Evaluation of the Canada Program for International Polar Year - Follow-up Report Status Update as of September 30, 2013
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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of September 30, 2013
Northern Affairs Organization
Project Recommendations | Action Plan | Expected Completion Date | Program Response |
1. Take into consideration the research findings from Government of Canada Program for IPY projects to plan and support future scientific research in the North related to climate change and the health and wellbeing of northern people. | Lessons learned from IPY are being used to inform the development of the science and technology (S&T) program associated with the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS). Research findings from IPY are used to plan and support the CHARS S&T Blueprint which will guide the implementation of the science program. In addition, knowledge application will be a key component of CHARS research. IPY will serve as an important reference as the design of the Station and the research program evolve. | Completion of the CHARS S&T Blueprint and program guidelines: 2013 | Status: Underway Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2013: Lessons learned from IPY have been, and continue to be used to inform the development of the CHARS S&T Program. IPY provides an important reference for both the Station's design and the S&T program. The CHARS S&T Plan was approved in May 2013. The development of the program guidelines are in progress with an anticipated completion by March 31, 2014. AES: Ongoing. The activities related to the development of the program guidelines are underway. The anticipated deadline will be over when this action is completed. An update will be needed at the next committee in February 2014. |
2. Build on projects that were recognized as being successful in engaging northern communities, to develop standards and practices on community engagement and effective communications so that future northern research maximizes the integration of science and traditional knowledge and builds ongoing northern capacity to participate in research. | The instances of successful northern engagement during IPY and the importance of community engagement have been recognized by the Northern Contaminants Program (NCP) and CHARS. These important aspects of northern research will be further developed as these two programs progress to enhance engagement and build capacity, as well as address traditional knowledge. A traditional knowledge centre will be incorporated into the design of the new research station. In addition, an engagement strategy is being developed for CHARS so that, as the project progresses, appropriate engagement and consultation takes place, especially that which is required by the Nunavut Land Claim Agreement. | Completion of the CHARS engagement strategy: January 1, 2013 Design concept establish: Spring 2013 |
Status: Request to Close Update/Rationale: As of 30/06/2013: The importance of successful northern engagement is recognized by CHARS and continues to be developed in all aspects of the CHARS project. A CHARS engagement strategy has been established. Consultation and engagement with stakeholders has been, and continues to be, tracked and updated regularly as discussions/meetings with stakeholders occur. The design concept is near completion and the project will move to the design development phase in late summer. The Community of Cambridge Bay and other stakeholders continue to be engaged in the development of the project as it progresses. Capacity building opportunities will continue to be explored for implementation in the future which will provide Inuit and Northerners the opportunity to continue to gain knowledge and experience to work at CHARS. AES: Close -Implemented Activities are ongoing with key structures under development. A time table put in place for full implementation of the action items have been met, and other actions associated with these items are perpetual in nature. |
3. Support a collaboration between southern researchers and northern interests including territorial governments, northern institutions and Aboriginal organizations to foster partnerships to enable northern communities and their representatives to develop and implement scientific projects that focus on needs identified in the north. | Collaboration and partnerships are key elements of both NCP and CHARS. NCP will continue to foster the relationships it has established. CHARS will consult broadly and engage a wide range of stakeholders, and community members, especially those based in the North. This includes the coordination of a joint meeting between the ADM Committee on Arctic S&T and representatives from the three territories; support for the Canadian Network of Northern Research Operators and the engagement of a broad range of stakeholders in the CHARS S&T Advisory Panel. In addition, formal and informal partnerships will continue to be developed. |
Joint meeting of the ADM Committee on Arctic S&T and the three territories: September 2012 Meeting of the CHARS Advisory Panel: Spring 2013 |
Status: Request to Close Update/Rationale: As of 30/06/2013: Collaboration and partnerships are an important aspect of CHARS. CHARS has, and continues to consult broadly and engage a wide range of stakeholders, particularly those based in the North. The ADM Committee on Arctic S&T and territorial governments met in October 2012. Opportunities for collaboration have been identified and a federal-territorial working group has been established to advance areas of collaboration. Extensive consultations were undertaken with the multi-stakeholder CHARS S&T Advisory Panel comprised of thirty-two experts from Aboriginal organizations, the private sector, universities and government. The Advisory Panel provided expertise and advice that was used to develop the CHARS S&T Plan. AES: Close -Implemented Activities are ongoing with key structures and processes in place. A timetable put in place for full implementation of the action items have been met though other works associated with these items are perpetual in nature. |
4. Consider a set-aside of a proportion of available project funds for projects originating in the north, with criteria suitable for the purpose, and with sufficient early planning and support to maximize effective use of this funding. | This recommendation will be considered in the development of the CHARS' S&T program and will be integrated as appropriate. | Completion of the CHARS S&T Blueprint and program guidelines: 2013 | Status: Underway Update/Rationale: As of 30/06/2013: The CHARS S&T Plan is complete and was approved in May 2013. As the program guidelines and implementation plan for the S&T Program are developed, this recommendation will be taken into consideration and integrated as appropriate. AES: Close. Structures and processes are in place and have been integrated where required; in addition, some achievements have been identified and action items have been met according to the original expected completion date as per the time table. |
5. Support the continued development of northern scientific databases and data storage and sharing mechanisms in order to help foster continued government and academic research and to maintain Canada's international scientific linkages that were greatly enhanced by the Government of Canada Program for IPY activity. | A scoping initiative will be undertaken with the Data Assemble Centres Network to determine the capacity required to support CHARS over the long term. | Completion of the CHARS S&T Blueprint and program guidelines: 2013 | Status: Request to Close Update/Rationale: As of 30/06/2013: The Canadian Polar Data Network (formerly the Data Assembly Centres Network) prepared a report for CHARS on data and information requirements including infrastructure and capacity estimates. CHARS will take the requirements into consideration and integrate them into the Station's infrastructure as appropriate. AES: Close -Fully Implemented While aspects of the action item as described in the action plan have been fully implemented, other actions identified are ongoing in nature. |
6. Re-examine the annual funding cycle for northern scientific initiatives where projects require lengthy planning and have short available periods for field research, and consider multi-year funding arrangements with adequate reporting to ensure proper accountability. | Many of these lessons have already been incorporated in policy proposals and planning for CHARS implementation. They will also be considered in future guidelines and may be explained in existing programs such as the NCP | Completion of the CHARS S&T Blueprint and program guidelines: 2013 | Status: Request to Close Update/Rationale: As of 30/06/2013: This recommendation and the lessons learned from IPY regarding annual funding cycles have been incorporated into policy proposals, planning for CHARS implementation and assessment of governance models. AES: Close -Fully Implemented Key aspects of the action plan have been fully implemented, including the establishment of structures and the operation of processes which are intended to address the related recommendation, while other actions identified are ongoing in nature. |