Archived - Evaluation and Performance Measurement Plan 2010-2011 to 2014-2015
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Date: April 1, 2010
PDF Version (457 Kb, 44 Pages)
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Evaluation Planning Approach
- The Five-Year Evaluation and Performance Measurement Plan
- The Evaluation Process and Protocols
- Consultations and Quality Assurance Measures
- INAC Evaluation Plan 2010-2011 – 2014-2015
- Appendix A
- Appendix B
- Appendix C
This document presents Indian and Northern Affairs Canada’s (INAC) Evaluation Plan to assess the relevance and performance of its programs and policies, and covers the five year period from 2010-2011 to 2014-2015. It also contains performance measurement strategies to be reviewed by the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee at INAC.
The plan proposes increased coverage from recent years to address the requirements of the Treasury Board Secretariat’s (TBS) policies on Evaluation and Transfer Payments and the Federal Accountability Act, which require that there be a "review"/evaluation, of all direct spending, including transfer payment programs, every five years. As such, this plan provides for full evaluation coverage of all the grants and contributions administered by INAC as well as including direct program spending (non-Grant and Contribution) whenever possible to ensure full compliance with the TBS Evaluation Policy by 2013, as required.
Context for Evaluation
The context for evaluation is best described in the following excerpt from the April 2009 TBS policy on Evaluation:
3.2Evaluation provides Canadians, parliamentarians, ministers, central agencies and deputy heads an evidence‑based, neutral assessment of the value for money, i.e. relevance and performance, of federal government programs. Evaluation:
- supports accountability to Parliament and Canadians by helping the Government to credibly report on the results achieved with resources invested in programs;
- informs government decisions on resource allocation and reallocation by:
- supporting strategic reviews of existing program spending, to help ministers understand the ongoing relevance and performance of existing programs;
- providing objective information to help ministers understand how new spending proposals fit with existing programs, identify synergies and avoid wasteful duplication;
- supports deputy heads in managing for results by informing them about whether their programs are producing the outcomes that they were designed to produce, at an affordable cost; and,
- supports policy and program improvements by helping to identify lessons learned and best practices.
The framework for the systematic collection and analysis of performance information is the Department’s Management, Resources and Results Structure (MRRS). Evaluations are organized along the strategic outcomes of the Program Activity Architecture (PAA) and cover all sub- and sub-sub-activities of the PAA.
The plan also includes requirements for performance measurement strategies based on INAC’s approach to performance measurement strategies, which is derived from the following requirement in Treasury Board’s Transfer Payment Policy:
6.5.2 Ensuring that a performance measurement strategy is established at the time of program design, and that it is maintained and updated throughout its life cycle, to effectively support an evaluation or review of relevance and effectiveness of each transfer payment program.
Evaluation Planning Approach
The 2010-2011 to 2014-2015 Evaluation Plan proposes a comprehensive approach to the assessment of the Department’s programs and activities.
It covers all grant and contribution programs as required by the Federal Accountability Act, and TBS Policy on Evaluation as well as the Policy on Transfer Payments. Where possible programs are clustered to allow for the evaluation function to study and conclude on entire policy areas, using an optimal number of studies focused on broader horizontal issues. This approach also supports annual reporting along the structure of the Department’s PAA and supports strategic review exercises.
A special annual assessment (The Health of INAC’s Performance Information System), a requirement of the TBS evaluation policy, will review performance information being collected by the Department and its usefulness for departmental results reporting purposes. The first report that was tabled at the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee in June of 2009 will serve as a benchmark for upcoming years.
Planning Methodology
Documentation of INAC’s "evaluation universe" was a critical first step in developing the plan to ensure its comprehensiveness. The department’s PAA, its grant and contribution programs, their authorities and expiry dates were all analyzed. The plan reflects INACPAA elements / strategic outcomes and its grant and contribution programs.
A second step was to identify past commitments to, and central agency expectations for, evaluations, which required a review of departmental Treasury Board submissions’ program authorities, management responses to Auditor General audits, and previous evaluations.
In addition, an analysis was done of issues and risks related to achievement of expected outcomes based on management risk discussions, evaluation and audit findings, including those of the Office of the Auditor General, reports, and other documentation of program design and delivery issues facing the Department.
The Five-Year Evaluation and Performance Measurement Plan
The INAC Evaluation Plan, 2010-2011 to 2014-2015, proposes comprehensive and sustainable coverage of the Department’s programs and activities.
The plan includes a total of 53 evaluations and one special study (53 in total) over a five-year period, focused on INAC’s key policy and program areas. The 52 evaluations provide coverage on all 69 of the Department’s grant and contribution authorities and also include evaluations of non grant and contribution direct program spending where possible.
The special study assesses factors that cut across programs and policies that affect, either directly or indirectly, achievement of the Department’s objectives.
Tables in the next section present evaluation projects and performance measurement strategies. Appendix A presents evaluation projects by sector and year. Appendix B presents performance measurement strategies by sector and year.
