Archived - Evaluation Plan 2008-2009 to 2012-2013

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Date: June 27, 2008

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This document presents Indian and Northern Affairs Canada's (INAC) Evaluation Plan to assess the value for money of its programs and policies, and covers the five year period from 2008-2009 to 2012-2013.

The plan proposes increased coverage from recent years to address the requirements of the Treasury Board Secretariat's (TBS) policy on evaluation, Transfer Payment Policy and the Federal Accountability Act, which all require that there be a "review"/evaluation, of all direct spending, including transfer payment programs, every five years. As such, this plan provides for full evaluation coverage of all the grants and contributions administered by INAC.

Context for Evaluation

Evaluation provides Canadians, Parliamentarians, Ministers, central agencies and deputy heads with an evidence-based assessment of the relevance and performance of policies and programs. In the Government of Canada, evaluation is the systematic collection and analysis of evidence on the outcomes of policies and programs. Evaluation is the primary source of neutral and systematic information on the ongoing relevance and performance of policies and programs, alternative ways of achieving expected results, and program design improvements. Evaluation helps the Government of Canada to design and deliver programs and services that are accountable, focused on results and which serves Canadian citizens.

Thus it is a key function of government which informs management and resource allocation within departments and government-wide. Evaluation is essential for responsible, disciplined and results based spending as it informs departments whether their programs are delivering the immediate results and longer-term outcomes for which they were designed at an affordable cost. Evaluation ties strategic reviews of program spending to ongoing relevance and performance, and informs resource reallocation decisions.

Evaluation reports can also help Ministers understand how new spending proposals fit with existing programs, as well as identifying synergies, and avoiding wasteful duplication. As such, evaluation:

  1. supports accountability to Parliament and Canadians;
  2. informs government decisions on policies, new program proposals, and resource allocation and reallocation;
  3. helps deputy heads manage for results; and
  4. supports policy and program improvements by providing a basis for identifying lessons learned and best practices.

The framework for the systematic collection and analysis of performance information is the department's Management, Resources and Results Structure (MRRS). Evaluations are organized along the strategic outcomes of the Program Activity Architecture (PAA).

Evaluation Planning Approach

The 2008-2009 to 2012-2013 Evaluation Plan proposes a strategic, risk-based approach to the assessment of the department's programs and activities.

It covers all grant and contribution programs which is in keeping with the Federal Accountability Act, the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) evaluation policy as well as the Policy on Transfer Payments. Where possible programs are clustered to allow for the evaluation function to study and conclude on entire policy areas, using an optimal number of studies focused on broader horizontal issues. This approach also supports annual reporting along the structure of the department's Program Activity Architecture.

The plan also proposes a series of special studies to address horizontal risks and factors that affect, either directly or indirectly, achievement of the department's intended results by assessing some of the complexities of INAC's operating environment and strengths of current practices, instruments and approaches.

A special annual assessment (The Health of INAC's Performance Information System) which is a requirement of TBS evaluation policy will study information being collected by the Department and its usefulness for departmental results reporting purposes, emphasising performance information for programs due to be evaluated the following year.

Planning Assumptions

A number of assumptions have been made in developing the plan:

Planning Methodology

Documentation of INAC's "evaluation universe" was a critical first step in developing the plan to ensure its comprehensiveness. The department's PAA, its grant and contribution programs, their authorities and expiry dates were all analysed. The plan reflects INAC PAA elements / strategic outcomes and its grant and contribution programs.

A second step was to identify past commitments to, and central agency expectations for, evaluations, which required a review of departmental Treasury Board submissions' program authorities, management responses to Auditor General audits, and previous evaluations.

In addition, an analysis was done of issues and risks related to achievement of expected outcomes based on management risk discussions, evaluation and audit findings, including those of the Office of the Auditor General, reports, and other documentation of program design and delivery issues facing the department.

The Five-Year Evaluation Plan

The INAC Evaluation Plan, 2008-2009 to 2012-2013, proposes comprehensive and sustainable coverage of the department's programs and activities.


The plan includes a total of 46 evaluations and three special studies (49 in total) over a five-year period, focussed on INAC's key policy and program areas. The 46 evaluations provide coverage of the department's approximately 50 grant and contribution authorities. The special studies assess factors that cut across programs and policies that affect, either directly or indirectly, achievement of the department's objectives.

Tables in the next section present evaluation projects and special studies. Appendix A presents evaluation projects by sector and year.

