Five-Year Plan for Evaluation and Performance Measurement Strategies 2015-16 to 2019-20

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Table of contents


I approve the Five-Year Plan for Evaluation and Performance Measurement Strategies for Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada for 2015-16 to 2019-20, which I submit to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat as required by the Policy on Evaluation.

As per Section 6.1.8 of the Policy, I confirm that the following evaluation coverage requirements are met and reflected in this Plan:

  • All ongoing direct program spending is evaluated every five years;
  • All ongoing programs of grants and contributions are evaluated every five years, as required by Section 42.1 of the Financial Administration Act;
  • The administrative aspect of major statutory spending is evaluated every five years;
  • Programs that are set to terminate automatically over a specified period of time, if requested by the Secretary of the Treasury Board following consultation with the affected Deputy Head; and
  • Specific evaluations, if requested by the Secretary of the Treasury Board following consultation with the affected Deputy Head.

As per Section 6.1.7, I confirm that this Plan:

  • Aligns with and supports the departmental Management, Resources and Results Structure; and
  • Supports the requirements of the Expenditure Management System, including spending reviews.

I will ensure that this Plan is updated annually, and I will provide information about its implementation to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, as required.

Colleen Swords
Deputy Minister
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada


February 26, 2015



Executive Summary

This document presents the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Five-Year Plan for Evaluation and Performance Measurement Strategies 2015-16 to 2019-20. The Plan includes 35 evaluations, which will be launched over the next five years and eleven (11) 'carry forward' evaluations, which will be completed this fiscal year.

The Plan was informed by the guidance provided by Treasury Board Secretariat (March 2014) and reflects the coverage requirements set out in the updated Treasury Board Secretariat Policy on Evaluation that came into full effect on April 1, 2013. The Plan aligns with and supports the departmental Management, Resources and Results Structure; implements a risk-based approach to identify evaluations related to Internal Services; and provides 100 percent coverage of all other direct program spending on a five-year cycle.

This document provides an overview of the factors, which contributed to the timing, scope and calibration (level of effort) of individual evaluations, and shows that all program-related evaluative work will be supported by approved and up-to-date Performance Measurement Strategies. As indicated below, the Plan was developed in close collaboration with programs, other department sectors, and other government departments.

Finally, the document provides an overview of recent departmental initiatives, which have contributed to the Plan's approach, as well as a summary of the Branch's other activities, which work to support and strengthen the Department's evaluation and performance measurement activities.

The Plan was formally approved at the February 26, 2015, meeting of the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee. This document includes updates on completed evaluations and performance measurement strategies to February 2, 2015.



1. Introduction

The Evaluation and Performance Measurement Review Branch (hereafter, 'EPMRB' or 'the Branch') of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) has prepared this Five-Year Plan for Evaluation and Performance Measurement Strategies, 2015-16 to 2019-20.

Across the Government of Canada, evaluation is understood as the systematic collection and analysis of evidence on the outcomes of programs to make judgments about their relevance and performance, and to examine alternative ways to deliver them or to achieve the same results.

Evaluations are expected to provide Canadians, parliamentarians, ministers, central agencies and deputy heads with an evidence-based, neutral assessment of the value for money, that is, the 'relevance and performance,' of federal government programs.Footnote 1

To support evaluation activities, all programs, including transfer payment programs, are required to have a Performance Measurement Strategy.Footnote 2 A Performance Measurement Strategy is a results-based management tool that is used to guide the selection, development and ongoing use of performance measures to guide program or corporate decision making. Its purpose is to assist program managers and deputy heads to:

Consistent with previous plans, this document outlines the Department's plan for evaluating 100 percent of all eligible direct program spendingFootnote 3 over the next five years. The Plan also includes evaluations associated with Internal Services, which are conducted on a risk basis. In addition, the document explains the Department's rationale for the timing, scope and calibration (i.e., level of effort) associated with individual evaluations, and shows that all program-related evaluative work will be supported by approved and up-to-date performance measurement strategies. Lastly, the Plan provides an overview of the Branch's other activities, which work to support and strengthen the Department's evaluation and performance measurement activities.

1.1 Purpose of the Five-Year Plan

The primary purpose of the Five-Year Plan on Evaluation and Performance Measurement Strategies is to help the Deputy Head ensure that credible, timely and neutral information on the ongoing relevance and performance of direct program spending is available to support evidence-based decision making on policy, expenditure management and program improvement.Footnote 4 The Plan also:

  • Provides an opportunity to align evaluations to ensure the information needs of the Department and other evaluation users (e.g. central agencies) are being met, as articulated in the Policy on Evaluation;
  • Helps ensure that evaluations supporting program redesign are planned and completed in advance of program renewal;
  • Provides an annual platform for program managers and heads of evaluation to discuss the development and implementation of performance measurement strategies that effectively support evaluations;
  • Allows departmental units responsible for the development of the Report on Plans and Priorities and the Departmental Performance Reports, as well as other groups engaged in strategic planning and reporting activities, to identify when evaluations will be available to inform their work;
  • Initiates regular communication and consensus building on evaluation needs and priorities across the Department; and
  • Provides central agencies with advanced notice of when evaluations will be available to inform their work (e.g. in support of Memoranda to Cabinet, Treasury Board submissions, strategic reviews).

Moreover, the Plan serves the Head of Evaluation as a tool for managing workflows and human resources planning. Status reports on the five-year plans are typically presented at all regular meetings of the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee (EPMRC) to provide assurance of timely implementation and alert the Committee to any required changes or additions. The EPMRC typically meets five times during the fiscal year.

1.2 Departmental Context

1.2.1 Departmental Mandate

AANDC is the federal department primarily responsible for meeting the Government of Canada's obligations and commitments to First Nations, Inuit and Métis, and for fulfilling the federal government's constitutional responsibilities in the North (a further 33 departments and agencies also hold responsibilities for delivering Aboriginal and northern programs and services).

The Department's overall mandate derives from the Canadian constitution, the Indian Act, the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Act, territorial acts, treaties, comprehensive claims and self-government agreements as well as various other statutes affecting Aboriginal people and the North.

A significant amount of the Department's mandate is also derived from policy decisions and program practices that have developed over the years or framed by judicial decisions with direct policy implications for the Department; (Further details regarding the Department's mandate).

