovernmental Relations Contribution for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North's natural resources and promoting scientific development     Dec-2006        
    $10,250,393 $23,281,425   Ongoing Sep-2016 N/A  
Hospital and Physician Services Grants to the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Nunavut for health care of Indians and Inuit $54,367,000 $54,367,000 Dec-2006 Ongoing Mar-2017 N/A N/A
Nutrition North Canada Contributions to support access to healthy foods in isolated northern communities $53,930,000 $57,151,800 Oct-2008 Ongoing Mar-2018 Sep-2013 Nutrition North Implementation
Climate Change Adaptation Contribution for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North's natural resources and promoting scientific development     Dec-2006     Feb-2011 Environment Canada Horizontal Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation
Climate Change Adaptation Contributions to support the construction and maintenance of community Infrastructure     Dec-2006     Feb-2011 Environment Canada Horizontal Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation
    $0 $94,072   Ongoing N/A    
Northern Science and Technology - Northern Contaminants Contribution for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North's natural resources and promoting scientific development $3,800,945 $3,965,345 Dec-2006 Ongoing Mar-2020 Sep-2012 Evaluation of the Northern Contaminates Program and Northern Scientific Training Program
Northern Science and Technology - Science Initiatives Contribution North for Science and Technology     May-2014     Sep-2012 Evaluation of the Northern Contaminates Program and Northern Scientific Training Program
Northern Science and Technology - Science Initiatives Grants North for Science and Technology   $0 May-2014     Sep-2012 Evaluation of the Northern Contaminates Program and Northern Scientific Training Program
    $0 $43,784,639   Ongoing Mar-2020    
Petroleum and Minerals   $0 $4,411,966   Ongoing Jan-2021 Jan-2016 Evaluation of Petroleum and Minerals
Contaminated Sites Contribution for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North's natural resources and promoting scientific development           Sep-2013 Evaluation of Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan - led by Environment Canada
  Transfer Payments to the Government of Yukon for the remediation of the Marwell Tar Pit site to support the contaminated sites in Yukon           Sep-2013 Evaluation of Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan - led by Environment Canada
    $8,679,970 $28,055,668   Ongoing Sep-2018    
Northern Land, Resources and Environmentl Management- Land and Water Management Contribution for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North's natural resources and promoting scientific development $4,526,729 $24,675,119     Jun-2017 Apr-2013 Evaluation of the Advancing Conservation Interest in the Northwest Territories: The Government of Canada's Involvement in the NWT Protected Areas Strategy
Sub-Total $6,652,693,885 $7,015,047,677  
% of the dollar value of Voted Grants and Contributions from the Main Estimates accounted for: 100.00% The value should be 100%
  This portion of the table is NOT required. Complete if it is relevant (i.e. evaluations are planned for these transfer payments) and useful to the department
Transfer Payments not Subject to Section 42.1 of the Reason it is not subject to section 42.1 of the (e.g. statutory, not ongoing, "other transfer payment", a provision to not evaluate the program was specified in a directive issued by the Treasury Board) Estimated Transfer Payment Value($) Estimated Program Value
Program Start Date Program End Date Date of Next Planned Evaluation Date Last Evaluated Title of Last Evaluation
    $0 $0          
Internal Services   $0 $224,014,004          
Independent Assessment Process   $0 $165,991,965          
Other Statutory Spending (excluding Employee Benefits Plan)   $0 $100,426,411          
Sub-Total $0 $490,432,380  
Total $6,652,693,885 $7,505,480,057  


Appendix D - Evaluation and Performance Measurement Review Committee – 2016-2017 Planned Schedule of Items