Evaluations have been timed not only to fulfill the five-year cycle requirements, but also to provide ample time (6 months to one year) before program continuation for program managers and decision-makers to consider evaluation findings. A central goal of this process has been to provide even distribution of evaluation projects to the greatest extent possible to mitigate the workload of INAC’s Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Branch and high evaluation activity within INAC sectors. Similarly, performance measurement strategies are planned to be initiated three to six months following the evaluation to provide the opportunity to integrate evaluation findings into performance measurement. PM Strategies will then be reviewed and updated as "evergreen documents" into the future.
Risk Considerations
The Treasury Board policy framework for determining risks and the risk assessment approach in the Policy on Transfer Payments were used to assess risks for evaluation and performance measurement planning. These risk assessments have been considered in the identification of evaluation projects and will be further considered in the identification of evaluation issues for individual projects. The risk assessments also factor significantly in the timing and resourcing for evaluations.
The first risk consideration is referred to as Mission-Risk and includes the following elements:
- Size of population affected or targeted by the program
- Consequences if the program or infrastructure risk materializes
- Probability of the program or infrastructure risk materializing
- Degree of control or influence by the Department
- Time available to prevent, mitigate, avoid risk
The second risk consideration is that of materiality, which includes the following elements:
- Funding profile
- Public confidence
- Political sensitivity
The third risk consideration is that of performance information availability. This is a key concern in determining the scoping and sequencing of evaluations. Elements included in this risk consideration are:
- Sound underlying program theory
- Robust performance management framework
- Quality evaluation
- Continued relevance of existing performance information
- Time available to generate required performance information
These risk considerations were assessed by the evaluation team in consultation with program managers.
Most evaluations conducted by the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Branch (EPMRB) are impact evaluations, which are summative in nature, focusing on evaluating the relevance and performance of the programs. Implementation evaluations, which typically focus on design and delivery issues and can be conducted jointly with program managers, are also contained in the plan.
Additionally, the performance measurement planning included consideration of INAC’s Results-Based Management Accountability Framework (RMAF) Special Study, conducted in 2008, as part of its risk assessment.
The Evaluation Process and Protocols
EPMRB is guided in our evaluation work by the TBS policy and standards on evaluation (April 1, 2009).
For program and senior managers whose programs are being evaluated by EPMRB, the following principles guide the evaluation process:
- EPMRB will consult with the program in developing the Terms of Reference;
- The program Assistant Deputy Minister will sign off on the Terms of Reference, making any financial and human resources available that may be needed to complete the evaluation;
- The program will identify a program contact to facilitate the evaluation process, ensuring that evaluators and their contractors have unrestricted access to documents and other sources of information;
- EPMRB will share all reports related to the evaluation with the designated program contact who will then ensure timely consultation with other program officials involved in the program, including regional staff;
- A comprehensive summary of the findings will be presented to the program for validation by the evaluators prior to the report, management response and action plan being presented to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee (EPMRC);
- The draft final report with recommendations incorporating changes from the validation process will be provided to the program within one month of the report being tabled at EPMRC;
- EPMRB will ensure that the evaluation recommendations flow clearly and logically from the findings. Should the program be unable to accept and/or implement the recommendations, an explanation of their rejection of the recommendations will be provided in the management response and action plan with a justification provided for any alternative course of action;
- Once approved by the committee, EPMRB will finalize the report and submit it for review by INAC’s Access to Information Privacy Unit and Communications Branch prior to posting the report, management response and action plan on the departmental website.
Consultations and Quality Assurance Measures
The following measures are used to ensure that the plan provides full coverage and that the approach is sound:
- Updating the Plan – The plan is updated annually to identify evolving evaluation and performance measurement needs including coverage, strategic planning and alignment with departmental priorities.
- Internal and External Peer Review – The plan is discussed with senior management as well as HQ staff and regional staff of INAC through individual consultations and departmental committees. Relevant central agency officials and/or external members with expert knowledge of INAC’s programs or policies may also be engaged.
- Approval Process – The plan is tabled annually at the EPMRC where it is reviewed and approved by senior INAC management and external committee members.
- Publication – Lastly, EPMRB informs the public of upcoming evaluation work and invites scrutiny of the plan by posting it on the Internet.
INAC Evaluation Plan 2010-2011 – 2014-2015
The following sample table is provided to offer an explanation of how to read the tables presented that outline planned evaluation and performance measurement activities.
