Archived - Winning Bids - Fort Liard Region - December 1994

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Parcel 1 (20 918 hectares)
$1 838 075
Ranger Oil Limited (100%)

Parcel 2 (9 864 hectares)
$3 529 000
Ranger Oil Limited (100%)

Parcel 3 (13 357 hectares)
$1 278 934
Amoco Canada Petroleum Company Ltd. (50%)
Chevron Canada Resources Limited (50%)

Parcel 4 (20 635 hectares)
$1 500 000
Ocelot Energy Inc. (100%)

Parcel 5 (11 839 hectares)
$1 201 200
Chevron Canada Resources Limited (100%)

Parcel 6 (24 382 hectares)
$1 768 600
Shell Canada Limited (100%)

Parcel 7 (23 085 hectares)
$2 800 000
Paramount Resources Ltd. (100%)

Parcel 8 (25 737 hectares)
$8 765 580
Shell Canada Limited (100%)

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