Evaluation of Nutrition North Canada - Follow-up Report Status Update as of December 31, 2013

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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of December 31, 2013

Northern Affairs Organization, Communications

Evaluation of Nutrition North Canada
Approval Date: 09-19-2013
Project Recommendations Action Plan Expected Completion Date Program Response
1. Review community eligibility criteria to ensure that it reflects NNC program objectives. Recommendations on community eligibility based on NNC program objectives will be developed. Key NNC governance bodies (Advisory Board and Oversight Committee) and partners such as Health Canada will be consulted. March 2014  
2. Review current governance structures in order to:
  • Clarify the purpose, role and responsibilities to ensure for an effective Oversight Committee;
  • Clarify the purpose, role and responsibilities of the Advisory Board, taking into consideration the level of resources required on the part of program management to support those activities
  • The purpose, role, and responsibilities of the NNC Oversight Committee will be examined and clarified.
  • The purpose and role and responsibilities of the Advisory Board will be reviewed
November 2013

February 2014
3. Review the current communication strategy in order to better coordinate communication and activities between AANDC and Health Canada. A shared communications approach will be developed in the Fall of 2013. November 2013 Status: Completed

As of 31/12/2013:

A joint draft communication strategy has been developed and will be operationalized in Q1 of 2015.

AES: Recommendation fully implemented. Closed.
4. Continue to develop data collection systems and tools in support of ongoing performance measurement, to support the program's collection of data to measure longer-term outcomes. Appropriate tools and systems to collect and analyze trends are being designed and will be implemented. March 2014  
5. Coordinate departmental efforts with provincial and territorial partners to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the respective food subsidy programs in the North. Discussions will be held with willing provinces and territories in order to better coordinate efforts with respect to food subsidy programs in the North. March 2015  

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