1.2.2 Program Structures and Performance

Departmental activities are largely structured by funding arrangements or formal agreements with First Nations and/or provincial or territorial governments. Most departmental programs, representing a majority of AANDC spending, are in fact delivered through partnerships with Aboriginal communities and federal-provincial or federal-territorial agreements. AANDC also works with urban Aboriginal peoples, Métis and non–status Indians (many of whom live in rural areas). According to the 2015–2016 Main EstimatesFootnote 5, AANDC spends over $8.0 billion annually, with approximately 86 percent ($6.9 billion) going directly to recipients through transfer payments.

Significant efforts were undertaken across the Department starting during fiscal year 2013-14 and continuing into 2014-15 to streamline and bring greater clarity to the Department's program structure (Program Alignment Architecture, Performance Measurement Framework, and Transfer Payment Programs) and to simplify reporting, expand public reporting and better measure and report on what matters.

As result of these efforts, the Department consolidated 39 of its current complement of 69 Transfer Payment Program authorities into 14, with the balance being assessed for further consolidation and AANDC's Program Alignment Architecture was reduced from 75 to 54 elements. Adjustments were also made to the Performance Measurement Framework to better support the Department's efforts achieve its expected strategic outcomes for:

  • The Government – Support good governance, rights and interests of Aboriginal Peoples.
  • The People - Individual, family and community well–being for First Nations and Inuit.
  • The Land and Economy - Full participation of First Nations, Inuit and Métis individuals and communities in the economy.
  • The North - Self–reliance, prosperity and well–being for the people and communities of the North (see Appendix A for more detail).

Work continued into 2014-15 to complete the 2013-14 Performance Measurement Strategy Action Plan, as the Department worked to update, right size and complete the Department's Performance Measurement Strategies to support the broader initiatives and objectives described to ensure compliance with federal policy on performance measurement.

1.2.3 Planned Expenditures and Transfer Payments

According to the 2014 Public Accounts of Canada, AANDC is fifth largest federal department in terms of total ministerial net expenditures, and third largest in terms of total transfer payments and grants and contributions, after Finance Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada. In 2013-2014, AANDC's total net expenditures were $8,051,085 with the total transfer payments portion at $6,603,521.Footnote 6 Total forecasted spending for 2015-16 is shown below:

Strategic Outcomes 2015-16 Forecast Spending
The Government $2,070,482,376
The People $3,957,172,176
The Land and Economy $1,601,517,332
The North $394,885,884
Total Forecast Direct Program Spending $8,024,057,768
Internal Services $233,659,100
AANDC Total $8,257,716,868

Source: Based on Main Estimates as at February 2015. Includes salary, operation and maintenance, capital, statutory and grants and contributions and the costs of the Employee Benefit Plans.Footnote 7



2. Planning Methodology

The Directive on the Evaluation Function (Section 6.2.3) states that the Head of Evaluation is responsible for developing, and annually updating, a rolling, five-year evaluation plan. The approach for the creation of the Plan was as follows:

2.1 Drivers for Evaluation Planning

In accordance with the Treasury Board Secretariat Policy on Evaluation (Section 6.1.7), this Plan aligns with and supports the departmental Management, Resources and Results Structure, which is the framework for the systematic collection and analysis of performance information. It also ensures the evaluation of all ongoing grants and contribution programs every five years, as required by the Financial Administration Act (Section 42.1).

Finally, in accordance with Treasury Board guidance, the Branch calibrates the level of effort required for individual program evaluation using a risk-based approach. The risk exercise conducted for the 2014-15 Plan was done in co-operation with the Audit and Assurance Services Branch. That process was quite extensive and included extensive consultations with the assistant deputy ministers and directors general community within the Department. That process was not repeated for this year's planning process, however, a risk-based approach was still applied and this Plan is in concordance with the Risk-Based Audit Plan 2015-2016 to 2017-2018.

2.2 Defining the evaluation universe

The evaluation universe shows how all four pillars of the Program Alignment Architecture will be evaluated and how the Plan will achieve full coverage of the Program Alignment Architecture. The evaluation universe also demonstrates how each Program Alignment Architecture element is aligned with the Management, Resources and Results Structure and also shows the breakdown of forecast spending covered in each evaluation. The first step in preparing the Plan included a review of the evaluation universe to ensure the units of evaluation are valid.

Conduct a risk assessment of units of evaluation

In reviewing the evaluation universe, EPMRB engages in the Audit and Assurance Services Branch's risk ranking process and uses the results to inform the level of effort and allocation of resources for evaluations. Each year, the Audit and Assurance Services Branch develops risk rankings for auditable units in the Department. The process involves a review of departmental priorities, business conditions and risks as identified in a wide variety of sources, including, but not limited to, corporate, sector and program risk profiles, corporate and sector business plans, Management Accountability Framework assessments, performance reports, past audit, evaluation and review reports, and the previous year's risk-based planning exercise.

The Audit and Assurance Services Branch risk approach is consistent with guidance from the Office of the Comptroller General, is thorough, and in many cases, the Audit and Evaluation units are the same. Risk considerations include impact of identified risks on the achievement of departmental outcomes, materiality, scope, potential for public scrutiny, legal risk, prevalence of risk, and the severity of consequences.

The risk rankings can be seen in the Plan and are colour-coded to reflect the five levels of risk identified in the Risk-Based Audit Plan.Footnote 8

2.3 Create the Plan

The 2015-16 Five-Year Plan for Evaluation and Performance Measurement Strategies builds upon the previous year's plan. The Plan reflects a transition to higher-level evaluations at the program and sub-program levels to better align with the Department's program structure and objectives, including Management, Resources and Results Structure elements and grants and contributions.Footnote 9 Deadlines for evaluations were calculated to ensure that an evaluation is scheduled to take place within five years from the date of the previous evaluation.

Planned audits have been added to the Plan to inform the calibration of effort for an evaluation, allow for integration of audit findings, and promote better co-ordination with programs where possible. Audits generally reveal a considerable amount about the design and management of programs and give early indications on the achievement of program outcomes. Audits scheduled in advance of an evaluation can impact the scope and level of effort needed for an evaluation.