Strategic Outcome: Name of Strategic Outcome as seen in INAC's Program Activity Architecture |
Column A |
Column B |
Column C |
Column D
Column E |
09-10 |
10-11 |
11-12 |
12-13 |
13-14 |
14-15 |
Sector: name of the departmental sector that is the primary lead on the related program |
Evaluation number denotes the number of evaluations to be conducted in the life cycle of this plan |
Evaluation Title
Anticipated timeframe for evaluation |
Refer to pages 4-5 for Risk Considerations |
Main Estimates title for Funding Authority |
Program Activity as seen in INAC's |
Evaluation completed in previous fiscal year |
F |
I |
C |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü | |||||
Performance Measurement Strategy Completed |
In Column B: Performance Measurement Strategy |
Strategic Outcome: The Government |
Evaluation | Timeframe / Fiscal Year | Risk Considerations | Coverage
PAA Program Activity / Policy Area | ||||||
09-10 | 10-11 | 11-12 | 12-13 | 13-14 | 14-15 | |||||
Sector: Regional Operations |
1 | Impact Evaluation of Indian Government Support (Program led joint evaluation with EPMRB)
C |
I/C |
Mission – H |
Grant for Band Support Funding / 2010 / $232,433,805
Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in Indian government support / 2010 / $110,129,693 Contributions to support the building of strong governance, administrative and accountability systems / 2010 / $31,330,600 |
Governance and Institutions of Government Governance and Institutions of Government
Governance and Institutions of Government / |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
2 | Evaluation of the National Centre for First Nations Governance (Evaluation to be conducted by an independent firm, retained by the Centre – EPMRB not involved)
I/C |
N/A |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
3 | Impact Evaluation of First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management
I/C |
Mission – M |
Grant to the First Nations Finance Authority pursuant to the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act / 2011 / $500,000 Contributions to First Nations Institutions for the purpose of enhancing good governance / 2010 / $12,434,000 |
Governance and Institutions of Government
Governance and Institutions of Government |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
Sector: Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
4 | Impact Evaluation of the Inuit Art Foundation
I/C |
Mission – L |
Contributions to the Inuit Art Foundation for the purpose of assisting Inuit artists and artisans from the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Northern Quebec and Labrador in the development of their professional skills and marketing of their art / 2012 / $458,000 |
Governance and Institutions of Government |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
5 | Impact Evaluation of the Federal Government's Implementation of Self-Government: Negotiations and Implementation
I |
C |
I |
C |
Mission – M |
Payments to Yukon First Nations pursuant to individual self-government agreements / 2011 / $58,051,524 Grant to the Miawpukek Indian Band to support designated programs / 2010 / $9,631,000 Grants to the Sechelt Indian Band pursuant to the Sechelt Self-Government Act / 2010 / Grant to the Westbank First Nation to support the implementation of the Westbank First Nation Self-Government Agreement / 2010 / $4,505,586 Grants for Mi'kmaq Education in Nova Scotia / 2010 / $37,178,921 (In addition, this evaluation will include the self government component of any of the asterisked authorities listed in the row below - #6 and #7) |
Governance and Institutions of Government
Governance and Institutions of Government Governance and Institutions of Government
Governance and Institutions of Government
Education [Note 1] |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
6 | Impact Evaluation of Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements
I |
C |
Mission – M |
Grants to support First Nations, Inuit, Tribal Councils, Organizations or other levels of government for the implementation activities as stipulated in the various agreements / 2010 / $125,555,341* Payments to self-governing Aboriginal Organizations, pursuant to comprehensive land claim agreements, self-government agreements or treaty legislation / 2010 / $91,090,981* |
Governance and Institutions of Government /
Governance and Institutions of Government |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
7 | Impact Evaluation of Negotiation and Implementation
I/C |
Mission – M |
Contributions to beneficiaries and various implementing bodies for implementing comprehensive land claim agreements / 2010 / $184,955,078* Contributions to support the negotiation process for comprehensive, specific and special claims and self-government initiatives / 2010 / $49,324,000*
Payments to the Government of the Northwest Territories to facilitate the implementation of comprehensive land claim agreements / 2014 / $1,267,964*
Payments to the Cree of Quebec respecting matters arising from the implementation of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement / 2012 / N.A. |
Governance and Institutions of Government / Education [Note 2]
Governance and Institutions of Government /
Claims Settlement
Claims Settlement
Claims Settlement
Claims Settlement |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
8 | Implementation Evaluation of Specific Claims Tribunal Action Plan
I/C |
Mission – M |
Grants to First Nations to settle specific claims negotiated by Canada and/or awarded by the Specific Claims Tribunal/ 2014 / $250,000,000
Claims Settlement |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
9 | Impact Evaluation of Specific Claims Tribunal Action Plan
I/C |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
10 | Impact Evaluation of Treaty Related Measures
C |
I/C |
Mission – M |
Contributions to First Nations, their organizations, provinces and third parties for Interim Measures and British Columbia Treaty Related Measures / 2010 / $3,030,000 |
Co-operative Relationships |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
11 | Impact Evaluation of Treaty Commissions
I/C |
I/C |
Mission – M |
Contributions to provincially and/or regionally based Treaty Commissions / 2011 / $750,000 |
Co-operative Relationships |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
12 | Impact Evaluation of Inuit Relations Secretariat
I |
C |
Mission – M |
Funded internally (DMs Office, AROP, CPD)/ N/A/ $1,780,000 |
