Management Practices Audit of the Human Resources and Workplace Services Branch - Follow-up Report Status Update as of June 30, 2014

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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Audit Committee - As of June 30, 2014

Human Resources and Workplace Services Branch

Management Practices Audit of the Human Resources and Workplace Services Branch
Approval Date: 11/21/2013
Project Recommendations Action Plan Expected
Completion Date
Program Response
1. The DG HRWSB should ensure that a consolidated, integrated view of the governance structures in place at the departmental level and within the Branch, including the information flows between these structures, is established. As part of this exercise, the DG HRWSB should ensure that terms of reference are defined and available for all oversight bodies, which include guidance on the nature of their focus (e.g. strategic or operational) and a process to ensure they are periodically reviewed and updated. The DG HRWSB should also ensure as part of this exercise that an assessment of whether there is any redundancy between committees and meetings is conducted. Review of the Governance Structures and the Terms of Reference of all the HR, Security and OHS Committees, including the departmental ones. January 2014 Status: Completed

As of 31/03/2014:

A full review of HRWSB governance structure was done and a proposed structure finalized on January 30, 2014.

Terms of reference were developed for HRWSB Management committee and HR Sub-management committee.

A new oversight committee – HR Management Committee was proposed to HRWSMC in March 2014 and approved. Terms of reference also approved.

Terms of reference for the National Policy OHS Committee and workplace committees are posted on the Intranet, and reviewed every two years or when there are significant changes to the committee.

AES: Implemented. The recommendation will be closed. Closed.
2. The DG HRWSB should, as part of the Branch’s 2013-14 business planning commitments:

  • pursue opportunities to expand existing tracking and monitoring activities such that services are tracked and monitored on an end-to-end basis; and,
  • ensure that a formal process is developed to report performance against all service standards to senior management and to solicit feedback from clients. Feedback received should be reported to management and lessons learned should be used to continuously improve HRWSB’s service offerings.
Adjust and review existing Service Standards to take into account the evolving workforce management mechanisms. Review is underway. To be completed in Q4 of 2013/2014. Status: Completed

As of 30/06/2014:

  1. Review of Service Standards was complete. It was discovered that additional steps were added to the processes which were not there initially when service standards were defined. For this year, the objective is to meet service standards 80% of the time even if these new steps add delays in a process (this is part of our business plan commitment).
  2. Developed tool highlighting the different stakeholders in a process with estimated timelines. The Staffing Project Plan Tool can be found on AADNC Intranet under Human Resources’.
  3. Service Standards were incorporated into IHRRS for monitoring and reporting. Process in place to report to HRWSB.
  4. Informal client feedback was gathered by HR Advisors. Met with Evaluation and we were unable to proceed with an external survey as planned for the time being. However, we have pursued Fluid Survey while we are developing a more formal survey. We will proceed once survey is approved and translated. The plan is that the HR Advisor will send the survey to their client once a HR action has been completed. Returns will be compiled, using Fluid Survey, on a monthly basis and presented monthly to the HR community.
  5. Presentation tiled HR Service Standards was made to HRWSMC on May 23, 2014.

AES: The recommendation will be closed once the survey has been approved, translated and implemented.
Work with Evaluation to develop an approach to solicit clients’ feedback (employees and managers) annually. March 2014
3. The DG HRWSB should review existing communication protocols to:
  • ensure that HRWSB staff are provided with information on HR, security and OHS plans, all-staff meetings and key HR process changes in a timely manner; and,
  • promote horizontal communication and collaboration amongst directorates on key initiatives to encourage synergies and avoid the potential for duplication of effort.
Organize an all staff meetings every quarter. January 2014 Status: Completed

As of 31/03/2014:

See proposed structure finalized on January 30, 2014.

Since January 2014, two all-staff meeting have been organized. Management retreat is planned for Spring 2014.

HR, security and OHS challenges and opportunities were presented at the January 30th, 2014 all staff meeting.

The review of the Departmental Security Plan was completed on March 31st, 2014, and the Plan will be disseminated across the Department by May 2014.

A consolidated list of all Branch Divisions' committees and meeting was created and disseminated to the Management Table.

A new 'stand up' meeting has replaced the extended Operations Management meeting.

All OHS meeting minutes remain available on the Intranet.

AES: Implemented. The recommendation will be closed. Closed.
Organize management meetings, three times a year or as required. Q4 2013/2014
Horizontal communication and collaboration will be addressed through the governance structure of HRWSB committees. January 2014
4. The DG HRWSB should ensure that the HR intranet site is strengthened and maintained or that outdated, inconsistent information is removed to avoid confusion. The DG HRWSB should also ensure that the Branch’s organizational structure is documented on HR Online and widely accessible to departmental stakeholders to ensure that accountability structures are communicated, readily available and understood. Finally, the DG HRWSB should ensure that the management spans of control within HRWSB are reviewed and should confirm that they support the Department in meeting the Public Services priorities for HR and the evolving requirements for HR in the Government of Canada. Develop an action plan to validate and review the content of HR intranet sites as required in consultation with Communications Branch. March 2014 Status: Completed

As of 30/06/2014:

  1. HR Online action plan developed. Content reviewed and obsolete content archived. Delays in accessing the Web Experience Toolkit (WET) (which is the new tool for intranet pages in the GoC) Template from Communication for content transfer. HR intranet structure was presented for approval by HR management on May 27, 2014.
  2. New site has been implemented on June 30, 2014.
  3. Organizational Design presented to Senior Management in Q3 of 2013/2014. Presented draft organization during staff meeting on April 1, 2014.
  4. Implementation of new Organization initiated in Q1 of 2014/2015.
  5. New structure was presented in the All Staff on June 9, 2014. Full implementation to be completed by end of September 2014.

AES: Implemented. The recommendation will be closed. Closed.
HRWSB is in the process of establishing a new organizational design and, as a result the management spans of control will be addressed. Organizational Design to be presented to Senior Management in Q3 of 2013/2014.

Implementation of new Organizational Design to be initiated in Q4 of 2013/2014.

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