Archived - Audit of Band Support Funding - Follow-up Report Status Update as of September 30, 2011

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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Audit Committee - As of September 30, 2011

Regional Operations - Governance Branch

Audit of Band Support Funding (08/27)
AEC Approval Date: 25/09/2009

Action Plan Expected
Completion Date
1. INAC, should streamline the current application process to ensure efficiency and the use of the most current programming data. This new application process should become part of BSF Program Policy, and be adopted uniformly across regions. An implementation plan should be created for this new process to address regional communication and training issues. INAC, in the context of the renewal of the Indian Government Support programs, will seek authority to simplify the funding formula such that funding entitlements will be calculated entirely on the basis of current data already contained in internal INAC databases, relieving applicants of the burden of submitting data to INAC. All First Nations communities will have access to the data employed in this calculation. Secure program authority for a new funding formula by April 1, 2010

Implement new automated data collection system by April 1, 2011
Status: on-going

As of 30/09/2011:

As per Update / Rationale of March 31, 2011: New Funds will not be available in 2011-2012 therefore the department will not propose significant new strategic direction for Band Support Funding. In the meantime, the department has made technical and administrative improvements (see below) to the program and continues to review opportunities that can be achieved without significant implementation costs.

Implementation of consolidated reporting has been implemented in Q1. The Indian Government Support System has been stabilized and the final system modifications to be completed in Q3.

Note: Audit Action Plan Items will be modified to reflect direction change and resourcing availability.

AES: Implementation is on-going. The Program response should be updated to include a clear articulation of the program's plan to address the recommendation in the absence of additional resources.
2. INAC, Professional and Institutional Development Directorate, should create a model that can be used to accurately calculate the PY data so that it better matches community needs. This model should become part of the BSF Program Policy, and implemented consistently across the regions. INAC will seek authority for a simpler funding formula which is driven by population, by the volume of other programs managed by the community, and by geographic factors; the new formula will not employ person-year data. Secure program authority for a new funding formula by April 1, 2010 Status: on-going

As of 30/09/2011:

see update provided in #1 March 31, 2011 update.

Note: Audit Action Plan Items will be modified to reflect direction change and resourcing availability.

AES: Implementation is on-going. The Program response should be updated to include a clear articulation of the program's plan to address the recommendation in the absence of additional resources.
3. INAC should ensure that consistent and comprehensive guidelines that outline the appropriate uses of BSF expenses are developed and provided to regional staff and recipients. The Department should establish a communication plan to ensure that the regions and BSF funding recipients clearly understand these guidelines. Training should also be provided to regional program staff to ensure that they are giving consistent and accurate guidance to First Nations on the use of BSF funds. INAC will seek authority to define the purpose of the grant to be to support First Nations in the execution of functions of government. Regional Operations Sector will provide program guidance to all regional offices regarding these functions. Provide training to regional offices on the purpose of a renewed grant program by December 31, 2010 Status: on-going

As of 30/09/2011:

The role of BSF is reviewed in the broader context of capacity development and is reflected / captured within the Capacity Development Audit Action Plan.

Note: Audit Action Plan Items will be modified to reflect direction change and resourcing availability.

AES: Implementation is on-going. The Program response should be updated to include a clear articulation of the program's plan to address the recommendation in the absence of additional resources.

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