Recent audits are also valuable sources of information for evaluation as they inform the analysis of program design and provide analysis of efficiency and economy. Ideally, audits and evaluations will be scheduled in different years, However, where audits and evaluations are scheduled to occur in the same year, it has been agreed that audit work will be conducted early in the fiscal year, so that programs are not overburdened with requests for information, and that the information and findings can be used in the evaluation.

Performance Measurement Strategies for each program/sub-program are included in the Plan, with the most recent approval date included as a reference for evaluation planning.

Forty-six evaluations (eleven of which have been carried forward from last fiscal year) are scheduled between 2015-16 and 2019-20. The table below shows the distribution of evaluations for the five years covered by the Plan.

Year Government People Land and Economy North Internal Services TOTAL
Carry forward from 2014-15 2 0 4 4 1 11
2015-16 1 1 1 2 5 10
2016-17 2 3 1 2 0 8
2017-18 1 4 1 0 0 6
2018-19 3 0 4 1 0 8
2019-20 1 0 1 1 0 3
TOTAL 10 8 12 10 6 46

As indicated in the Plan, one evaluation is led by another department:

  • Environment Canada-led horizontal evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation (2015-16) (carried forward from 2014-15)

Please note that the evaluation projects identified in the Plan, as well as their components and timing, are subject to change particularly in the later years of the cycle. Changes can arise from various factors, including the introduction of new programs, the consolidation of program authorities, and/or the information needs of the Department.

2.4 Coverage

Total forecast direct program spending for 2015-16 is $8,024,057,768 and this Plan covers 99.91 percent of total forecast direct program spending (excluding Internal Services). Guidance from Treasury Board enables a deputy minister to decide the approach that his or her department will use for the evaluation of Internal Services. AANDC has adopted a risk-based approach to determine which internal services are to be evaluated, drawing upon both the risk analysis conducted by the Audit and Assurance Services Branch as well as the Department's Corporate Risk Profile. Through this process, six areas of work supported by Internal Services were identified for evaluations. These areas were deemed high risk or otherwise identified by senior management as areas of particular consideration.

The following table provides an overview of planned coverage of direct program spending for the five years of this Plan.

Coverage of Direct Spending ($,000)
  Amount in
Amount by
Total forecast direct spending (excluding Internal Services) $8,024,058 100%
Coverage by year:    
Year 1 $2,029,297 25%
Year 2 $1,230,353 15%
Year 3 $3,228,987 40%
Year 4 $1,432,356 18%
Year 5 $95,824 1%
Total forecast spending covered by the 2015-16 Plan $8,016,818 99.91%
Internal Services $233,659
AANDC Total Forecast Spending for 2015-2016 $8,257,717  

Note: "Support to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission" (part of 2.4 Residential Schools Resolution will not be evaluated. This accounts for the 0.09 percent variance.

2.5 EPMRB – Implementing the Plan

The Five-Year Plan for Evaluation and Performance Measurement Strategies is managed by EPMRB of the Audit and Evaluation Sector at AANDC.

The Branch undertakes a risk-based approach to calibrate the level of effort required for individual program evaluations when the scope of the evaluation is being developed and the Terms of Reference are being prepared.Footnote 10 The Terms of Reference for each evaluation are then approved by the EPMRC.

The table below provides an overview of resources spent on evaluation:

  Actual spending
Fiscal Year 2013-2014
Forecasted Spending
(Budget) Fiscal Year 2014-2015
Salaries $1,926,996.18 $1,588,247.81
Contracted Services -
Specific to Evaluations
$867,171.75 $955,583.39
Operations and Maintenance (excluding Contracted Services
Specific to Evaluations)
$418,010.65 $374,052.19
Total $3,212,178.58 $2,917,883.39
Full-Time Equivalents (#) 23 23

2.6 How Evaluations are Used in the Department

Evaluations conducted by EPMRB are used by the Department to inform decision making and reporting (e.g., Reports on Plans and Priorities, Departmental Performance Reports, Annual Report on the State of Performance Measurement); to assess progress made by programs in achieving expected results and to incorporate lessons learned in order to improve program design and delivery.

As part of follow-up and continuous improvement, a Management Response and Action Plan (MRAP) is developed for each evaluation. MRAPs are posted on the AANDC website with the corresponding evaluation report. Follow-up reporting on the progress implementing the MRAPs is reported every quarter and is also posted.

Evaluation reports, MRAPs and follow-ups on MRAPs are published on the AANDC website.

2.7 Other Branch Activities

In addition to conducting evaluations, the Branch undertakes a wide range of activities to support and strengthen the Department's evaluation and performance measurement work. These include providing advice and support on performance measurement, corporate planning and reporting at the departmental level, supporting capacity building and outreach activities and developing research and special studies on evaluation and performance measurement issues. Some highlights of these activities are discussed below.

  • Performance Measurement

EPMRB, working closely with other key internal service offices, provides advice and guidance on performance measurement strategies and other performance measurement-related activities in the Department.

Moreover, the EPMRC reviews and recommends the Deputy Head approve performance measurement strategies, the Annual Report on the State of Performance Measurement in the Department, and annual updates to the Department's Five-year Plans on Evaluation and Performance Measurement Strategies. Along with the Branch, the Committee also reviews and provides comments on updates to the Program Alignment Architecture and Performance Measurement Framework.

  • Corporate Advice

In addition to the Branch's support for performance measurement, the Branch also provides advice and support towards the development of Treasury Board submissions and Memoranda to Cabinet, on the Department's Report on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Report and other related activities.

  • Capacity Development

EPMRB considers capacity development a key part of its work and has long worked to provide undergraduate and graduate students from across the country with opportunities to learn more about evaluation, performance measurement and the Department in general. Through the years, the Branch has had a particularly close working relationship with the University of Toronto's School of Public Policy. This school was the first to support and participate in the Branch's Summer Internship Program, discussed below.

EPMRB worked with the University of Ottawa's Graduate School of Public Policy and International Affairs and other departmental stakeholders to develop a Capstone (final year) Seminar course for Master level students in the fall 2014 session. The course brought students and departmental officials together as the former study some of the key issues facing Aboriginal peoples in the areas of governance and economic development.

