Management Practices Audit of the Nunavut Region - Follow-up Report Status Update as of March 31, 2013

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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Audit Committee - As of March 31, 2013

Nunavut Region

Management Practices Audit of the Nunavut Region
Approval Date: 02/22/2011
Project Recommendations Action Plan Expected Completion Date Program Response
1. The Regional Director General (RDG) of the Nunavut Region should finalize the regional governance structure and mechanisms (including approval of committee Terms of Reference) and ensure role, purpose and structure are clearly defined, and communicated, for each committee to optimize the overall effectiveness of the governance structure and mechanisms. Committee structures and Terms Of References (TORs) reviewed and approved, and all work completed, for Regional Management Committee (RMC), and Regional Executive Committee (Human Resources).

Committee structure and TORs for Regional Executive Committee, Nunavut Committee on Major Projects (NCOMP), and Occupational Safety and Health Committee still to be completed.

The Region has developed a communications plan to assist with roll out of planned actions. The relevant sections are noted below:
March 31, 2012 Status: Completed
Communications Plan Action #1
Work with the RDG Office (RDGO) to identify opportunities to increase awareness of the role and purpose of regional oversight bodies (i.e. all staff meetings, within the forums themselves, etc.).
Ongoing Communications Plan Action #1
Status: Completed
Communications Plan Action #2
Continue to prioritize re-development of the regional Intranet site, which will provide specific information about each management body, their respective TORs and meeting minutes.

Working with Northwest Territories (NT) through a Shared Service Agreement (SSA) to complete preliminary work.
Anticipated to be operational by March 31, 2013. Communications Plan Action #2
Status: Underway

Update/Rationale: Updates have been made to the content for the regional intranet site. Beyond the region, broader policy discussions are taking place to determine the future of intranet site.
Communications Plan Action #3
Develop "fact sheets" on each regional management body for posting in all AANDC office buildings and in planned employee orientation package
June 30, 2012 Communications Plan Action #3
Status: Underway

Update/Rationale:"Fact sheets" in draft form, awaiting larger policy decision on the future of the regional intranet site.

Employee orientation package remains in development, currently the region relies on HQ comprehensive orientation materials.

AES: Substantially implemented. Closed.
Communications to work in conjunction with the RDGO to develop materials for Completion of employee orientation package. March 31, 2013
2. The Regional Director General (RDG) of the Nunavut Region should continue with the current undertaking of the organizational review to establish a clear and more effective organizational structure. Organizational review underway, workshop, final report (including recommendations), and implementation plan to be completed by fiscal year end. March 31, 2012 Status: Complete /Pending implementation

As of 31/12/2012:

First phase of organizational review complete June 1, 2012 and changes to reporting structures were completed.

Intermediate/long term components are pending implementation as they were put on hold due to WFA/DRAP.

AES: Substantially implemented. Recommendation to be closed. Closed.
3. The Regional Director General (RDG) of the Nunavut Region should ensure that supporting control documentation and evidence for staffing actions is retained for accountability and audit trail purposes. Amended HR process in place that now requires all HR advisors to meet with hiring manager prior to the provision of a letter of offer in order to ascertain that a file review has taken place and all documentation is up to date.

Post audit file reviews were completed and all non compliant files were brought into compliance.

Internal check lists and periodic internal file review processes have been established which will be used on a go forward basis in order to ensure future compliance.
Process in place and implemented AES: CLOSED
4. The Regional Director General (RDG) of the Nunavut Region should develop a protocol or a strategy to improve the effectiveness of communication mechanisms (i.e. email, intranet, sharing of management practices) and reiterate the importance of downward communication. Communications strategy has been completed.
Key aspects include:
Revamped Intranet site: The Nunavut (NU) and NT Regions have consolidated efforts through a shared services agreement, which will see the Nunavut Region implement a new intranet content management system based upon an NT pilot program currently within the departmental Information Management/Information Technology (IM/IT) gating process. (Approvals for Nunavut implementation are expected by October 2012).Development of an NU regionally specific intranet structure and its related content will commence once IM/IT approvals have been obtained and the technical web based infrastructure has been put in place. Planned completion date March 31, 2013.

  • Consolidation and re-organization of Public Folders in Comprehensive Integrated Document Management (CIDM) for ease of access to important public documents and information almost complete.
    Internal communications plan
Intranet in place by March 31, 2013

Completion of CIDM public folder exercise by July 1, 2012
Status: Underway

Update/Rationale: Updates have been made to the content for the regional intranet site. Beyond the region, broader policy discussions are taking place to determine the future of intranet site.

