Grants and Contributions to Support the Advancement of Northern Science and Technology

On this page

  1. Introduction
  2. Legal and Policy Authority
  3. Purpose, Program Objectives and Expected Results
  4. Eligibility
  5. Type and Nature of Eligible Expenditures
  6. Total Canadian Government Funding and Stacking Limits
  7. Method for Determining the Amount of Funding
  8. Maximum Amount Payable
  9. Basis on Which Payments will be Made
  10. Application Requirements and Assessment Criteria
  11. Due Diligence and Reporting
  12. Official Languages
  13. Intellectual Property
  14. Repayable Contributions
  15. Redistribution of Contributions
  16. Footnote

1. Introduction


The Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's (DIAND) umbrella terms and conditions to support the advancement of northern science and technology (S&T) at the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) includes a comprehensive suite of program elements to support S&T research, education, training and capacity building, and knowledge mobilization.

The S&T activities that will be undertaken by CHARS fall under four Government of Canada mandated themes: Resource Development; Exercising Sovereignty; Environmental Stewardship and Climate Change; and, Strong and Healthy Communities. Under each theme, the mandate specifies the long-term outcomes that CHARS will work towards over the coming decades.


CHARS, located in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, serves as a hub in the Canadian Arctic Research Network. The Station provides a suite of services for S&T in Canada's North including a technology development centre, traditional knowledge centre, advanced laboratories and logistics support for researchers in the field. The Station also runs a national S&T program for the Canadian North. The geographic scope of CHARS' mandate defines Canada's Arctic as the lands and waters that lie north of the permafrost line.

CHARS will take an integrated approach to its science and technology activities. These activities may include: monitoring and surveillance; research, modeling, and prediction; technology development and transfer; knowledge mobilization; and training, education, and outreach; data management; as well as the logistics needed to ensure effective delivery. The science and technology undertaken by CHARS will be interdisciplinary and include natural and physical sciences, economic and social sciences, health and life sciences, the humanities, and engineering and technology development. The knowledge produced through the Station will be mobilized to support the responsible development of Canada's Arctic.

2. Legal and Policy Authority

Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. I-6, s. 4

3. Purpose, Program Objectives and Expected Results

The purpose of these terms and conditions is to provide an integrated suite of grants and contributions that support Canadian Arctic S&T for CHARS.

The provision to support the advancement of northern S&T is essential to deliver on CHARS' mandated themes and Article 23 of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, the objective of which is to increase Inuit participation in government employment in the Nunavut Settlement Area to a level representative of the Inuit population of Nunavut. To achieve this, these Terms and Conditions include four categories of grants and contribution funding: (i) S&T Competitive Program which provides funding to Aboriginal, academia, government and industry; (ii) Training and Capacity Building which provides funding to organizations that provide S&T related skills and development training to Northerners and Aboriginal groups; (iii) Scholarship and Fellowships which provides funding to students and new researchers to work in the North; and (iv) CHARS' Knowledge Mobilization Award which provides funding to promote, in Canada and around the world, Northern S&T knowledge that has resulted in action.

Purpose / Objectives Expected Results Performance Indicators
S&T Competitive Program (Contribution) To fund science and technology activities in line with CHARS' priority areas. To generate relevant S&T which impacts and contributes to solving key issues and questions for Canada's Arctic, the circumpolar Arctic, and the globe. To demonstrate excellence in CHARS S&T throughinternational renown and recognition of the leadership of CHARS' research. To foster Northern and Aboriginal leadership and engagement in S&T. Number of partners engaged in projects. Scientific impact of peer reviewed publications will be measured through citation indicesFootnote 1. Number of northerners and Aboriginals engaged in and leading CHARS' research projects.
Training and Capacity Building (Contribution and Grant) To fund youth and/or adult programs to develop new skills, career experience and to participate in S&T activities. Funds will be administered in two streams:

  1. Contributions: To support the development and delivery of programs.
  2. Grants: To provide funding to individuals in the form of scholarships or bursaries for programs.
To inspire the next generation to pursue S&T career opportunities; and, in particular, enhance Northern engagement in, and leadership of, S&T activities. Number of programs supported through CHARS' contributions. Number of individuals supported through scholarships and bursaries.
Scholarships and Fellowships (Grant) Scholarships will support Northern S&T students currently enrolled at academic institutions and gaining professional experience in the North, encouraging a commitment to Northern studies. Fellowships will provide emerging scientists and engineers that have recently graduated, or senior visiting scientists who wish to continue to develop their northern expertise, with funds to work in the North at CHARS or other Northern-based research institutions to gain valuable on-the-job training and advance their research under one of the CHARS' priority areas. To develop highly qualified S&T personnel and leadership in the North and across Canada. Number of applications received for scholarships. Number of successfully completed fellowships.
CHARS' Knowledge Mobilization Award (Grant) To award a team or individual for outstanding contributions in transforming Northern S&T research into relevant and tangible solutions for northern issues. To promote the mobilization of Canadian Arctic S&T knowledge into action within Canada and to countries around the world. Percentage of applicants that meet the eligibility criteria for the award.