Co-operative Relationships |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
Sector: Policy and Strategic Direction |
13 | Impact Evaluation of Basic Organizational Capacity for Representative Organizations and for Consultation and Policy Development
I/C |
Mission – M |
Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development / 2010 / $26,183,600
Contributions to support the basic organizational capacity of representative Aboriginal organizations / 2012 / $10,928,000 |
Governance and Institutions of Government/ Co-operative Relations / Métis and Non-Status Indian Organizational Capacity Development [Note 4] |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
14 | Impact Evaluation of Test Case Funding
I/C |
Mission – L |
Contributions for the legal and associated costs of Indian-related cases having the potential to become judicial precedents / 2010 / $750,000 |
Co-operative Relationships |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
Strategic Outcome: The People |
Sector: Resolution and Individual Affairs |
15 | Impact Evaluation of Registration Administration
I |
C |
I |
C |
Mission – M |
Contributions to Indian bands for registration administration / 2010 / $8,928,837 |
Managing Individual Affairs |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
16 | Impact Evaluation of Band and Individual Monies and Estates Management
I |
C |
Mission – M |
Contributions to Indian Bands for land and estates management / 2010 / $11,994,621 |
Managing Individual Affairs |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
17 | Impact Evaluation of Advocacy and Public Information
I/C |
Mission – M |
Contributions for eligible Aboriginal or other recipients for the purpose of providing advocacy and public education on a diverse range of issues related to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (Advocacy and Public Information Program)/ 2011/ $4,000,000 |
Managing Individual Affairs |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
Sector: Policy and Strategic Direction |
18 | Impact Evaluation of National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation |
C |
I/C |
Mission – L |
Contributions to the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation / 2010 / $817,000 |
Education |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
Sector: Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
19 | Impact Evaluation of Post-Secondary Education
F |
I |
C |
Mission – H |
Grants to Indians and Inuit to support their post-secondary educational advancement / 2010 / $1,500,000 Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in education - Contributions to support the post-secondary educational advancement of registered Indian and Inuit students / 2010 / $321,290,603 |
Education |
Umbrella Education Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
20 | Impact Evaluation of Elementary and Secondary Education
I |
C |
Mission – H |
Grant to participating First Nations and First Nations Education Authority pursuant to the First Nations Jurisdiction over Education in British Columbia Act / 2012 / $600,000 Grants to Indians and Inuit to provide elementary and secondary educational support services / 2010 / $150,000 Grants to Inuit to support their cultural advancement / 2010 / $45,000 Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in education - Contributions to support Indian, Inuit and Innu cultural education centres / 2010 / $9,198,000 Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in education - Contributions to provide elementary and secondary education programs and services to Indians living on reserve and Inuit / 2010 / $ 1,096,190,282 Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in education - Contributions for the Special Education program for students living on reserve / 2010 / $129,559,000 Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in education - Contributions to First Nations and Inuit Governments and Organizations for Initiatives under the Youth Employment Strategy Skills Link program and Summer Work Experience Program / 2010 / $23,675,000 Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in education - Contributions to provide First Nations Schoolnet services to Indians living on Reserve and Inuit / 2011 / N.A. |
Education |
Umbrella Education Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
21 | Impact Evaluation of Income Assistance, National Child Benefit Reinvestment and Assisted Living Programs
I |
C |
Mission – H |
Grants to provide income support to indigent on-reserve residents / 2011 / $10,000,000 Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in social development – Contributions to provide income support to indigent on-reserve residents / 2011/ $ 898,471,378 Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in social development – Contributions to provide programming for low income reserve residents with children under the National Child Benefit Reinvestment Initiative (NCBR) / 2011 / $1,260,000 |
Social Development
Social Development
Social Development
Umbrella Social Development Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
22 | Impact Evaluation of Family Violence Prevention
I |
C |
Mission – M |
Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in social development – Contributions to support culturally appropriate family violence shelter and prevention services for Indian women, children and families resident on reserve / 2012 / $ 28,606,893 |
Social Development |
Umbrella Social Development Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
23 | Impact Evaluation of Child and Family Services
F** |
I/C |
Mission – H |
Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in social development – Contributions to support culturally appropriate prevention and protection services for Indian children and families resident on-reserve / 2012 / $ 546,893,000 |
Social Development |
Umbrella Social Development Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
Sector: Regional Operations |
24 | Impact Evaluation of Labrador-Innu Comprehensive Healing Strategy (involving Health Canada and Public Safety Canada)
C |
I |
C |
Mission – M |
Funding through following authorities – Policy and Consultation, Education, Social Development, Capital Facilities and Maintenance, Lands and Estate Management / 2010 / $15,000,000 (2009/10 figures) |
Social Development |
Umbrella Social Development Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
Strategic Outcome: The Land |
Sector: Regional Operations |
25 | Evaluation of Emergency Management Assistance for Activities On-Reserve