Over the past year, EPMRB evaluators have also engaged in a range of evaluation capacity development activities. These include:

  • Working with the Canada School of Public Service and the University of Toronto to provide public servants and graduate students with an introduction to evaluation in the federal government; and
  • Supporting the facilitation of the Indigenous Community Development courses offered by Health Canada.
  • Summer Internship Program

Beginning in 2008, the Branch has offered a unique internship program whereby eight to ten graduate students from selected universities across Canada, enrolled in Public Policy or Administration are hired for a period of 16 weeks over the summer. In addition to the University of Toronto, the Branch's interns have come from the University of Victoria, Simon Fraser University, University of Regina, University of Manitoba, University of Ottawa, Carleton University, Concordia University, Dalhousie University, and Memorial University.

This initiative has been very successful with approximately 25 percent of EPMRB interns bridged into permanent federal government positions. Over the years, the program has also generated significant interest and enquiries from other government departments.

EPMRB's Summer Internship Program is intended to:

  • Provide a meaningful work opportunity that will allow interns to apply their knowledge and critical thinking skills to a significant policy or research area.
  • Develop professional skills and networks in the context of the federal public service.
  • Build knowledge, cultural awareness and learning among interns around a specific set of issues and challenges related to their respective department and across government.
  • Offer the opportunity to understand the importance of evaluation and performance measurement across government and enable the potential for policy/program creativity and innovation.
  • Generate future interest in a public service career upon completion of studies, including the potential for bridging.

Students are placed in positions throughout the Department to gain a deeper understanding of AANDC activities, work in teams on a research project, and participate in learning sessions that provide them with the knowledge and skills necessary to complete their research project and to support their career development. This year's project focused on identifying opportunities for integrating reporting requirements, which can also better support the Department's efforts to measure what matters.

Summer Internship Project – 2014

This year's research project produced Towards Integrated Reporting: A Study to Map AANDC's data elements and reporting mechanisms. The purpose of the project was to support AANDC's ongoing efforts to improve the existing reporting structure to ensure the collection of meaningful performance data. Robust performance data in turn supports good decision making and improves accountability. Students engaged in data analysis, literature reviews, document reviews and key informant interviews to gather evidence on existing data collection methods and tools. The goal was to provide key observations on the alignment and utility of current recipient data reporting, and to recommend ways in which the Department might streamline or simplify data collection. Recommendations included exploring a department-wide Information Management and Information Technology solution, signing data sharing agreements between jurisdictions and developing an integrated report that is mindful of community needs and the reporting burden. The report, containing conclusions and recommendations, was presented to the EPMRC in November 2014.

  • Special Studies
From time to time, EPMRB and other branches of the Audit and Evaluation Sector conduct or commissions reviews, discussion papers and studies on topics of relevance to their mandates. Special studies conducted since 1999 can be found on the Audit and Evaluation Sector home page on the departmental website. Many of the student intern papers discussed in the previous section can be found on this site.


Appendix A: AANDC's 2015–2016 Program Alignment Architecture

AANDC's 2015–2016 Program Alignment Architecture
Description of Appendix A

1 The Government Support good governance, rights and interests of Aboriginal Peoples

1.1 Governance and Institutions of Government
1.1.1 First Nation Governments
1.1.2 Aboriginal Governance Institutions and Organizations

1.2 Aboriginal Rights and Interests
1.2.1 Negotiations of Claims and Self-Government Agreements

1.2.2 Specific Claims
1.2.3 Consultation and Accommodation
1.2.4 Métis Relations and Rights Management, and Non-Status Indian Relations

1.3 Management and Implementation of Agreements and Treaties

2 The People Individual, family and community well-being for First Nations and Inuit

2.1 Education
2.1.1 Elementary and Secondary Education
2.1.2 Post-Secondary Education

2.2 Social Development
2.2.1 Income Assistance
2.2.2 National Child Benefit
2.2.3 Assisted Living
2.2.4 First Nations Child and Family Services
2.2.5 Family Violence Prevention

2.3 First Nations Individual Affairs
2.3.1 Registration and Membership
2.3.2 Estates

2.4 Residential Schools Resolution
2.4.1 Independent Assessment Process
2.4.2 Reconciliation
2.4.3 Support to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

3 The Land and Economy Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non-Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy

3.1 Aboriginal Entrepreneurship
3.1.1 Business Capital and Support Services
3.1.2 Business Opportunities

3.2 Community Economic Development
3.2.1 Lands and Economic Development Services
3.2.2 Investment in Economic Opportunities
3.2.3 Administration of Reserve Land
3.2.4 Contaminated Sites (On Reserve)

3.3 Strategic Partnerships

3.4 Infrastructure and Capacity
3.4.1 Water and Wastewater
3.4.2 Education Facilities
3.4.3 Housing
3.4.4 Other Community Infrastructure and Activities
3.4.5 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
3.4.6 Emergency Management Assistance

3.5 Urban Aboriginal Participation

4 The North Self-reliance, prosperity and well-being for the people and communities of the North

4.1 Northern Governance and People
4.1.1 Political Development and Intergovernmental Relations
4.1.2 Nutrition North
4.1.3 Climate Change Adaptation

4.2 Northern Science and Technology
4.2.1 Northern Contaminants
4.2.2 Science Initiatives

4.3 Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Management
4.3.1 Petroleum and Minerals
4.3.2 Contaminated Sites
4.3.3 Land and Water Management

5.1 Internal Services



Appendix B: Evaluation Universe showing Evaluation coverage, PM Strategy coverage and 2015-2016 Main Estimates

2015-2016 Main Estimates
Program Alignment Architecture
2015-2016 (MRRS ID)
Vote 1:
Salary and
Vote 10:
Grants and
Vote 5:
Date of last approved
PM Strategy
Planned Evaluation
1.1 Governance and Institutions of Government
1.1.1 First Nations Governments $33,188 $334,885 $59 $0 $5,068 $373,201 Governance and Institutions of Government (1.1) (03/2014) Carried Forward: Governance and Institutions of Government (1.1) (2014/15)
1.1.2 Aboriginal Governance Institutions and Organizations $338 $15,826 $0 $0 $51 $16,215 Matrimonial Real Property (Part 1.1.2) (04/2014) Matrimonial Real Property (Part of 1.1.2) (2016/17)
1.2 Aboriginal Rights and Interests
1.2.1 Negotiations of Claims and Self-Government Agreements $35,733 $47,651 $0 $70,303 $3,780 $157,466 Negotiations of Claims and Self Government Agreements (1.2.1) (09/2014) Negotiations of Claims and Self-Government Agreements (1.2.1) (2018/19)
1.2.2 Specific Claims $23,331 $708,723 $0 $15 $1,302 $733,370 Specific Claims (1.2.2) (03/2014) Summative Evaluation of Specific Claims (1.2.2) (2017/18)
1.2.3 Consultation and Accommodation $7,366 $35,050 $0 $0 $652 $43,068 Consultation and Policy Development (11/2010)

