Archived - Audit of Staffing and Payroll for Non-Advertised Appointments and Acting Appointments - Follow-up Report Status Update as of September 30, 2011
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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Audit Committee - As of September 30, 2011
Human Resources and Workplace Services Branch
Audit of Staffing and Payroll for Non-Advertised Appointments and Acting Appointments (200847)
AEC Approval Date: 26/02/2009
Project Recommendations |
Action Plan | Expected Completion Date |
Program Response |
1. In conjunction with the ADM, Regional Operations and the ADM, Northern Affairs Organization, complete an analysis of reporting relationships and resource levels within regional HR functions and develop a strategy to achieve minimum staffing service standards. | DG Human Resources and Workplace Services Branch (HRWSB) is currently undertaking a review of staffing processes in order to develop staffing service standards for the NCR region by March 31, 2009. A review of reporting relationships and resource levels within regional HR functions will be undertaken in conjunction with the ADM Regional Operations and the ADM Northern Affairs, and a strategy will be developed to ensure staffing services in all regions can be delivered within these service standards. |
31 Mar 2010 | Status: Complete Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2011: Staffing services standards for HQ have been developed according to the Common HR Business Process developed by OCHRO. It had been communicated to NCR and regions through different communications tools including INAC Express. These standards are now published in our quarterly reports and discuss with management table in HQ and at Regional teleconference meeting with regions. Regions will need to implement and adapted version through the next fiscal year. AES: Fully implemented. Based on the development and implementation of service standards and the on-going monitoring and reporting of progress against the standards, the recommendation has been closed. |
2. Review accountabilities of HRWSB with respect to regional HR operations to better understand whether the current regional service delivery models and accountabilities achieve efficiency and effectiveness. | A review of accountabilities and associated monitoring and oversight controls for staffing activities will be undertaken to determine whether current regional service delivery models and accountabilities achieve efficiency and effectiveness. If alternate service delivery models are indicated, a business change proposal will be submitted to IOC and HRWSMC for consideration. |
31 Mar 2010 | Status: Complete Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2010: Study prepared by consultant. Terms & Reference presented to HRWSMC and accepted. AES: Fully implemented. The recommendation has been closed. |
3. Expand the HR Policy Framework to include guidelines on the use of acting appointments greater than four months and casual workers to ensure fairness and transparency in selection. | A policy on Acting Appointments has already been written and approved by the Deputy Minister. It will be posted on HR on-line and communicated to HR Advisors and Delegated managers in February 2009. A Guideline for delegated managers and HR Advisors on the use of casual appointments will be developed. |
30 June 2009 | Status: Completed Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2011: Policy done, fully implemented and available on HROnline AES: Fully implemented. The recommendation will be closed. |
4. Review and formalize the HR monitoring framework to ensure that departmental management has assurance that managers and HR professionals across the department are adhering to legislative and policy requirements related to all aspects of HR management and that guiding values are being respected. | A Monitoring Framework and Plan has been developed by the Aboriginal and Corporate Resourcing Directorate and active monitoring of staffing transactions is underway. Monitoring of Acting Appointments over 12 months has recently been concluded and remedial action is being taken. Monitoring of non-advertised staffing processes will be undertaken during FY ‘08-09 Q4 and FY ‘09-10 Q1. Delegated managers who breach legislative and policy requirements will be dealt with in an appropriate fashion. A review of the process for recording Aboriginal status on staffing files will be undertaken and appropriate remedial action implemented as warranted. |
30 June 2009 | Status: Complete Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2010: Monitoring of Acting Appointments over 12 months has recently been concluded and remedial action is being taken Status: complete Monitoring of non-advertised staffing processes will be undertaken during FY 08-09 and FY 09-10 Q1 Status: A 2010-2012 monitoring calendar has been developed and communicated, which will cover the non-advertised staffing processes. Delegated managers who breach legislative and policy requirements will be dealt with in an appropriate fashion. A review of the process for recording Aboriginal status on staffing files will be undertaken and appropriate remedial action implemented as warranted. Status: Complete AES: Fully implemented. The recommendation has been closed. |
5. Improve consistency and communication of HR guidelines and tools across the department; while leveraging on best practices developed in both regions and HRWSB and reducing redundancy (e.g. multiple HR intranet sites, duplicate tools and inconsistent service standards). | HRWSB will develop a proposal to review the INAC HR On-line website, establish a policy on the communication of HR policies, guidelines and management tools, and consolidate HR policies, guidelines and tools for managers into one nationally-accessible intranet site for consideration. This will require incremental funding so will be submitted to the INAC Financial Management Committee as a funding pressure. Work on this initiative will be dependent on the availability and timing of funding. |
TBC based on funding availability DD/MM/YYYY |
Status: Complete Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2010: HRWSB is restructuring the HR Online intranet site based on the new CLF 2.0 policy from Treasury Board. Content is being validated and revised by all the content owners. The transfer is expected to be completed by early Q4 2010. The review will address the consolidation of HR policies, guidelines and tools for managers into one nationally-accessible intranet site for consideration. Other components of the recommendation were not addressed or funded as part of the project and will be brought forward during the next HRWSB planning cycle. AES: Fully implemented. The recommendation has been closed. |
6. Provide consistent training and guidance to non-delegated managers and administrative personnel across the department who are actively involved in staffing processes. | The NCR Operations have added to the NCR Training calendar learning events in the form of learning capsules for all hiring managers (non delegated) on topics such as Staffing Options, Collective Staffing, Duty to accommodate etc. Currently, the offerings are in the 2008-2009 training schedule and will be continued in the 2009-2010 fiscal year with additional capsules on various staffing themes. These will be made available to Regional Directors of HR for delivery in other regions. |
31 December 2010 | Status: Completed Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2010: Training is provided: Collective Staffing Tools for Managers and Supervisors, Staffing options for Managers, Duty to accommodate for Hr professionals, Managers and Supervisors, Succession Planning for Managers and Supervisors, the role of Hr professionals in the New Integrated Planning Model. AES: Fully implemented. The recommendation has been closed. |
7. Develop a robust action plan, including specific roles and responsibilities of HRWSB, regional HR staff and IM/IT, to ensure data integrity within PeopleSoft prior to implementing the PWGSC pay interface. | In the context of the PeopleSoft V8.9 upgrade project, system data has been cleaned to allow for system upgrade. To ensure on-going data quality, a Data Quality Strategy and Plan has been developed for on-going management of data integrity. A Project Charter and Project Plan have been developed setting out the roles and responsibilities of HRWSB, regional HR staff and IM/IT. A system of exception reporting is being developed for HR business owners and regional HR staff to use in managing on-going data quality. A Data Quality Steering Committee will meet regularly to oversee data cleanup and will monitor on an on-going basis. Progress will be reported through the HRWSB Quarterly Report. |
On-going DD/MM/YYYY |
Status: Complete Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2010: Clean-up of 8000 codes and deletion of 800 vacant positions with EC Conversion Exercise. Data clean-up is also an ongoing exercise stemming from errors identified with the HR Operational Dashboard. Data clean-up also occurring with the Workforce Project (matching OSMS information with HRMS information). Roles and responsibilities for HR HRSM team have been clarified and communicated. A data quality steering committee has been established to clarify which data to be cleaned by whom when given the several projects taking place (Data Integrity, E-pay, E-Interface, Nakisa, Workforce Adjustment). The steering committee ensures good communication, synergy and macro level decisions pertaining to Data Integrity as the cross cutting factor in these projects. AES: Fully implemented. The recommendation has been closed. |