I/C |
I/C |
Mission – M |
Contributions for emergency management assistance for activities on reserve / 2010 / $9,736,000 |
Responsible Federal Stewardship |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
Sector: Lands and Economic Development |
26 | Impact Evaluation of Contaminated Sites Management Policy and Programming (Contaminated Sites Management Program and Northern Contaminated Sites Program)
I |
C |
Mission – H |
Contributions to First Nations for the management of contaminated sites / 2010 / $54,181,214 |
Responsible Federal Stewardship
Northern Land and Resources |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
27 | Impact Evaluation of Contributions to Indian Bands for Lands and Estates Management
I |
C |
Mission – M |
Contributions to Indian Bands for land and estates management / 2010 / $11,994,621
Contributions to Indian Bands for Land Management Capacity Building / N.A. / $6,246,800 |
Claims Settlements/ Clarity of Title to Land and Resources
First Nations Governance over Land, Resources and the Environment/Responsible Federal Stewardship Responsible Federal Stewardship |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
28 | Impact Evaluation of Land and Environmental Management on Reserve
F |
I/C |
Mission – M |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
Reserve Land and Environment Performance Measurement Strategy completed |
29 | Impact Evaluation of Treaty Land Entitlements
I/C |
Mission – M |
Grants to support the beneficiaries/ organizations for the settlement of specific and special claims / 2010 / $7,612,860 |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
30 | Impact Evaluation of Oil and Gas Management
I/C |
Mission – M |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
New Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development Performance completed (approved by EPMRC December 2009) |
31 | Impact Evaluation of First Nations Land Management
I/C |
Mission – M |
Contributions to implement the First Nations LandManagement Act/ 2010/ $9,851,892 |
First Nations Governance over Land, Resources and the Environment / Responsible Federal Stewardship |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
32 | Impact Evaluation of First Nations Oil Gas and Moneys Management Act Implementation
I |
C |
I/C |
Mission – M |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
Strategic Outcome: The Economy |
Sector: Lands and Economic Development |
33 | Impact Evaluation of the New Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development |
I/C |
New Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development Performance Measurement Strategy completed (approved by EPMRC December 2009) |
34 | Impact Evaluation of Community Economic Development Program
C |
I |
C |
Mission – H |
Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in economic development / 2010 / $102,936,012 |
Responsible Federal Stewardship / First Nations Governance over Land, Resources and the Environment / Community Investment Individual and Community Business Development |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
New Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development Performance Measurement Strategy completed (approved by EPMRC December 2009) |
35 | Impact Evaluation of Aboriginal Business Development Program
C |
I |
C |
Mission – H |
Contributions under the Aboriginal Business Canada Program / 2010 / $45,704,000 |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
Loan Loss Reserve and Major Resource Development Performance Measurement Strategy completed (approved by EPMRC December 2009) |
36 | Impact Evaluation of the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business
I/C |
Mission – L |
EPMRB to conduct an assessment of Program-led Evaluation which will determine if any further action is required. |
Community Investment |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
Sector: Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
37 | Impact Evaluation of First Nations Water Management
I/C |
Mission – H |
Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public service in capital facilities and maintenance / 2010 / $1,207,282,819 Grants to students and their chaperons to promote fire protection awareness in band and federally operated schools / 2010 / $136,000 |
Community Infrastructure
Community Infrastructure |
Umbrella Infrastructure Performance Measurement Strategy completed (approved by EPMRC September 2009) |
38 | Impact Evaluation of Capital Facilities and Maintenance
C |
I |
C |
Mission – M |
Umbrella Infrastructure Performance Measurement Strategy completed |
39 | Impact Evaluation of
C |
I |
C |
Mission – H |
Umbrella Infrastructure Performance Measurement Strategy completed |
40 | Impact Evaluation of First Nations Infrastructure Fund
F |
I |
C |
Mission – M |
Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in capital facilities and maintenance – Payment of Contributions to First Nations under the First Nations Infrastructure Fund in the Provinces (FNIF) / 2012 / $60,192,800 |
Community Infrastructure |
Umbrella Infrastructure Performance Measurement Strategy completed |
Strategic Outcome: The North |
Sector: Northern Affairs Organization |
41 | Impact Evaluation of Northern Regulatory Improvement Initiative
I/C |
Mission – H |
Grant for the advancement of scientific knowledge of the North / 2010 / $1,136,000
Contributions for promoting the political, social, and scientific development of Canada's three territories / 2010 / $2,316,000 |
Northern Land and Resources
Northern Land and Resources / Healthy Northern Communities / Responsible Federal Stewardship [Note 5] / Northern Governance/ Community Infrastructure Northern Governance/ Northern Land and Resources |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
42 | Impact Evaluation of Lands, Resources and Environment Management in the North
I/C |
Mission – M |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
43 | Impact Evaluation of Advancing Conservation Interests in the Northwest Territories
I/C |
Mission – L |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
44 | Impact Evaluation of EcoENERGY for Aboriginal and Northern Communities (Thematic Evaluation of Adaptation for the Clean Air Agenda (CAA) - Environment Canada lead on CAA evaluation)
Mission – L |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
45 | Impact Evaluation of INACs Climate Change Adaptation Program - Assist Northerners in Assessing Key Vulnerabilities and Opportunities (Thematic Evaluation of Adaptation for the Clean Air Agenda (CAA) - Environment Canada lead on CAA evaluation)