In the Program Alignment Architecture, CHARS is listed under The North/Northern Science and Technology.

4. Eligibility

Applicants will apply for CHARS grants and contribution funding through an application process. Applications will be administered through a peer reviewed processed, assessed by Senior Management.

4.1 Eligible Recipients

4.1.1 S&T Program Competitive Funds:

Contribution funding for science and technology activities will be administered through a competitive process to deliver on CHARS' priority areas as outlined in CHARS' S&T Plan.

To be considered for CHARS S&T competitive funds, recipients must be employed by or be part of the organizational structure of a Canadian organization that:

  • is a recognized legal entity in Canada;
  • has acceptable accounting systems and financial controls in place to administer the funds as demonstrated by the annual conduction of financial audits;
  • supports their funding proposal as indicated by a signature from an authorized officer.

Eligible organizations include:

  • educational and academic institutions;
  • provincial, territorial, regional, municipal, Aboriginal governments and organizations;
  • businesses and industries and their professional associations;
  • not-for-profit, non-governmental organizations;
  • community groups (Aboriginal communities or organizations, voluntary groups, community organizations, associations and institutions);
  • individuals.

4.1.2 Training and Capacity Building

Contribution Funding:

Eligible recipients are organizations and institutions that develop and deliver special programs targeted to Aboriginal and Northern-based students and develop skills and experience in support of the CHARS mandate and also related CHARS operations. Funding may be used to expand existing programs or develop new programming aligned with CHARS human resource requirements.

Grant Funding:

Eligible recipients are post-secondary education institutions and northern students, including NLCA Beneficiaries who are enrolled in post-secondary education programs and skills training aligned with CHARS' human resource requirements.

4.1.3 CHARS Scholarships and Fellowships

Grant Funding:

Eligible recipients for CHARS' Scholarships:

  • Students must be enrolled in a degree Program at a Canadian university or a Canadian student enrolled at a degree program offered by a recognized academic institution outside of Canada.
  • Students must be working towards a degree in one of the CHARS priority areas.
  • Funds are available in support of graduate students. However, senior undergraduate students entering their final year and intending to undertake an honours thesis based on northern fieldwork or research which will be continued in subsequent graduate studies are also eligible.
  • Students supported by training funds must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
  • Summer and winter projects are eligible.
  • Post-doctoral studies are not supported

Eligible recipients for CHARS' Fellowships:

  • Post Doctoral Candidates
    • Eligible recipients must have graduated from a program in one of the CHARS priority areas from a recognized university within the past five years. Applications will be accepted if applicants are currently enrolled in a post-secondary program at a recognized university; however, applicants must complete all degree requirements (including the thesis defence) within six months of submitting an application.
    • Recipients are not allowed to take up an award until completion of the degree requirements is confirmed and received. Recipients may hold only one Fellowship.
    • There are no restrictions on the nationality of applicants, but awards are subject to a citizenship quota: two-thirds of awards must be made to Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Successful candidates who are not Canadians or permanent residents of Canada must satisfy Canadian immigration requirements.
  • Visiting Scientists
    • Eligible recipients must be currently conducting S&T research in one of the CHARS priority areas at a recognized university.
    • Recipients may hold only one Fellowship.
    • There are no restrictions on the nationality of applicants. Successful candidates who are not Canadians or permanent residents of Canada must satisfy Canadian immigration requirements.

4.1.4 CHARS' Knowledge Mobilization Award

Eligible recipients for grants include not-for-profit organizations, Aboriginal organizations, northern communities, territorial governments, universities, colleges and individuals who are contributing to the furtherance of the state of knowledge in one or more of the CHARS priority areas. Eligible recipients must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents. In cases of project teams and organizations, the principal investigator or team lead must belong to a Canadian organization.

5. Type and Nature of Eligible Expenditures

Expenditures S&T Competitive Program
Training and Capacity Building Scholarships and Fellowships
CHARS' Knowledge Mobilization Award
(Contributions) (Grant)
Administration Fee (maximum 15%) Yes Yes
Materials, Equipment and Supplies Purchases Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rentals (e.g. conference and meeting rooms, office space, equipment, storage, aircraft and helicopter rentals) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Professional Fees and Services (contracts) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Salaries, benefits and wages for employees and casual workers and honoraria Yes Yes Yes Yes
Travel including meals and accommodations Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tuition Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Postage & Shipping Yes Yes Yes Yes

6. Total Canadian Government Funding and Stacking Limits

Annual financial reporting for contribution funding shall show all sources of funding received. Total Government of Canada assistance for the same purpose and eligible expenditures shall not exceed 100 percent of total eligible expenditures.

Total Government of Canada assistance for grants for the same purpose and eligible expenditures shall not exceed 100 percent of total eligible expenditures.

7. Method for Determining the Amount of Funding

Component Method for Determine the Amount of Funding
(i) S&T Competitive Program

(ii) Training and Capacity Building
The amount to be paid through contributions will be based on a proposal and budget submitted by the applicant.

