Archived - Audit of Comprehensive Integrated Document Management (CIDM) - Follow-up Report Status Update as of September 30, 2012
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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Audit Committee - As of September 30, 2012
Chief Financial Officer
Audit of Comprehensive Integrated Document Management (CIDM) (08/19)
Approval Date: May 14, 2010
Project Recommendations |
Action Plan | Expected Completion Date |
Program Response |
1. User Awareness: Observation: There exists a lack of user awareness surrounding appropriate document classification, user responsibilities and support, and the benefits of prioritizing this activity. |
Action: AANDC's IMB will embark on a re-invigorated approach to change management and governance to minimize the knowledge gap as it relates to system usage. More effort will be concentrated on persistency of uptake, including endorsement/enforcement by senior management. In the short term, IMB will conduct a series of user forums and surveys to garner input and suggestions from departmental employees on where they see specific areas of improvement being required. | (September 2010) | Status: Request to Close- completed Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2012: Based on the outcomes of the on-line survey and feedback received from users via Help Desk and face-to-face interaction, a draft strategy to address internal communications related to all aspects of information management was developed in November 2011.
These basic services are part of a standard service offering from CIMD and will continue to address the change Management aspects of the audit finding on a continual basis going forward. It is recommended that this item be marked as ongoing/completed and closed in this audit report. AES: Closed- The recommendation will be closed as an on-going training and awareness strategy has been developed and implemented. |
2. Retention and Disposition Observation: AANDC's standardized retention and disposition policies are not being consistently followed across the department. |
Action: IMB will work with the Regions and program areas to ensure that existing Retention and Disposition Authorities (RDA's) are applied consistently to CIDM document collections. This work will be conducted in parallel with departmental activities currently underway with Library and Archives Canada (LAC) on updating many of the existing RDA's. | (December 2010) | Status: Request to Close- complete Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2012: AANDC is an early adopter of the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) Recordkeeping Methodology, which will lead to compliance with Recordkeeping Directive by 2014.
It is recommended that this item be marked as ongoing/completed and closed in this audit report. AES: Closed-Based on the progress achieved to date and the on-going nature of the planned actions, the recommendation will be closed. |
3. Business Value of Information Observation: CIDM's mandatory save environment is leading to an overabundance of transitory materials being captured and stored. |
Action: IMB will develop a strategy which focuses on identification of business versus transitory materials, which will include the identification of an appropriate storage facility for transitory records. Also, IMB will lead in the development of an enterprise search strategy which can comb all departmental repositories in support of ATIP and e-Discovery. | (December 2010) | Status: Ongoing/Completed Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2012: With the advent of the IM Toolset Renewal project funding received from FMC, work towards these objectives is underway.
It is recommended that this item be marked as Ongoing/Completed and closed in this audit report. AES: Closed-Based on the progress made to implement the planned actions, the recommendation is now closed. |
4. Document Security Observation: Confusion exists within the department around appropriate document security protocols, profiling and business rules. |
Action: Since the conclusion of the audit, IMB and the Security and Occupational Health and Safety Division (SOHSD) have partnered together in an effort to better educate, measure and monitor the handling of electronic documentation. To that end, steps have been taken to include more frequent messaging around appropriate document security levels. In particular, changes have been made within the CIDM training curriculum to aid users in better identifying appropriate document security designations. Over the long term, IMB will continue to partner with SOHSD to further improve education, measurement and monitoring of the handling of electronic documentation. |
Immediate and ongoing | Status: Complete Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2010: Changes have been made within the CIDM training curriculum to aid users in better identifying appropriate document security designations (including direct integration of core messaging by SOHSD). Additionally, a new tri-fold "Understanding Security Levels, Access Controls and CIDM" was developed in concert with SOHSD and distributed electronically to IM Regional counterparts and is now included in all NCR New Employee Orientation packages. Over the long term, IMB will continue to partner with SOHSD to further improve education, measurement and monitoring of the handling of electronic documentation. AES: Closed - Fully Implemented |
5. Naming Conventions and Profiling Observation: There exists inconsistent application of naming conventions and access controls. |
Action: In the short term, IMB will educate and clearly disseminate to the Regions AANDC's best practices and standards as they relate to naming conventions, while at the same time promoting more openness within the document access controls. This will be measured through IMB's Regional and Sectoral Scorecarding exercise on an ongoing basis. | (September 2010 and ongoing) | Status: In Progress Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2010: This is a Q3 initiative, which will include validation and feedback with Regions at the Annual National IM/IT Workshop. AES: Closed |
6. Performance Observation: Improvements should be made in the measurement, monitoring and remediation of CIDM performance and response times. |
Action: IMB will establish and coordinate a national review process in collaboration with Regional service partners to identify factors affecting system performance. Once this process has been established, IMB will lead in the ongoing measurement, monitoring and remediation of performance and response times across all Regions. | (September 2010 and ongoing) | Status: In Progress Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2010: This is a Q3 initiative, which will include validation and feedback with Regions at the Annual National IM/IT Workshop. AES: Closed |
7. Licensing Observation: There were at the time of the audit, more active users than actual licenses. |
Action: Since the conclusion of the audit, IMB has remitted to PWGSC the required dollars to cover the identified gap. | (December 2010 and ongoing) | Status: Complete Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2010: Since the conclusion of the audit, IMB has remitted to PWGSC the required dollars to cover the identified gap. AES: Closed - Fully Implemented |