F |
I/C |
Mission – M |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
46 | Impact Evaluation of Northern Science
I/C |
Mission – M |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
47 | Impact Evaluation of Inuit Counseling in the South |
I |
C |
I/C |
Mission – L |
Contribution for Inuit counseling in the South / 2010 / $80,000 |
Healthy Northern Communities |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
48 | Impact Evaluation of Healthy Foods to Northern Communities
C |
I/C |
Mission – L |
Operating expenditure, Vote 15 |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
Strategic Outcome: Office of the Federal Interlocutor |
Sector: Office of the Federal Interlocutor |
49 | Impact Evaluation of Urban Aboriginal Strategy
I |
C |
Mission – M |
Urban Aboriginal Strategy / 2012 / $9,870,000 |
Urban Aboriginal Strategy |
UAS Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
50 | Impact Evaluation of the Federal Interlocutor's Contribution Program and Powley: Management of Métis Aboriginal Rights
I/C |
Mission – M |
Federal Interlocutor's Contribution Program / 2013 / $5,504,000
Contributions to support the basic organizational capacity of representative Aboriginal organizations – Office of the Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians / 2012 / $6,565,000 |
Métis and Non-Status Indian Organizational Capacity Development Métis and Non-Status Indian Organizational Capacity Development |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
Strategic Outcome: Internal Services |
Sector: Office of the Federal Interlocutor |
51 | Impact Evaluation of INAC's Gender-Based Analysis Policy |
I/C |
Mission – L |
Gender-based Analysis Policy |
N.A |
Performance Measurement Strategy |
ü |
52 | Impact Evaluation of INAC's Intervention Policy |
I |
C |
I/C |
Intervention Policy |
Special Studies
Issue | Study | Timeframe / Fiscal Year | |||||
08-09 | 09-10 | 10-11 | 11-12 | 12-13 | 13-14 | ||
Sector: Audit and Evaluation | |||||||
Departmental performance monitoring/results reporting review | Each year, an assessment of performance information being collected by the department and its usefulness for departmental results reporting purposes will be prepared, with a particular emphasis on performance information for programs due to be evaluated in the following year in compliance with the Treasury Board policy. | C | I/C | I/C | I/C | I/C | I/C |
* Indicates which activities were covered by the 2009-2010 Formative Evaluation of Elementary and Secondary Education
** 2009-2010 Formative Evaluation of Alberta Child and Family Services Model (to be completed in 2010-2011)
*** Indicates which activities were covered by the 2009-2010 Evaluation of Reserve Land and Environment Management Program (RLEMP)
Evaluations by Fiscal Year
Note:Asterisks (*) indicate evaluations that are being carried over from the previous fiscal year
Evaluation | Sector |
1.Impact Evaluation of First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management | Regional Operations |
2.Impact Evaluation of the Inuit Art Foundation | Corporate Secretariat |
3.Impact Evaluation of the Federal Government’s Implementation of Self-Government: Negotiations Implementation* | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
4.Implementation Evaluation of Specific Claims Tribunal Action Plan | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
5.Impact Evaluation of Inuit Relations Secretariat* | Inuit Relations Secretariat |
6.Impact Evaluation of Registration Administration* | Resolution and Individual Affairs |
7.Impact Evaluation of Post-Secondary Education (To be completed 2011-2012) | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
8.Impact Evaluation of Elementary and Secondary Education (To be completed 2011-2012) | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
9.Impact Evaluation of Family Violence Prevention (To be completed 2011-2012) | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
10.Implementation Evaluation of Alberta Child and Family Services Model* | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
11.Impact Evaluation of Child and Family Services | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
12.Impact Evaluation of Contributions to Indian Bands for Lands and Estates Management* | Lands and Economic Development |
13.Impact Evaluation of First Nations Oil Gas and Moneys Management Act Implementation* | Lands and Economic Development |
14.Impact Evaluation of On-Reserve Housing* (horizontal – joint INAC/CMHC)
Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
15.Impact Evaluation of EcoENERGY for Aboriginal and Northern Communities (Thematic Evaluation of Clean Energy for the Clean Air Agenda) (Environment Canada lead on evaluation) | Northern Affairs Organization |
16.Impact Evaluation of INACs Climate Change Adaptation Program - Assist Northerners in Assessing Key Vulnerabilities and Opportunities (Thematic Evaluation of Adaptation for the Clean Air Agenda) (Environment Canada lead on evaluation) | Northern Affairs Organization |
17.Impact Evaluation of Advancing Conservation Interests in the Northwest Territories | Northern Affairs Organization |
18.Impact Evaluation of Lands, Resources and Environment Management in the North | Northern Affairs Organization |
19.Impact Evaluation of Northern Science | Northern Affairs Organization |
20.Impact Evaluation of Inuit Counseling in the South* | Northern Affairs Organization |
21.Impact Evaluation of Urban Aboriginal Strategy* | Office of the Federal Interlocutor |
22.Impact Evaluation of INAC’s Intervention Policy* | Chief Financial Officer |
23.Departmental performance monitoring/results reporting review | Audit and Evaluation |
Evaluation | Sector |
1.Impact Evaluation of Negotiation and Implementation | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
2.Impact Evaluation of Band and Individual Monies and Estates Management (To be completed 2012-2013) | Resolution and Individual Affairs |
3.Impact Evaluation of Advocacy and Public Information | Resolution and Individual Affairs |
4.Impact Evaluation of Post-Secondary Education* | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
5.Impact Evaluation of Elementary and Secondary Education* | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
6.Impact Evaluation of Family Violence Prevention* | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