Risk Considerations

The Treasury Board policy framework for determining risks and the risk assessment approach in the Policy on Transfer Payments were used to assess risks for evaluation planning. These risk assessments have been considered in the identification of evaluation projects and will be further considered in the identification of evaluation issues for individual projects. The risk assessments also factor significantly in the timing and resourcing for evaluations.

The first risk consideration by Treasury Board is referred to as Mission-Risk and includes the following elements:

The second risk consideration is that of materiality, which includes the following elements:

The third risk consideration is that of performance information availability; which is a key concern in determining the scoping and sequencing of evaluations. Elements included in this risk consideration are:

These risk considerations were assessed by the evaluation team in consultation with program managers.

Most evaluations conducted by the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Branch (EPMRB) will be summative in nature, focussing on evaluating the relevance and performance of the programs, as opposed to formative evaluations which typically focus on implementation and delivery issues.

Evaluation Management and Costs

Evaluation projects are led by Senior Evaluation Managers, with support from other staff of the department's Audit and Evaluation Sector and, in most cases, consulting resources. The project evaluation teams will seek input from other departmental officials, especially those with management responsibilities related to the program under evaluation.

The Senior Evaluation Managers will generally call on consulting companies to do fieldwork related to evaluations, e.g., literature reviews, interviews, case studies and expert focus groups.

Costs of consulting resources will vary, depending on project's scope and complexity. A preliminary per project estimate could range from $175,000 to $500,000. All costs will be borne by the responsible sector. A cost estimate will be developed by the Senior Evaluation Manager prior to its commencement, as part of the project Terms of Reference. Once Terms of Reference are approved by departmental senior management, sectors will be expected to arrange for the transfer of funds to cover project costs.

Costs of special projects that are not sector or authority-specific will be borne by the Audit and Evaluation Sector.


The plan was discussed with senior management in all sectors of INAC to ensure that it provides for full coverage and that the approach is sound.

Updating the Plan

The plan is updated and tabled annually at the Audit and Evaluation Committee, to take account of evolving needs for coverage and strategic information. Because it is a rolling plan, annual updates will also identify evaluation activities for the fifth year of the renewed plan. The updated plan will reflect work not completed as planned and carried over to another fiscal year.

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INAC Evaluation Plan 2008-2009 – 2012-2013

People Strategic Outcome: Socio-Economic Policy and Regional Operations
PAA Program Activity / Policy Area Risk Considerations Evaluation Timeframe Fiscal Year Coverage
  • Authority/year of expiry/
  • Annual allocation (08/09)
08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13
Social Development Mission – H
Materiality – H
Performance Info – H
1 Impact Evaluation of Income Assistance, National Child Benefit Reinvestment, Assisted Living Program X         Grants to provide income support to indigent on-reserve residents / 2009 / $10,000,000

Contributions to provide income support to indigent on-reserve residents / 2009/ $852,000,000

Contributions to provide programming for low income reserve residents with children under the National Child Benefit Reinvestment Initiative / 2009 / $52,000,000
Mission – M
Materiality – M
Performance Info – M
2 Impact Evaluation of Family Violence Prevention     X     Contributions to support culturally appropriate family violence shelter and prevention services for Indian women, children and families resident on reserve / 2012 / $26,030,000
Mission – M
Materiality – M
Performance Info – L
3 Formative Evaluation of Alberta Child and Family Services Model   X       Contributions to support culturally appropriate prevention and protection services for Indian children and families resident on-reserve / 2012 / $489,891,000
Mission – H
Materiality – H
Performance Info – H
4 Impact Evaluation of Child and Family Services X
Mission – M
Materiality – H
Performance Info – M
5 Impact Evaluation of Labrador-Innu Comprehensive  Healing Strategy (involving Health Canada)   X       Funding through following authorities – Policy and Consultation, Education, Social Development, Capital Facilities and Maintenance, Lands and Estate Management
Education Mission – H
Materiality – H
Performance Info – H
6 Formative Evaluation of Elementary and Secondary Education         X       Payments to support Indian, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supply public services in education / 2009 / $1,466,292,000 (includes elementary and secondary education, special education, cultural centres and youth employment strategy)

Grants to Indians and Inuit to provide elementary and secondary educational support services / 2009 / $150,000