Surveys on Aboriginal People (1.2.3; 5.1.1.) (02/2013)
Consultation and Accommodation (1.2.3) (2019/20)
1.2.4 Métis and Non-Status Indian Relations and Métis Rights Management $1,439 $3,664 $0 $0 $176 $5,278 Métis and Non-Status Indian Relations and Métis Rights Management (1.2.4) (09/2014) Métis and Non-Status Indian Relations and Métis Rights Management (1.2.4)
1.3 Management and Implementation of Agreements and Treaties
  $10,522 $672,938 $0 $57,155 $1,268 $741,883 Treaty Commissions (Part 1.3) (03/2014)

Implementation of Comprehensive Land Claims and Self-Government Agreements (11/2014)
Carried Forward: Impact of Self Government Agreements (1.3) (2014/15)

First Nations Education Steering Committee (part of 1.3) (2015/16)

Modern Treaties and Self-Government (2018/19)

Pre-1975 Treaties (2018/19)
2.1 Education
2.1.1 Elementary and Secondary Education $22,546 $1,406,965 $0 $0 $3,183 $1,432,694 Education
Elementary and Secondary Education (2.1.1) (2017/18)
2.1.2 Post-Secondary Education $1,372 $345,202 $0 $0 $235 $346,809 Post Secondary Education (2017/18)

(Note: to include 'Indspire', formerly NAAF)
2.2 Social Development
2.2.1 Income Assistance $4,899 $887,027 $0 $0 $653 $892,579 Social Development 2.2 (02/2011)

Updated 04/2014 with Annex for 2.2.4 First Nations Child and Family Services
Income Assistance, National Child Benefit and Assisted Living (2.2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3)

(Note: Income Assistance component to be conducted with ESDC)
2.2.2 National Child Benefit $754 $52,260 $0 $0 $89 $53,103
2.2.3 Assisted Living $1,526 $85,439 $0 $0 $177 $87,142
2.2.4 First Nations Child and Family Services $4,724 $653,538 $0 $0 $643 $658,904 First Nations Child and Family Services Program (2.2.4)
2.2.5 Family Violence Prevention $1,167 $18,765 $0 $0 $275 $20,208 Family Violence Prevention (2.2.5)
2.3 First Nations Individual Affairs
2.3.1 Registration and Membership $11,704 $7,982 $639 $0 $1,655 $21,980 First Nations Individual Affairs (2.3) (02/2014) Registration and Membership (2.3.1) (2016/17)
2.3.2 Estates $3,096 $209 $0 $0 $447 $3,752 Estates (2.3.2) (2017/18)
2.4 Residential Schools Resolution
2.4.1 Independent Assessment Process $428,596 $0 $200 $0 $3,965 $432,761 Note: No Full Evaluation Required due to EPMRC Decision September 24, 2009

2015/16 studies conducted as required under MOU between AANDC and ESDC
2.4.2 Reconciliation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Lessons Learned: Personal Credits (2.4.2) (2015/16)
2.4.3 Support to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission $7,239 $0 $0 $0 $1 $7,240  
3.1 Aboriginal Entrepreneurship
3.1.1 Business Capital and Support Services $3,298 $35,600 $0 $0 $476 $39,374 Aboriginal Entrepreneurship (3.1) (02/2014) Carried Forward: Access to Capital and Business Services (3.1.1) (2014/15)
3.1.2 Business Opportunities $2,176 $850 $0 $0 $237 $3,263 Aboriginal Entrepreneurship (3.1) (2018/19)
3.2 Community Development
3.2.1 Lands and Economic Development Services $24,245 $104,877 $0 $0 $3,104 $132,226