7.Impact evaluation of Oil and Gas Management | Lands and Economic Development |
8.Impact Evaluation of the Federal Interlocutor’s Contribution Program and Powley: Management of Métis Aboriginal Rights | Office of the Federal Interlocutor |
9.Departmental performance monitoring/results reporting review | Audit and Evaluation |
Evaluation | Sector |
1.Impact Evaluation of Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements (To be completed 2013-2014) | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
2.Impact Evaluation of Specific Claims Tribunal Action Plan | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
3.Impact Evaluation of Test Case Funding | Policy and Strategic Direction |
4.Impact Evaluation of Band and Individual Monies and Estates Management* | Resolution and Individual Affairs |
5.Impact Evaluation of Income Assistance, National Child Benefit Reinvestment, Assisted Living Program (To be completed 2013-2014) | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
6.Impact Evaluation of Contaminated Sites Management Policy and Programming (Contaminated Sites Management Program and Northern Contaminated Sites Program) (To be completed 2013-2014) | Lands and Economic Development |
7.Impact Evaluation of Treaty Land Entitlements | Lands and Economic Development |
8. Impact Evaluation of First Nations Land Management | Lands and Economic Development |
9. Impact Evaluation of Community Economic Development Program (To be completed 2013-2014) | Lands and Economic Development |
10. Impact Evaluation of the Aboriginal Business Development Program (To be completed 2013-2014) | Lands and Economic Development |
11. Impact Evaluation of First Nations Water Management | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
12. Impact Evaluation of Healthy Foods to Northern Communities (Food Mail) | Northern Affairs Organization |
13. Impact Evaluation of INAC's Gender-Based Analysis Policy | Policy and Strategic Direction |
14. Departmental performance monitoring/results reporting review | Audit and Evaluation |
Evaluation | Sector |
1.Impact Evaluation of Indian Government Support | Regional Operations |
2.Evaluation of the National Centre for First Nations Governance (evaluation to be conducted by an independent firm, retained by the Centre – EPMRB not involved) | Regional Operations |
3.Impact Evaluation of the Federal Government’s Implementation of Self-Government: Negotiations Implementation (To be completed 2014-2015) | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
4.Impact Evaluation of Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements* | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
5.Impact Evaluation of Basic Organizational Capacity for Representative Organizations and for Consultation and Policy Development | Policy and Strategic Direction |
6.Impact Evaluation of Registration Administration (To be completed 2014-2015) | Resolution and Individual Affairs |
7.Impact Evaluation of National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation (horizontal) | Policy and Strategic Direction |
8.Impact Evaluation of Income Assistance, National Child Benefit Reinvestment, Assisted Living Program* | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
9.Impact Evaluation of Labrador-Innu Comprehensive Healing Strategy (horizontal – INAC led) (To be completed 2014-2015) | Regional Operations |
10.Impact Evaluation of Contaminated Sites Management Policy and Programming (Contaminated Sites Management Program and Northern Contaminated Sites Program)* | Lands and Economic Development |
11.Impact Evaluation of Land and Environmental Management On Reserve | Lands and Economic Development |
12.Impact Evaluation of Community Economic Development Program* | Lands and Economic Development |
13.Impact Evaluation of the Aboriginal Business Development Program* | Lands and Economic Development |
14.Assessment of Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business Evaluation | Lands and Economic Development |
15.Impact Evaluation of Capital Facilities and Maintenance (To be completed 2014-2015) | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
16.Impact Evaluation of On-Reserve Housing (horizontal – INAC led) (To be completed 2014-2015) | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
17.Impact Evaluation of First Nations Infrastructure Fund (To be completed 2014-2015) | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
18.Impact Evaluation of Northern Regulatory Improvement Initiative | Northern Affairs Organization |
19.Departmental performance monitoring/results reporting review | Audit and Evaluation |
Evaluation | Sector |
1.Impact Evaluation of the Federal Government’s Implementation of Self-Government: Negotiations and Implementation* | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
2.Impact Evaluation of Treaty Related Measures | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
3.Impact Evaluation of Treaty Commissions | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
4.Impact Evaluation of Registration Administration* | Resolution and Individual Affairs |
5.Impact Evaluation of Labrador-Innu Comprehensive Healing Strategy* (horizontal – INAC led) | Regional Operations |
6.Impact Evaluation of Emergency Management Assistance for Activities On-Reserve | Regional Operations |
7.Impact Evaluation of First Nations Oil Gas and Moneys Management Act Implementation | Lands and Economic Development |
8.Impact Evaluation of the New Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development | Lands and Economic Development |
9.Impact Evaluation of Capital Facilities and Maintenance* | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
10.Impact Evaluation of On-Reserve Housing* (horizontal – INAC led) | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
11.Impact Evaluation of First Nations Infrastructure Fund* | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
12.Impact Evaluation of Inuit Counseling in the South | Northern Affairs Organization |
13.Impact Evaluation of the Intervention Policy | Chief Financial Officer |
14.Departmental performance monitoring/results reporting review | Audit and Evaluation |
Note: Evaluations of the Residential Schools Agreement, previously planned, have been removed due to findings and discussion brought forth during the completion of the Evaluation Framework for IRSSA in 2009-2010
Performance Measurement Strategies by Fiscal Year by Sector
Note: Asterisks (*) denote Performance Measurement Strategies to be brought forward to EPMRC for approval.