Grants to Inuit to support their cultural advancements / 2009 / $45,000
Mission – H
Materiality – H
Performance Info – H
7 Summative Evaluation of Elementary and Secondary Education     X    
Mission – M
Materiality – M
Performance Info – M
8 Impact Evaluation of SchoolNet Program X         Contributions under the First Nations SchoolNet Program / 2009 / $8,300,000
Mission – L
Materiality – M
Performance Info – H
9 Formative Evaluation of Post-Secondary Education   X       Grants to Indians and Inuit to support their post-secondary educational advancements / 2009 / $1,500,000
Mission – H
Materiality – H
Performance Info – H
10 Summative Evaluation of Post-Secondary Education     X    
Community Infrastructure TBD 11 Impact Evaluation of First Nations Water Management         X Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public service in capital facilities and maintenance / 2010 / $944,347,000
TBD 12 Impact Evaluation of  Long-term Capital Planning X        
Mission – H
Materiality – H
Performance Info – H
13 Impact Evaluation of
On-Reserve Housing (joint INAC/CMHC)
Mission – M
Materiality – H
Performance Info – M
14 Impact Evaluation of First Nations Infrastructure Fund
(Infrastructure Canada-led)
TBD 15 Impact Evaluation of Emergency Management Assistance for Activities On-Reserve   X       Contributions for emergency management assistance for activities on reserve / 2010 / $9,696,000

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Government Strategic Outcome: Treaties and Aboriginal Government
PAA Program Activity / Policy Area Risk Considerations Evaluation Timeframe Fiscal Year Coverage
  • Authority/year of expiry/
  • Annual allocation (08/09)
08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13
Claims Settlements and Co-operative Relationships Mission – M
Materiality – H
Performance Info – M
16 Impact Evaluation of Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements X     X   Contributions to support the negotiation process for comprehensive, specific and special claims and self-government initiatives / 2010 / $41,011,000

Grants to support First Nations, Inuit, tribal councils, organizations or other level of government for the implementation activities as stipulated in the various agreements / 2010 / $118,054,000

Payments to self-governing Aboriginal organizations, pursuant to comprehensive land claim agreements, self-government agreements or treaty legislation / 2010 / $76,738,000

Contributions to beneficiaries and various implementing bodies for implementing comprehensive land claim agreements / 2010 / $171,106,000
Payments to the Government of the Northwest Territories to facilitate the implementation of comprehensive land claim agreements
Mission – M
Materiality – H
Performance Info – M
17 Impact Evaluation of Negotiation and Implementation
Mission – M
Materiality – H
Performance Info – H
18 Formative Evaluation of Specific Claims Tribunal Action Plan (Summative to follow in 13/14)     X     Grants to support the beneficiaries/ organizations for the settlement of specific and special claims / 2010 / $280,988,000 (pending new authority for the Specific Claims Tribunal Action Plan)
  Mission – M
Materiality – M
Performance Info – M
19 Impact Evaluation of Self Government Agreements X         Grants to the Sechelt Indian Band pursuant to the Sechelt Self-Government Act / 2010 / $3,956,000

Grant to the Westbank First Nation to support the implementation of the Westbank First Nation Self-Government Agreement / 2010 / $4,247,000

Payments to Yukon First Nations pursuant to individual self-government agreements / 2011 / $51,546,000

Grant to the Miawpukek Indian Band to support designated programs / 2010 / $9,257,000 (SEPRO)

Grants for Mi'kmaq Education in Nova Scotia / 2010 / $34,257,000
Mission – M
Materiality – M
Performance Info – M
20 Impact Evaluation of Treaty Related Measures X         Contributions to First Nations, their organizations, provinces and third parties for Interim Measures and British Columbia Treaty Related Measures / 2010 / $4,040,000
Mission – M
Materiality – L
Performance Info – M
21 Impact Evaluation of Treaty Commissions   X       Contributions to provincially and/or regionally based Treaty Commission / 2011 / $750,000

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Land Strategic Outcome: Lands and Trust Services
PAA Program Activity / Policy Area Risk Considerations Evaluation Timeframe Fiscal Year Coverage
  • Authority/year of expiry/
  • Annual allocation (08/09)
08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13
Governance and Institutions of Government / Co-operative relationships TBD 22 Impact Evaluation of First Nations Land Management         X Contributions to implement the First Nations Land Management Act / 2009 / $15,592,000
Mission – M
Materiality – M
Performance Info – M
23 Formative Evaluation of Reserve Land and Environment Program (Program-led evaluation of Pilot Project)   X         Contributions to Indian Bands for land and estates management/2010
TBD 24 Impact Evaluation of Indian Government Support X     X   Grant for Band Support Funding / 2010 / $232,424,000

Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in Indian Government Support / 2009 / $125,098,000