Improvements have been made in ensuring effective communication as the Manager of Communications attends senior management meetings and looks for opportunities and mechanisms to share information.

RDGO frequently e-mails information related to regional and HQ priorities and issues.

RDG attends several meeting operational meetings (e.g., RMC, NCOMI) to provide updates.

Several all-staff meetings were hosted to keep staff up-to-date.

Status: Completed
Communications Plan Action #1
Develop and circulate business process documents related to formal communications activities to ensure all managers have access to the same information.

Topics can include: how to develop an all-staff email and get it approved; how to post to the intranet (once re-launched), etc.
June 30, 2012 Communications Plan Action #1
Status: Completed
Communications Plan Action #2
Provide a forum for managers to discuss standardization of management practices.
March 31, 2012 Communications Plan Action #2
Status: Completed
Communications Plan Action #3
Continue to prioritize re-development of the regional Intranet site, which will provide specific information about each management body, their respective TORs and meeting minutes.

Currently awaiting the completion of IM/IT gating process for new content management system.

Working with NT through SSA to complete preliminary work.
expected completion date October 2012 Anticipated to be operational by March 31, 2013 Communications Plan Action #3
Status: Underway

Update/Rationale: Updates have been made to the content for the regional intranet site. Beyond the region, broader policy discussions are taking place to determine the future of intranet site.
Communications Plan Action #4
Develop regional e-newsletter. In consultation with the RDGO, develop an e-newsletter to be delivered monthly with pertinent information to all-staff relating to corporate, regional, and local or office news.
By June 30, 2012 Communications Plan Action #4
Status: Underway

Update/Rationale: Preliminary discussions were undertaken as to what an e-newsletter would look like and decision made to delivery of e-newsletter through intranet site.
Communications Plan Action #5
Develop a fulsome internal communications strategy that complements the next strategic plan and corporate communications plan.

Communications to work in conjunction with RDGO to develop materials.

Work to place formal foundations around the NRO’s internal communications function.
By March 31, 2013 Communications Plan Action #5
Status: Underway

Update/Rationale: The Communication team has places a heavy focus on planning and the development of a communications strategy for the region.

AES: Substantially implemented. Closed.
5. The Regional Director General (RDG) of the Nunavut Region should leverage departmental risk management expertise (i.e.: AES Risk Management, and the Northern Affairs Organization (NAO)) to develop a formal documented approach to risk management, including an ongoing process and governance structure for identifying, assessing, and monitoring risk mitigation actions. The Nunavut Regional Office is currently developing a risk management implementation plan for its risk profile. This plan will include periodic review and engagement of staff and management on the validity of the risks identified in the regional profile; (periodic reviews will be linked with the region’s established planning and reporting cycles).

The NRO has included an engagement/consultation component in the plan that will include close consultation with departmental risk experts prior to the completion of the plan in order to ensure that their expertise in this area has been consulted.
Plan in place and operational by September 1, 2012 Status: Underway

As of 31/12/2012:

Plan in place, implementation continues and continual review underway.

AES: Substantially implemented. Recommendation will be closed. Closed.
6. The Regional Director General (RDG) of the Nunavut Region should further enhance regional objectives and improve operating efficiencies by taking a leadership role to create collaborative opportunities with other departments and other levels of government within the Region. The NRO will complete a three to five year strategic plan within the next fiscal year which will be the primary vehicle for creating opportunities for collaboration with external partners and Other Government Departments (OGDs). In addition the region will continue to engage with Nunavut Federal Council (NFC) and the Government of Nunavut (GN) on files of common interest and proactively seek out collaborative opportunities.

NFC engagement ongoing, Collaborative work with GN (Joint compliance regime, community water licenses) ongoing
Strategic Plan completed by March 2013 Status: Underway

Update/Rationale: In March, a New Year Planning exercise was conducted with the management team and will form the foundation of the NRO’s strategic plan, which will be developed over the course of 2013.

BRN In addition, the NRO continues to improve its collaborative engagements with external partners and other government departments. By example, the NRO’s continues to work with the NFC on Inuit employment initiatives and the ongoing efforts to work with the GN on compliance and enforcement issues.

AES: Substantially implemented. Closed.

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