Drawing on their experience and specialized knowledge, reviewers will assess the proposals and budgets and recommend the amount of funding based on whether expenditures are well justified and reasonable for the scope of proposed activities.
(iii) Scholarship and Fellowships

(iv) CHARS Knowledge Mobilization Award
The amount to be paid through grants will be predetermined by the CHARS Management Committee. Applications received from eligible recipients will be peer reviewed against the assessment criteria.

8. Maximum Amount Payable

Maximum amounts payable may increase by no more than two percent per year or the increase in DIAND's reference level as appropriated by Parliament. (Base Year: 2014-2015)

S&T Competitive Program
Training and Capacity Building Scholarship and Fellowships
CHARS' Knowledge Mobilization Award
(Contributions) (Grant)
The maximum amount payable to any recipient annually will not exceed $4.0 Million per project. Contribution: The maximum amount payable to any recipient will not exceed $1.0 Million per project. Grant: The maximum amount payable to any recipient will not exceed $100,000 per year, per recipient. The maximum annual amount payable will not exceed is $120,000 per year, per recipient. The maximum annual amount payable is $50,000 per year, per recipient.

9. Basis on Which Payments will be Made

Contributions are normally paid on the basis of achievement of performance objectives or as reimbursement of expenditures incurred.

Grants are a one-time payment per year.

10. Application Requirements and Assessment Criteria

Contribution Funding

For recipients to receive contribution funding for (i) S&T Competitive Program and (ii) Training and Capacity Building, they must complete a proposal in the manner prescribed by DIAND, and must submit the proposal to the appropriate DIAND office. At a minimum, proposals must include:

  • A description of the project;
  • The objective(s) and expected outcome(s) of the project with linkages to CHARS' program objectives and priorities;
  • Outputs that will be generated;
  • Expected milestones along with criteria for measurement of success;
  • Expected outcomes along with criteria for measurements of success; and
  • A budget for the project indicating anticipated overall revenues by source (other grant and contribution programs within DIAND; other federal government departments and organizations; other levels of government; the private sector; the applicant; and other sources).

The proposal will be reviewed for northern S&T relevance, excellence and northern and Aboriginal engagement.

Where applicable, in order for projects to receive continued funding, the eligible recipient will provide the Department with program specific annual reports and financial statements which include the necessary information, as specified by the Department in the duly signed agreement, sufficient to verify adherence to the program terms and conditions and demonstrate results for the most recently completed fiscal year. The purpose of the reports is twofold:

  • To aid in determining the applicant's ability to successfully complete the project; and
  • To review, where applicable, the degree to which, past funding by the recipient was spent in achieving its project objectives.

Grant Funding

For recipients to receive grant funding for (ii) Training and Capacity Building, (iii) Scholarships and Fellowships; and for the (iv) CHARS' Knowledge Mobilization Award, they must complete an application form in the manner prescribed by DIAND, and must submit the form to the appropriate DIAND office.

A selection committee will consider the applications in terms of relevance to the CHARS Program, the total number of eligible requests received for funding; and available funds for such activities.

11. Due Diligence and Reporting

DIAND has in place departmental systems, procedures and resources for ensuring due diligence in approving these transfer payments, verifying eligibility and entitlement, and for the management and administration of these programs.

At a minimum, contribution recipients are required to submit annual financial reports or financial audits that account for the use of funding in accordance with the terms of the funding arrangement. A companion narrative report is also required to outline activities, results and outcomes achieved. The frequency of reporting may be increased based on recipient risk.

To assess the effectiveness of the contribution, the evaluation process or evaluation criteria may include, but is not limited to, the program/initiative rationale, the program's success, its cost-effectiveness, and its design and delivery. The implementation of the contribution and the achieved results, including its impacts, may also be evaluated.

12. Official Languages

Where a program supports activities that may be delivered to members of either official language community, access to services from the recipient will be provided in both official languages where there is significant demand and Part IV of the Official Languages Act is applicable. In addition, the Department will ensure that the design and the delivery of programs respect the obligations of the Government of Canada as set out in Part VII of the Official Languages Act.

13. Intellectual Property

Where a grant or contribution is provided for the development of material in which copyright subsists, conditions for shared rights will be set out in the funding agreement.

14. Repayable Contributions

Provisions for repayable contributions do not apply. Any contributions made to private firms under these programs, initiatives and projects are not intended to generate profits or to increase the value of a business.

15. Redistribution of Contributions

Where a recipient delegates authority or further distributes contribution funding to agency third party (such as an authority, board, committee, or other entity authorized to act on behalf of the recipient), the recipient shall remain liable to the Department for the performance of its obligations under the funding agreement. Neither the objectives of the programs and services nor the expectations of transparent, fair and equitable services shall be compromised by any delegation or redistribution of contribution funding.

Recipients have full independence in the selection of such third parties and will not be acting as an agent of the government in making distributions.

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