Archived - Evaluation of Community-Based Healing Initiatives Supported Through the Aboriginal Healing Foundation - Follow-up Report Status Update as of September 30, 2010
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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of September 30, 2010
Resolution and Individual Affairs
Evaluation of Community-Based Healing Initiatives Supported through the Aboriginal Healing Foundation (2008042)
Approval Date: 07/12/2009
Project Recommendations |
Action Plan | Expected Completion Date |
Program Response |
1. The Government of Canada should consider continued support for the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, at least until the Settlement Agreement compensation processes and commemorative initiatives are completed. | INAC will explore the feasibility of developing a policy proposal to support the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, taking into account the needs of survivors, their families and their communities. | March 31, 2010 | Status: Close Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2010: The government did not provide further funding for the AHF in the 2010 budget. AES: Close – No Longer Relevant |
2. The Government of Canada explore options with the Aboriginal Healing Foundation to determine how best to maximize any additional resources, should they become available, in order to be better able to meet the healing needs of Aboriginal Canadians. | INAC will explore, in consultation with Health Canada and the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, how best to maximize the benefits/healing needs of Aboriginal Canadians should additional resources become available. | March 31, 2010 | Status: Close Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2010: The government did not provide further funding for the AHF in the 2010 budget. AES: Close – No Longer Relevant |
3. The Government of Canada undertake a study, in partnership with the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, research organizations, and stakeholders, to determine the healing needs of Aboriginal Canadians post Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement and determine whether funding should be continued and, if so, to what extent, and what role, if any, the Government of Canada should play; | INAC commits to undertake a study, in partnership with the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, research organizations and stakeholders, to assess the healing needs of Aboriginal Canadians. INAC will raise this issue with existing for a to determine what role Canada could play in the healing needs of Aboriginal Canadians. | March 31, 2012 | Status: Close Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2010: The government did not provide further funding for the AHF in the 2010 budget. AES: Close – No Longer Relevant |
4. The Government of Canada implement, in the funding agreement with the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, a requirement to collect data to help determine cost effectiveness of community-based healing projects supported by the Foundation. They should also examine the possibility of a mandate to conduct strategic research and evaluation activities; however, this enhanced mandate should not detract from funding that would normally flow to community-based projects. | INAC will include a requirement to collect data to help determine
cost effectiveness of community-based healing projects supported
by the AHF. Should resources become available, INAC will explore the possibility of expanding the mandate of the Aboriginal healing Foundation to develop and implement a strategic research and evaluation plan. |
March 31, 2010 | Status: Close Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2010: The government did not provide further funding for the AHF in the 2010 budget. AES: Close – No Longer Relevant |