Audit of the Implementation of Modern Treaty Obligations - Follow-up Report Status Update as of June 30, 2014

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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Audit Committee - As of June 30, 2014

Treaties and Aboriginal Government

Audit of the Implementation of Modern Treaty Obligations
Approval Date: 20-09-2013
Project Recommendations Action Plan Expected
Completion Date
Program Response
1. The Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Treaties and Aboriginal Government (TAG) Sector should work with the oversight bodies to ensure that the roles and responsibilities for the proactive monitoring of federal obligations are formally defined for the three (3) decision-making bodies and embedded in the appropriate Terms of Reference/mandates and meeting agendas. Additionally, reporting requirements should be established to ensure that AANDC provides these oversight bodies with obligation status-related information required to monitor the status of implementation and ensure that obligations are being implemented on a timely basis. Agreed.
TAG, Implementation Branch (IB) will propose the development of monitoring and accountability tools, such as an annual letter from the DM to his DM colleagues that will ensure OGD’s are aware of the status of their obligations.

The Department will also propose to OGDs other mechanisms on the establishment of a focal point to ensure obligations are being met by other government departments.
Q2 2014-15  
2. The Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, TAG Sector should ensure that a structured business process is defined for the update of the Treaty Obligation Management System (TOMS) on a regular basis (i.e. quarterly) by obligation owners with follow-up, as necessary. The caucuses and Federal Steering Committee should be provided status-related information from TOMS to proactively monitor the status of implementation. Agreed.
TAG, Implementation Branch will continuously improve and implement a business plan that is currently in place, incorporating business process elements within it.

IB meets regularly with OGDs to review their agreements and information in TOMs to ensure there is agreement on obligations assigned to each OGD.
Q2 2014-15  
3. The Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, TAG Sector should work with the OGDs to develop formal Terms of Reference/mandates for the regional caucuses that set out their purpose, membership, roles and responsibilities, frequency of meetings and required activities/documentation. Agreed.
TAG will develop terms of reference and share with FSC.
Q1 2014-15 Status: Completed

As of 30/06/2014:

They were developed with the input of OGD’s and shared with FSC as part of the overall Implementation Management Framework.

AES: Recommend to close. Closed.
4. The Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, TAG Sector should ensure that orientation material is developed for Regional Caucus, Federal Caucus and Federal Steering Committee members so that all members have a consistent understanding of the purpose and role of the committee/caucus, the role of the oversight body in the overall Federal Framework and their individual responsibilities as a member to ensure effective operation of the oversight body. Agreed.

TAG will fully roll out Collaboration and GCPedia tools and websites and provide regular updates to FSC and Federal Caucus and OGDs as requested/required
Q3 2014-15  

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