Performance Measurement Strategy | Sector |
1. Indian Government Support* | Regional Operations |
2. First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management | Regional Operations |
3. Self-government* | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
4. Treaty Related Measures | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
5. Treaty Commissions | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
6. Inuit Relations Secretariat | Inuit Relations Secretariat |
7. Basic Organizational Capacity for Representative Organizations | Policy and Strategic Direction |
8. Consultation and Policy Development | Policy and Strategic Direction |
9. Registration Administration | Resolution and Individual Affairs |
10. Advocacy and Public Information | Resolution and Individual Affairs |
11. National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation | Policy and Strategic Direction |
12. Umbrella Education Programs*
Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
13. Umbrella Social Development*
Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
14. Emergency Management Assistance for Activities On-Reserve | Regional Operations |
15. Northern Contaminated Sites Management Program | Lands and Economic Development |
16. Indian Oil and Gas | Lands and Economic Development |
17. First Nations Oil Gas and Moneys Management Act Implementation | Lands and Economic Development |
18. New Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development (component pieces)
Lands and Economic Development |
19. Community Economic Development* | Lands and Economic Development |
20. Aboriginal Business Development* | Lands and Economic Development |
21. Northern Regulatory Improvement Initiative
Northern Affairs Organization |
22. Inuit Counseling in the South | Northern Affairs Organization |
23. Healthy Foods to Northern Communities (Food Mail) | Northern Affairs Organization |
24. Urban Aboriginal Strategy
Office of the Federal Interlocutor |
25. Gender-Based Analysis Policy | Policy and Strategic Direction |
Performance Measurement Strategy | Sector |
1. Inuit Art Foundation | Corporate Secretariat |
2. Land and Environmental Management on Reserve | Lands and Economic Development |
3. Lands, Resources and Environment Management in the North | Northern Affairs Organization |
4. Advancing Conservation Interests in the Northwest Territories | Northern Affairs Organization |
5. EcoEnergy for Aboriginal and Northern Communities (Theme of Clean Air Agenda)* | Northern Affairs Organization |
6. Assist Northerners in Assessing Key Vulnerabilities and Opportunities (Theme of Clean Air Agenda)* | Northern Affairs Organization |
7. Northern Science | Northern Affairs Organization |
8. Federal Interlocutor’s Contribution Program and Powley: Management of Métis Aboriginal Rights | Office of the Federal Interlocutor |
Performance Measurement Strategy | Sector |
1. Test Case Funding | Policy and Strategic Direction |
2. Negotiation and Implementation* | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
3. Band and Individual Monies and Estates Management | Resolution and Individual Affairs |
Performance Measurement Strategy | Sector |
1. Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements* | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
2. Specific Claims Tribunal Action Plan* | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
3. First Nations Land Management | Lands and Economic Development |
Projects completed in 2009-2010
Project Title | Sector |
Evaluations |
1. Impact Evaluation of Indian Government Support | Regional Operations |
2. Impact Evaluation of Treaty Related Measures | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
3. Impact Evaluation of Treaty Commissions (Manitoba and Saskatchewan) | Treaties and Aboriginal Government |
4. Impact Evaluation of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation | Resolution and Individual Affairs |
5. Evaluation Framework for the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement | Resolution and Individual Affairs |
6. Impact Evaluation of the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation (horizontal – Canadian Heritage led) | Policy and Strategic Direction |
7. Implementation Evaluation of Post-Secondary Education | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
8. Implementation Evaluation of Elementary and Secondary Education | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
9. Impact Evaluation of the Labrador-Innu Comprehensive Healing Strategy (horizontal – INAC led) | Regional Operations |
10. Impact Evaluation of Emergency Management Assistance for Activities On-Reserve | Regional Operations |
11. Implementation Evaluation of Reserve Land and Environment Management Program | Lands and Economic Development |
12. Impact Evaluation of Community Economic Development Program & Aboriginal Business Development Program | Lands and Economic Development |
13. Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business (program led) | Lands and Economic Development |
14. Impact Evaluation of Capital Facilities and Maintenance | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
15. Impact Evaluation of First Nations Infrastructure Fund | Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
16. Implementation Evaluation of INACs Climate Change Adaptation Program - Assist Northerners in Assessing Key Vulnerabilities and Opportunities | Northern Affairs Organization |
17. Impact Evaluation of Healthy Foods to Northern Communities | Northern Affairs Organization |
Performance Measurement Strategies |
18. New Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development (Umbrella) | Lands and Economic Development |
19. New Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development (Component pieces)
Lands and Economic Development |
20. Infrastructure (Umbrella)
Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships |
Special Studies |
21. Thematic Indicators Study | Internal Services |
22. Report on the State of Performance Measurement at INAC | Internal Services |
- Although Education falls under INAC's Program Activity Architecture Strategic Outcome: The People, this particular authority is being studied within this evaluation as the focus in this case pertains moreso towards measures related to Self-Government. (return to source paragraph)
- Education falls under INAC's Program Activity Architecture Strategic Outcome: The People (return to source paragraph)
- Northern Land and Resources falls under INAC's Program Activity Architecture Strategic Outcome: The North (return to source paragraph)
- Métis and Non-Status Indian Organizational Capacity Development falls under INAC's Program Activity Architecture Strategic Outcome: Office of the Federal Interlocutor (return to source paragraph)
- Responsible Federal Stewardship falls under INAC's Program Activity Architecture Strategic Outcome: The Land (return to source paragraph)