Community Development (3.2) with sub-program annexes (3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4) (03/2014)
Carried Forward: Lands and Economic Development Services (3.2.1) (2014/15)
3.2.2 Investment in Economic Opportunities $3,650 $30,053 $0 $1,500 $503 $35,706 Investment in Economic Opportunities (3.2.2) (2018/19)
3.2.3 Administration of Reserve Land $23,637 $6,463 $0 $0 $2,010 $32,110 Carried Forward: Administration of Reserve Land (3.2.3) (2014/15)
3.2.4 Contaminated Sites (On-Reserve) $2,233 $10,833 $0 $0 $275 $13,341 Carried Forward: Contaminated Sites (On-Reserve) (3.2.4) (2014/15)
3.3 Strategic Partnerships
  $7,247 $31,700 $0 $0 $640 $39,587 Strategic Partnerships (03/2012) (Update by 01/2015) Strategic Partnerships (3.3) (2018/19)
3.4 Infrastructure and Capacity
3.4.1 Water and Wastewater $12,142 $316,195 $0 $0 $1,395 $329,732 "Capital Facilities and Management Program" (3.4) Infrastructure and Capacity (3.4.1 - 3.4.4) (04/2014) Infrastructure and Capacity (3.4) (2018/19)
3.4.2 Education Facilities $1,076 $220,908 $0 $0 $113 $222,097
3.4.3 Housing $1,517 $138,714 $0 $500 $181 $140,912 Housing (3.4.3) (2015/16)
3.4.4 Other Community Infrastructure Activities $14,360 $442,380 $180 $26,731 $2,016 $485,666  
3.4.5 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency $996 $2,711 $0 $0 $87 $3,794 ecoEnergy for Aboriginal and Northern Communities (02/2014) Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (3.4.5) (2019/20)
3.4.6 Emergency Management Assistance $2,007 $67,978 $0 $0 $268 $70,252 Emergency Management Assistance (04/2014) Emergency Management Assistance on Reserve (3.4.6) (2016/17)
3.5 Urban Aboriginal Participation
    $2,036 $51,172 $0 $0 $249 $53,458 Urban Aboriginal Participation (3.5) (Update 02/2015) Urban Aboriginal Participation (3.5) (2017/18)
4.1 Northern Governance and People
4.1.1 Political Development and Intergovernmental Relations $9,389 $63,551 $0 $0 $935 $73,876 Political Development and Intergovernmental Relations (4.1.1) (03/2014) Carried Forward: Lessons Learned: Northwest Territories Devolution (2014/15)
Carried Forward: Northern Governance - Support for Territorial Relations and Northern Organizations (2014/15)
AANDC's Engagement with the Arctic Council (2015/16)
Northern Hospital and Physician Services (2016/17)
4.1.2 Nutrition North $3,130 $68,498 $0 $0 $89 $71,716 Nutrition North Canada (09/2014) Nutrition North (Impact Evaluation with Health Canada) (4.1.2) (2015/16)
4.1.3 Climate Change Adaptation $988 $3,750 $0 $0 $101 $4,839 Climate Change Adaptation (02/2014) Carried Forward: Environment Canada-led horizontal evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation (2014/15)
4.2 Northern Science and Technology
4.2.1 Northern Contaminants $164 $3,801 $0 $0 $0 $3,965 Northern Science and Technology (4.2) (03/2014) Northern Science and Technology (4.2) (2019/20)
4.2.2 Science Initiatives $8,766 $2,120 $33,413 $0 $697 $44,996
4.3 Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Management
4.3.1 Petroleum and Minerals $9,627 $0 $190 $1,472 $419 $11,708 Petroleum and Minerals (4.3.1) (03/2014) Carried Forward: Petroleum and Minerals (4.3.1) (2014/15)
4.3.2 Contaminated Sites $105,154 $53,341 $40 $0 $305 $158,840 Northern Contaminated Sites (09/2014) Umbrella Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (01/2012) Contaminated Sites (4.3.2) (2018/19)
4.3.3 Land and Water Management $18,373 $4,527 $0 $0 $2,045 $24,945 Land and Water Management (4.3.3) (03/2014) Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Management (4.3.3) (2016/17)
  Totals: ($,000s) AANDC Vote 1: Salary and O&M Vote 10: Grants and Contributions Vote 5: Capital Statutory Employee Benefit Plan (EBP) Total Forecast Spending 2015/16    
$855,750 $6,936,148 $34,721 $157,675 $39,764 $8,024,058    
5.1.1 Governance and Management Support
    $144,185 $0 $0 $82 $9,856 $154,123   Accelerated Annual Funding Cycle: Process of Agreements with First Nations (2015/16)
5.1.2 Resource Management Services
    $59,033 $0 $1,150 $0 $7,912 $68,095   Carried Forward: Recruitment, Development and Retention (2014/15)
      Aboriginal Leadership Development Initiative (2015/16)
      Evaluation of the implementation of Accommodations 2.0 (2015/16)
      Contracting and Procurement Hubs (2015/16)
      Business Management Units (2015/16)
5.1.3 Asset Management Services
    $10,187 $0 $75 $0 $1,179 $11,441    
Total Internal Services           $233,659    
AANDC Total Forecast Spending for 2015-2016 $8,257,717    


Appendix C: 2015/2016 - 2019/2020 Update to the AANDC Five-Year Plan for Evaluation and Performance Measurement Strategies

Program Alignment Architecture
Sector(s) AANDC PM Strategy Portfolio
(Date Approved)
2015/16 Audit Plan Last Completed Evaluation(s)

Planned Evaluations Evaluation Number for 2015/
Total Forecast Spending
(Including Employee Benefit Plan) covered by Evaluation
Planned Audits Audit Risks
Year 1 - 2015/16 Year 1 - 2015/16 Year 1 - 2015/16
1.1 Governance and Institutions of Government
1.1.1 First Nations Governments RO


(LED for MRP)
Governance and Institutions of Government (1.1)

Includes sub-program annex for Matrimonial Real Property (1.1.2)
Audit of Governance and Institutions of Government Programs
High Miawpukek First Nation Grant Agreement

Indian Government Support Program
Carried Forward
Governance and Institutions of Government

(Note: on hold pending
completion of Audit
1 $387,851
1.1.2 Aboriginal Governance Institutions and Organizations High Implementation of the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act
1.3 Management and Implementation of Agreements and Treaties
  TAG Implementation of Comprehensive Land Claims and Self-Government Agreements

Treaty Commissions
Audit of the Implementation of Modern Treaty Obligations
Very High Impacts of Comprehensive Land Claims and Self-Government Agreements

Indian Moneys, Estates and Treaty Annuities
(Plan - 2012/13)

Treaty Commissions
Carried Forward
Impact of Self Government Agreements
2 $741,883
TAG First Nations Education Steering Committee
3 Full coverage with 1.3 Evaluation in 2014/15
(Carried Forward to 2015/16))
2.4 Residential Schools Resolution
2.4.2 Independent Assessment Process IRSAS 2015/16 study conducted as required under MOU between AANDC and ESDC   High   Lessons Learned:
Personal Credits (2.4.2)
4 $432,761
3.1 Aboriginal Entrepreneurship
3.1.1 Business Capital and Support Services LED Aboriginal Entrepreneurship (3.1)
  Moderate Aboriginal Economic Development Programs
Carried Forward
Access to Capital and Business Services
5 $39,374
3.2 Community Development
3.2.1 Lands and Economic Development Services LED Community Development (3.2) with Sub program annexes
(3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4)
Audit of Economic Development Programs
High Evaluation of the Inuit Art Foundation

First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act Implementation
Carried Forward
Lands and Economic Development Services
6 $132,226
3.2.3 Administration of Reserve Land LED Audit of Additions to Reserves Process

Audit of Lands Management (incl. Lands Registry System)
Very High Evaluation of Indian Moneys, Estates and Treaty Annuities (04/2013)

Impact Evaluation of Contribution to Indian Bands for Land Management on Reserve
Carried Forward
Administration of Reserve Land
7 $32,110
3.2.4 Contaminated Sites (On-Reserve) LED Community Development (3.2) with Sub program annexes (3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4) (03/2014) Audit of Contaminated Programs (2017/18)
Note: Includes 4.3.2 Northern Contaminated Sites
Audit of Contingent Liabilities (2017/18)
High Contaminated Sites
Carried Forward
Contaminated Sites (On-Reserve)
(3.2.4) (2014/15)
8 $13,341
3.4 Infrastructure and Capacity
3.4.3 Housing RO Infrastructure and Capacity
Audit of Housing Program
Very High First Nation Market Housing Fund

