Archived - 2006 Fort Liard Call for Nominations (Request for Posting)
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Closing at 4 p.m. (E.T.) on September 15, 2006
PDF Version (270 Kb, 14 Pages)
1. Call for Nominations
The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development hereby calls for posting requests for nine (9) parcels of Crown reserve lands located in the Fort Liard area of the southern Northwest Territories. A map PDF Version (196 Kb, 1 page) is enclosed for reference purposes.
Certain areas within the general Call for Nominations area have been excluded from the Call at the request of the Acho Dene Koe First Nation (ADKFN). These are indicated on the map.
The two (2) parcels which receive most posting requests will be considered by the Minister in developing a call for bids tentatively scheduled to open in September 2006, pursuant to Section 14 of the Canada Petroleum Resources Act (CPRA). Two (2) additional blocks may be considered for a second Calls for Bids in 2007.
Posting requests must be received by 4 p.m. E.T. on September 15, 2006 for consideration.
Terms and conditions of the proposed call for bids are attached for information.
2. Content of Posting Requests
The area included in the Fort Liard Call for Nominations covers approximately 130,023 hectares with 10,036 hectares already included in existing interests (significant discovery and production licences). The area available has been divided into nine (9) parcels which vary in size from 25 to 54 sections. (See Map) (196 Kb, 1 page)
Companies are invited to nominate any number of the defined parcels using the attached posting form by listing the parcel number.
A Posting Request Form is attached and should accompany the request.
3. Submission of Posting Requests
All requests should be submitted by fax by 4 p.m. (E.T.) on September 15, 2006. Each request should be addressed as follows:
"Fort Liard Request for Posting - 2006"
Closing (September 15, 2006)
Attention: Oil and Gas Management
Northern Oil and Gas Branch
Fax: (819) 953-5828
Requesters are advised to give prior notice of their intent to submit a fax by calling (819) 997-0048 or (819) 997-0221 immediately prior to transmission. Telephone confirmation will be provided, if requested, upon receipt of the fax. Only the fax copy is necessary; original copies are not required.
All submissions received will become property of the Crown and will not be returned.
All information concerning nominations will remain confidential.
4. Priority of Posting
Not applicable
5. Specific Considerations
5.1 Environmental considerations
Seasonal or operating limitations may be established in accordance with provisions of the Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act. For example, the work season may be restricted to those months when the proposed type of activity will not have a significant impact on fish habitats, birds or other species and there may be precise conditions relating to drilling fluids and waste discharges.
Site specific environmental operating terms and conditions may be imposed at the permitting stage pertaining to a variety of matters such as cut-lines, drilling fluids, waste discharges and operating seasons. Various seismic procedures, such as heli-portable seismic operations and the use of existing cut-lines in order to minimize surface disturbance, should be considered. Consultation with the ADKFN regarding such matters as hunting and trapping, fishing and other related activities will be necessary prior to regulatory approvals.
Specific environmental protection plans developed in consultation with the ADKFN may be required of the proponent prior to the commencement of activity. These plans would describe the necessary procedures the operator would take to minimize any environmental impacts to sensitive fish habitats, birds or wildlife habitat of the region, for example moose/caribou. Betalamea Lake and areas similarly shaded on the map have been identified as sites of particular sensitivity by the ADKFN and surface operations may not be permitted.
The implementation of associated activity may require the hiring of a local monitor to observe and provide advice on a number of items including cut-lines/roads, disposal of wastes, fuel storage and other related matters.
5.2 Community Considerations
The proponent may be required to provide community specific harvesting funding plans prior to the commencement of any activities. These funding plans could describe how the proponent will assist harvesters in managing and maintaining their traditional way of life in the area.
The area included in the Call for Nominations is located in the vicinity of the community of Fort Liard. The proponent is expected to engage the community in discussions concerning the operations at the earliest possible opportunity. The proponent may also be required to participate in working groups to discuss operational effects on the community.
5.3 Northern Benefits Requirements
The successful bidder shall adhere to the Northern Benefits Requirements Associated with New Exploration Programs which is available by request or by downloading from our website.
As per the DFN Interim Measures Agreement, the Minister of IAND shall require a benefits plan for any work, activity or development that requires the authorization or approval of the National Energy Board under the Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act in the Dehcho territory.
a) the benefits plan submitted by the operator for the approval of the Minister of IAND shall be commensurate with the nature, scope, magnitude and duration of the proposed work, activity or development. The benefits plan may contain provisions for consultation, maximization of opportunities for employment, training, the supply of goods and services, and compensation for damages relating to resource harvesting.
b) For minor, short duration geological and geophysical activities, the operator's written commitment to work to the Benefits Statement of Principles that appears in Calls for Bids for exploration rights shall be sufficient.
5.4 Dehcho First Nations Interim Measures Agreement
The DFN, which include the ADKFN, is currently involved in lands and resource negotiations with Canada. An Interim Measures Agreement was signed in May 2001 providing for an increased role for the DFN throughout the entire Dehcho region. The IMA includes provisions for an Interim Land Withdrawal, protected by way of Order in Council in August 2003, and an Interim Resource Development Agreement, signed in April 2003.
5.5 Dehcho Land Use Plan
As of the issuance of this Call for Nominations, the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs is reviewing the Final Draft of "Respect for the Land: The Dehcho Land Use Plan" submitted by the Dehcho Land Use Planning Committee for consideration by the Minister. Should the plan be favourably considered by the Minister, nominators should be aware that the provisions of the Plan may apply to their future operations. The Final Draft of the Plan may be viewed at
6. Resulting Call for Bids
The individual or company that requested the posting of a parcel(s) is expected to submit a bid(s) in response to the Call for Bids, should those parcels be selected for bidding.
The Minister is not obliged to proceed with a Call for Bids for any lands posted.
Call for Bid documents and a sample exploration licence are included as examples for information only in this Call for Nominations package. These documents may be subject to minor modification prior to issuance.