Evaluation Reports Evaluation Terms of Reference Evaluation Report Preliminary Findings   Audits and Audit Activity as they relate to Evaluations
Review of the Implementation of the Tripartite Education Agreement Framework – 2.1 Evaluation of Implementation and Enforcement Supports for the Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act – 1.1.2 Evaluation of On-Reserve Housing – 3.4.3   An Audit of On-Reserve Housing is scheduled for completion in Q1 2016-17
Lessons Learned - Personal Credits – 2.4 Evaluation of Family Violence Prevention Program – 2.2.5 Evaluation of the Annual Agreement Management Cycle – 5.1.1   An Audit of the Family Violence Prevention Program is scheduled for 2017-18
Evaluation of the Implementation of Workplace 2.0 – 5.1.2 Evaluation of the Emergency Management Assistance Program – 3.4.6     An Audit of the Emergency Management Assistance Program is scheduled for completion Q3 2016-17
Evaluation of the Business Management Units – 5.1.2 Evaluation of Urban Aboriginal Strategy – 3.5     An Audit of the Urban Aboriginal Strategy is scheduled for completion in Q1 2016-17
  Evaluation of Northern Hospital and Physician Services – 4.1.1     There are no scheduled audits for the Northern Hospital and Physician Services
  Summer Intern Project      
Evaluation Reports Evaluation Terms of Reference Evaluation Report Preliminary Findings   Audits and Audit Activity as they relate to Evaluations
Evaluation of the Annual Agreement Management Cycle – 5.1.1 Evaluation of Treaty Commissions – 1.3 Evaluation of Governance and the Institutions of Government – 1.1   An Audit of Capacity Development, that covers both sub-programs in 1.1 Governance and Institutions of Government, is scheduled for 2018-19
Evaluation of Northern Governance - Support for Territorial Relations and Northern Organizations – 4.1.1 Evaluation of Income Assistance, National Child Benefit and Assisted Living – 2.2 Evaluation of Urban Aboriginal Strategy – 3.5   An Audit of the Income Assistance Program is scheduled for 2018-19; there is no audit scheduled for Assisted Living during 2016-19; National Child Benefit is considered a 'low priority' auditable unit for 2016-19 and no audit is scheduled
Summer Intern Project Evaluation of Registration and Administration – 2.3.1     An Audit of the Indian Registration System is scheduled for 2017-18
  Evaluation of Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Management – 4.3.3     Land and Water Management is considered a 'moderate priority' auditable unit for 2016-19 and no audit is scheduled
Evaluation Reports Evaluation Terms of Reference Evaluation Report Preliminary Findings   Audits and Audit Activity as they relate to Evaluations
Evaluation of On-Reserve Housing – 3.4.3 Evaluation of Métis and Non-Status Indian Relations and Métis Rights Management – 1.2.4 Evaluation of Implementation and Enforcement Supports for the Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act – 1.1.2   An Audit of Métis Relations and Rights Management, and Non-Status Indian Relations Program is scheduled for 2018-19
Evaluation of Governance and the Institutions of Government – 1.1 Evaluation of the Aboriginal Leadership Development Initiative - 5.1.2 Evaluation of Family Violence Prevention – 2.2.5   The Aboriginal Leadership Development Initiative is an internal service; it may be considered part of Learning and Development; no audits are scheduled
Evaluation of Urban Aboriginal Strategy - 3.5   Evaluation of Registration and Administration – 2.3.1    
    Evaluation of the Emergency Management Assistance Program – 3.4.6    
    Evaluation of Northern Hospital and Physician Services – 4.1.1    
Evaluation Reports Evaluation Terms of Reference Evaluation Report Preliminary Findings   Audits and Audit Activity as they relate to Evaluations
Evaluation of Implementation and Enforcement Supports for the Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act – 1.1.2 Evaluation of Specific Claims – 1.2.2 Evaluation of Income Assistance, National Child Benefit and Assisted Living – 2.2 (early update)    
Evaluation of Family Violence Prevention – 2.2.5 Evaluation of Elementary and Secondary Education – 2.1.1      
Evaluation of the Emergency Management Assistance Program – 3.4.6 Post-Secondary Education (note: to include Indspire) - 2.1.2      
Evaluation of Northern Hospital and Physician Services – 4.1.1 Evaluation of the First Nations Child and Family Services Program – 2.2.4      
  Evaluation of the Strategic Partnerships Initiative – 3.3      
  Evaluation of Nutrition North Canada - 4.1.2      
  Evaluation of Contracting and Procurement Hubs – 5.1.2      

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