On-Reserve Housing Support
9 $140,912
4.1 Northern Governance and People
4.1.1 Political Development and Intergovernmental Relations NAO Political Development and Intergovernmental Relations (4.1.1)
  Moderate   Carried Forward
Lessons Learned: Northwest Territories Devolution
10 $11,799
Carried Forward
Northern Governance - Support for Territorial Relations and Northern Organizations
11 $7,572
AANDC's Engagement with the Arctic Council
12 $1,203,335
4.1.2 Nutrition North NAO Nutrition North Canada
Audit of Nutrition North Canada
High Nutrition North Implementation (09/2013) Nutrition North
(Impact Evaluation with Health Canada)
13 $71,716
4.1.3 Climate Change Adaptation NAO Climate Change Adaptation
DEVELOP PM Strategy at the Sub Program Level (4.1.3)
  Moderate Evaluation Update of the Climate Change Adaptation Program: Assist Northerners in Assessing Key Vulnerabilities and Opportunities Program
Carried Forward Environment Canada horizontal evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation (4.1.3)
14 $4,839
4.3 Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Management
4.3.1 Petroleum and Minerals NAO Petroleum and Minerals
  High nil Carried Forward
Petroleum and Minerals
15 $11,708
5.1 Resource Management Services - HR Management HR and Workplace Services   Audit of HR Staffing and Planning
High   Carried Forward
Recruitment, Development and Retention
5.1 Resource Management Services - Financial Management CFO   Audit of Contracting
High   Contracting and Procurement Hubs
5.1 Resource Management Services - Financial Management CFO   Audit of Payables at Year End
High   Business Management Units
5.1 Resource Management Services - Financial Management CFO   Audit of Corporate Business Planning (2016/17) High   Accelerated Annual Funding Cycle - Process of Agreements with First Nations
5.1 Resource Management Services - HR Management HR and Workplace Services     Moderate
(2013-14 rating)
  Aboriginal Leadership Development Initiative (2015/16) 20  
5.1 Resource Management Services - HR Management HR and Workplace Services     Low
(2013-14 rating)
  Evaluation of the Implementation of Accommodations 2.0
Year 2 - 2016/17 Year 2 - 2016/17 Year 2 - 2016/17
1.1 Governance and Institutions of Government
1.1.2 Aboriginal Governance Institutions and Organizations RO
(LED for MRP)
Matrimonial Real Property (1.1.2)
(Amended: 03/2014)

First Nations Fiscal Management Act (1.1.2)
Audit of Aboriginal Governance Institutions and Organizations
High Implementation of the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act
Matrimonial Real Property
(Part 1.1.2)
22 $1,565
1.2 Aboriginal Rights and Interests
1.2.4 Métis and Non-Status Indian Relations and Métis Rights Management PSD Métis and Non-Status Indian Relations and Métis Rights Management (1.2.4)
Audit of Métis and Non-Status Indian Relations and Métis Rights Management
High Federal Interlocutor's Bilateral and Tripartite Processes and the Powley Initiative
Métis and Non-Status Indian Relations and Métis Rights Management
23 $5,278
2.2 Social Development
2.2.1 Income Assistance ESDPP Social Development (2.2)
(Updated: 04/2014 to include supporting annexes for all sub-programs)

Sub-strategy of the Social Development PM Strategy: On-Reserve Income Assistance Reform PM Strategy, in partnership with ESDC (04/2013)
Audit of the Income Assistance Program (2015/16)

(Possible joint audit with ESDC Active Measures)

(No audits planned for Assisted Living or National Child Benefit)
High Income Assistance (Formative Evaluation)
(Note: with ESDC)

Income Assistance, National Child Benefit Reinvestment and Assisted Living
Income Assistance, National Child Benefit and Assisted Living (Summative Evaluation)

( Note: Income Assistance Component to be conducted with ESDC)
24 $1,032,824
2.2.2 National Child Benefit
2.2.3 Assisted Living
2.2.5 Family Violence Prevention   Moderate Family Violence Prevention
Family Violence Prevention (2.2.5)
25 $20,208
2.3 First Nations Individual Affairs
2.3.1 Registration and Membership RIAS First Nations Individual Affairs (2.3)
Audit of Indian Registration (Qalipu Phase II)

Systems Under Development Audit of the Secure Integrated Registration and Certification Unit (2015/16)

Audit of the Indian Registration System (2016/17)
Very High Summative Evaluation of the Contributions Made to Indian Bands for the Registration Administration

Registration and Administration
Registration and Membership (2.3.1)
26 $21,980
3.4 Infrastructure and Capacity
3.4.6 Emergency Management Assistance RO Emergency Management Assistance (3.4.6)
Audit of Emergency Management Assistance Program
Very High Review of the Performance of the Emergency Management Assistance Program during the 2011-2012 Manitoba Floods

Emergency Management Assistance (02/2010)
Emergency Management Assistance

(Note: to include Mitigation Funding)
27 $70,252
4.1 Northern Governance and People
4.1.1 Political Development and Intergovernmental Relations NAO Political Development and Intergovernmental Relations (4.1.1)
  Moderate   Northern Hospital and Physician Services
28 $53,301
4.3 Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Management
4.3.3 Land and Water Management NAO Land and Waste Management
  Moderate Evaluation of the Advancing Conservation Interest in the Northwest Territories: The Government of Canada's Involvement in the NWT Protected Areas Strategy
Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Management
29 $24,945
Year 3 - 2017/18 Year 3 - 2017/18 Year 3 - 2017/18
1.2.2 Specific Claims TAG Specific Claims (1.2.2)
(Updated: 03/2014)
Audit of AANDC Support to the Specific Claims Process (2015/16) Very High Summative Evaluation of the Specific Claims Action Plan
(2012/13 Plan)
Summative Evaluation of Specific Claims
30 $733,370
2.1 Education
2.1.1 Elementary and Secondary Education ESDPP Education
Audit of the Education Information System (2015/16)

Audit of Elementary and Secondary Education Program
Very High Review of Federally Managed Schools on Reserve in Ontario

ESDC-led Horizontal Summative Evaluation of the Youth Employment Strategy - Phase I

