Archived - Summative Evaluation of the Capital Facilities Maintenance Program - Follow-up Report Status Update as of March 31, 2012
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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of March 31, 2012
Regional Operations
Summative Evaluation of the Capital Facilities Maintenance Program (08/45)
Approval Date: 24/09/10
Project Recommendations |
Action Plan | Expected Completion Date |
Program Response |
1. The CFM program should be renewed on the basis of demonstrated relevance, accomplishments, ongoing need, and First Nation priorities. | a) Community Infrastructure Branch to proceed with steps to renew the CFM Program. | 31/03/2010 | Status: CLOSED Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2011 a) Completed/Ongoing – The CFM Program was renewed by Treasury Board on April 2, 2010. b) Ongoing – CIB has completed a series of consultations with First Nations regarding alternative financing and will continue to consult with various stakeholders throughout 2011 on advancing the alternative financing file. CIB is also continuing to work on developing options for program reform to support alternative financing, procurement and operation of community infrastructure. AES: Closed |
b) Community Infrastructure Branch to respond to Budget 2010's commitment to undertake a comprehensive review of the current approach to financing First Nations' infrastructure by developing a new approach to funding infrastructure on reserves and supporting First Nations in improving the life-cycle management of their infrastructure assets. | 31/03/2011 | ||
2. AANDC, in consultation with First Nations and tribal councils, should revisit and modernize the formula underlying O&M funding to ensure it reflects current day realities and cost structures and creates incentives for adequate maintenance of community infrastructure. | a) Community Infrastructure Branch to work with Operations and Planning Support Branch and Chief Financial Office Sector to develop options to modernize O&M funding formulas, including measures to improve outcomes with O&M funding. | 31/03/2011 | Status: recommend to close a), b) and c) Update / Rationale: As of 31/03/2012: a) Community Infrastructure Branch engaged key internal stakeholders in completing the O&M Strategy in December 2011 (a framework of options to improve the management of O&M funding focused on: adequate and accurate funding; capacity; transparency; and, accountability). The options contained in the O&M Strategy will be explored and implemented over the next five years (2012/13-2016/17). b+c) Community Infrastructure Branch will continue to engage all key internal and external stakeholders as the options set out in the O&M Strategy are implemented over the course of the next 5 years. AES: Progress satisfactory and options are being implemented over the next 5 years. Recommend to close |
b) Community Infrastructure Branch to engage key stakeholders in discussing proposed options for modernizing O&M funding. | 31/12/2011 | ||
c) Operations and Planning Support Branch to work with Community Infrastructure Branch, Chief Financial Office Sector and Regional Offices to implement recommended approach to modernizing O&M funding. | 31/03/2012 | ||
3. AANDC should improve cost and performance measures related to infrastructure (financial and non-financial information). | a) Community Infrastructure Branch developed new performance indicators (financial and non-financial, output and outcome). | 8/12/2009 | a) Status: underway Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2012: Community Infrastructure Branch is reviewing and updating performance indicators from the CFMP Performance Measurement Strategy. The 2013 targets have been incorporated into the department's 2012-13 Performance Measurement, Resources and Results Structures (MRRS), and Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP), and will be incorporated in the Departmental Progress Report (DPR). The CFMP Performance Measurement Strategy has identified 2015 as the date for the Program to achieve full implementation of these targets. b) Status: underway Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2012: Community Infrastructure Branch is currently working with Regional Offices to amend reporting tools and improve inspection regimes so that information for new performance indicators can be properly collected and reported. A review of the Asset Condition Reporting System (ACRS) inspection process is underway and new tools, such as a paperless inspection tool, has been developed and tested. Enhancements to the tool continue. Meanwhile, in early Spring 2012 Regional ACRS experts will meet to discuss how to renew the terms of reference for ACRS. This ACRS Renewal discussion will lead to the redevelopment of an ACRS manual by the technical leads. C) Status: recommend to close Update / Rationale: As of 31/03/2012: As per September 30/11 update, this item is recommended to close. AES: Progress satisfactory and moving in the right direction – Recommend to close |
b) Community Infrastructure Branch to work with Operations and Planning Support Branch and Regional Offices to amend reporting tools and improve inspection regimes so that information for new performance indicators can be properly collected. | 31/03/2011 | ||
c) Operations and Planning Support Branch to work with Community Infrastructure Branch and Regional Offices to fully implement the National Planning Process associated with the new First Nations Infrastructure Investment Plan. | 31/03/2011 | ||
4. AANDC and First Nations should work together, in consultation with tribal councils, to: a) improve the timeliness of communications at the regional level; and | a) Community Infrastructure Branch to work with Regional Operations and Planning Support Branch and Regional Offices to develop service standards relating to communication protocols with First Nations, including the enhancement of program communication through improvements to the AANDC intranet website. | 31/03/2011 | A) Status: complete, request to close Update / Rationale: As of 31/03/2012: The Community Infrastructure Branch has developed and implemented a Capacity Network Collaboration website. The Collaboration site allows for HQ and Regions to share information on Program enhancements. |
b) integrate reporting requirements (including performance measures). | b) Community Infrastructure Branch to work with Regional Operations and Planning Support Branch to integrate / align reporting requirements with performance indicator information requirements. | 31/03/2011 | B) Status: complete, request to close Update / Rationale: As of 31/03/2012: The Community Infrastructure Branch reports have been aligned and integrated to KPIs. AES: Action Plan implemented – Recommend to close |
5. AANDC and First Nations should pursue those practices identified by the evaluation as demonstrating good management and effective delivery. These include, but are not limited to: a) Letters of comfort to secure bank financing on the basis of project approval, in order to avoid unnecessary delays in project implementation; |
a) Community Infrastructure Branch to undertake a comprehensive review of the current-approach to financing First Nations infrastructure, including the identification of best practices that can support effective financing and delivery of capital projects in a timely manner. | 31/03/2011 | A) Status: underway Update / Rationale: As of 31/03/2012: A report on infrastructure financing from the Minister's Special Representatives was submitted in November 2011. This report contains several early stage concepts for meeting infrastructure needs using financing In addition, AANDC continues to collaborate with First Nations and PPP Canada Inc. to develop a potential Public–Private Partnership (P3) model for infrastructure on reserve. AANDC is currently developing pilot projects that will test a range of infrastructure financing alternatives, including P3s, as well as working with the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act institutions to advance initiatives that will enable First Nations to use government transfers as "other sources of revenue." |
b) Improved training in project management and technical areas to augment the skill base within First Nation administrations, which will enable those First Nations to reduce their expenditures on outside consultants and speed up their project application processes, and expand the certification elements of the Circuit Rider Program to other capital-related areas; and | b) Community Infrastructure Branch will continue to emphasize the use of the capacity development funding stream within the First Nations Infrastructure Fund. Subject to resource availability, Community Infrastructure Branch will look at options to expand existing capacity development programs. |
31/03/2011 | B) Status: underway Update / Rationale: As of 31/03/2012: Community Infrastructure Branch is continuing to work with stakeholders to build upon existing capacity development programs and ensuring that CFMP capacity programs align with AANDC-wide capacity programming initiatives. |
c) Provide funding on a multi-year basis and/or re-profile funding to compensate for construction delays. | c) Chief Financial Office to develop multi-year funding arrangement models (flexible contribution) as part of department's implementation of the new Transfer Payment Policy. | 31/03/2011 | C) Status: recommend to close Update / Rationale: As of 31/03/2012: As per September 30/11 update, this item was recommended to be closed. AES: Progress satisfactory and moving in the right direction – Recommend to close |