Summative Evaluation of the Elementary / Secondary Education Program on Reserve
Elementary and Secondary Education
31 $1,432,694
2.1.2 Post-Secondary Education Education
  High Summative Evaluation of the Post-Secondary Education Program

National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation
Post Secondary Education (2.1.2)

(Note: to include 'Indspire')
32 $346,809
2.2 Social Development
2.2.4 First Nations Child and Family Services ESDPP Social Development (2.2)
(Updated: 04/2014 to include supporting annexes for all sub-programs)
Audit of First Nations Child and Family Services (2016/17) Very High Enhanced Prevention Approach for the First Nations Child and Family Services Program in Manitoba (04/2014)

Enhanced Prevention Focused Approach (EPFA) for the First Nations Child and Family Service (CFS) Program in Quebec and PEI (09/2013)

EPFA in Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia for First Nations CFS Program (04/2013)

Enhanced Prevention Focused Approach (EPFA) in Alberta for the First Nations Child and Family Service (CFS) Program (09/2010)
First Nations Child and Family Services Program (2.2.4)
33 $658,904
2.3 First Nations Individual Affairs
2.3.2 Estates RIAS First Nations Individual Affairs (2.3)
  Low Evaluation of Indian Moneys, Estates and Treaty Annuities (04/2013) Estates
34 $3,752
3.5 Urban Aboriginal Participation
Urban Aboriginal Participation (3.5)
(Approved 02/2014 - update planned by 02/2015)
Audit of the Urban Aboriginal Strategy
High Impact Evaluation of the Urban Aboriginal Strateg
Urban Aboriginal Participation
35 $53,458
Year 4 - 2018/19 Year 4 - 2018/19 Year 4 - 2018/19
1.2 Aboriginal Rights and Interests
1.2.1 Negotiations of Claims and Self-Government Agreements TAG Negotiations of Claims and Self Government Agreements (1.2.1)
Audit of Negotiation of Comprehensive Land Claims and Self Government Agreements (2017/18) Very High Process for Negotiating Comprehensive Land Claims and Self-Government Agreements

Evaluation of the Federal Government's Implementation of Self-Government and Self-Government Agreements

BC Treaty Related Measures (09/2009)

Consultation and Policy Development and Basic Organizational Capacity Funding
(G&C: 1.2.1, 1.2.3, 3.2.1)
Negotiations of Claims and Self-Government Agreements (1.2.1)
36 $157,466
1.3 Management and Implementation of Agreements and Treaties
  TAG UPDATE in 2015/16
(from existing PM Strategy):

Modern Treaties and Self-Government
(Part 1.3)

Pre-1975 Treaties
(Part 1.3)
Audit of the Implementation of Modern Treaty Obligations
Very High Impacts of Comprehensive Land Claims and Self-Government Agreements

Indian Moneys, Estates and Treaty Annuities
(Plan - 2012/13)

Treaty Commissions
Modern Treaties and Self-Government
37 Full coverage with 1.3 Evaluation in 2014/15
(Carried Forward to 2015/16))
Pre-1975 Treaties
3.1 Aboriginal Entrepreneurship
  LED Aboriginal Entrepreneurship (3.1)
  Moderate Aboriginal Economic Development Programs

Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business
Aboriginal Entrepreneurship (3.1)
39 $3,263
Full coverage of 3.1 with 3.1.1 Evaluation in 2014/15
(Carried Forward to 2015/16)
3.2 Community Development
3.2.2 Investment in Economic Opportunities LED Community Development (3.2) with Sub program annexes
(3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4)
Audit of Economic Development Programs
High Aboriginal Economic Development Programs
Investment in Economic Opportunities
40 $35,706
3.3 Strategic Partnerships
  LED Strategic Partnerships (3.3)
(Update planned 2015/16)
  Moderate The Aboriginal Economic Development Framework and Strategic Partnerships Initiative
Strategic Partnerships
41 $39,587
3.4 Infrastructure and Capacity
3.4.1 Infrastructure and Capacity RO Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program (part 3.4)
Infrastructure and Capacity
(3.4.1 - 3.4.4)
Audit of Water and Waste Water Infrastructure
Very High 3.4.2 / 3.4.4: Education and Community Infrastructure
(Education: 02/2015)
(Community Infrastructure: 04/2015)

First Nations Infrastructure Fund (02/2014)

First Nations Water and Wastewater Infrastructure

Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program
Infrastructure and Capacity (3.4)
42 $1,037,495
Audit of Education Facilities Program
High (Note: Housing evaluated in 2015/16)
4.3 Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Management
4.3.2 Contaminated Sites NAO Contaminated Sites 4.3.2

Umbrella Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan

Northern Contaminated Sites
Audit of Contaminated Sites Programs

Note: Includes 3.2.4 Contaminated Sites (On Reserve)

Audit of Contingent Liabilities
Very High Evaluation of Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan - led by Environment Canada
Contaminated Sites
43 $158,840
Year 5 - 2019/20 Year 5 - 2019/20 Year 5 - 2019/20
1.2 Aboriginal Rights and Interests
1.2.3 Consultation and Accommodation TAG
Consultation and Accommodation

Surveys on Aboriginal People (1.2.3; 5.1.1)

Consultation and Policy Development
Audit of Consultation and Accommodation (2017/18) High Consultation and Accommodation

Engagement and Policy Development Authority

Consultation and Policy Development and Basic Organizational Capacity Funding
Consultation and Accommodation
44 $43,068
3.4 Infrastructure and Capacity
3.4.5 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency NAO Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
(Program Being renewed in 2015/16 - PM Strategy will be developed at that time)
  Low AANDC led - Eco-Energy for Aboriginal and Northern Communities
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
45 $3,794
4.2 Northern Science and Technology
4.2.1 Northern Contaminants NAO Northern Science and Technology (4.2)
  High Evaluation of the Northern Contaminates Program and Northern Scientific Training Program
Northern Science and Technology
46 $48,961
4.2.2 Science Initiatives Moderate
Forecast Direct Spending covered by Evaluation:   $8,016,818
Total Forecast Direct Spending 2015/16   $8,024,058
* Source: Forecast Spending figures are from Chief Financial Officer Sector, Main Estimates, 2015/16 Note: Support to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission will not be evaluated 99.91%

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