Contributions to support the building of strong governance, administrative and accountability systems / 2010 / $24,300,000

(as per TB Sub, "Independent of the Departmental approach, a comprehensive evaluation of the Centre's performance will be conducted in Year 4 by an independent and qualified firm, retained by the Centre, to determine service effectiveness, efficiency and whether changes in design and / or delivery methods may be advisable.")
TBD 25 Implementation Evaluation of the National Centre for First Nations Governance
TBD 26 Impact Evaluation of First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management       X   Contributions to First Nations institutions for the purpose of enhancing good governance / 2009 / $10,450,000

Grant to the First Nations Financial Authority / 2011 / 500,000
Management of Individual Affairs TBD 27 Impact Evaluation of Registration and Administration   X       Contributions to Indian bands for land and estates management / 2010 / $15,215,000

Contributions to Indian bands for registration and administration / 2010 / $7,942,000
Responsible Federal Stewardship Evaluation Underway 28 Impact Evaluation of Contaminated Sites Management Policy and Programming (Contaminated Sites Management Program and Northern Contaminated Sites Program) X         Contributions to First Nations for the management of contaminated sites / 2010 / $14,641,000

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Internal Services Strategic Outcome: Policy and Strategic Direction
PAA Program Activity / Policy Area Risk Considerations Evaluation Timeframe Fiscal Year Coverage
  • Authority/year of expiry/
  • Annual allocation (08/09)
08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13
Governance and Institutions of Government Evaluation Underway 29 Impact Evaluation of Basic Organizational Capacity for Representative Organizations and for Consultation and Policy Development X         Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development / 2010 / $21,624,000

Contributions to support the basic organization capacities of representative Aboriginal Organizations / 2012 / $12,634,000
Evaluation Underway 30 Implementation Evaluation of INAC's Gender-Based Analysis Policy X         Gender-based Analysis Policy
Evaluation Underway 31 Impact Evaluation of National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation
(PCH led evaluation)
X         Contributions to the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation / 2010 / $817,000
Evaluation Underway 32 Impact Evaluation of Test Case Funding X         Contributions for the legal and associated costs of Indian-related cases having the potential to become judicial precedents / 2010 / $750,000

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Economy Strategic Outcome: Aboriginal Economic Development
PAA Program Activity / Policy Area Risk Considerations Evaluation Timeframe Fiscal Year Coverage
  • Authority/year of expiry/
  • Annual allocation (08/09)
08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13
Economic Development Evaluation Underway 33 Impact Evaluation of Community Economic Development Program and Aboriginal Business Development Program X         Payments to support Indians, Inuit and Innu for the purpose of supplying public services in economic development / 2010 / $106,587,000

Aboriginal Business Development Program / 2010 / $37,250,000

North Strategic Outcome: Northern Affairs
PAA Program Activity / Policy Area Risk Considerations Evaluation Timeframe Fiscal Year Coverage
  • Authority/year of expiry/
  • Annual allocation (08/09)
08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13
Northern Economy and Governance Evaluation Underway 34 Formative Evaluation of Strategic Investment Northern Economic Development and Governance X         Contributions for promoting regional development in Canada's three territories / 2010 / $19,837,000 (Strategic Investment)

Contributions for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North's natural resources / 2010 / $36,714,000

Grant for the advancement of scientific knowledge of the North / 2010 / $1,086,000

Contributions for promoting the Political, Social, and Scientific Development of Canada's Three Territories / 2010 / $179,000
Northern Land and Resources Mission – L
Materiality – M
Performance Info – H
35 Impact Evaluation of EcoENERGY for Aboriginal and Northern Communities (Thematic Evaluation of Clean Energy for the Clean Air Agenda)   X X    
Mission – M
Materiality – M
Performance Info – M
36 Impact Evaluation to Assist Northerners in Assessing Key Vulnerabilities and Opportunities for 2009 – 2010 (Thematic Evaluation of Adaptation for the Clean Air Agenda)
Program-led evaluation 37 Formative Evaluation of International Polar Year component (program-led evaluation as per TB submission)   X      
Healthy Northern Communities Mission – L
Materiality – L
Performance Info – L
38 Impact Evaluation of Health Care and Counselling and Healthy Communities X         Contributions for Inuit Counselling in the South / 2010 / $80,000

Grants to the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Nunavut for Health Care of Indians and Inuit / 2010 / $46,400,000. To be included in the funding study.
Evaluation Underway 39 Impact Evaluation of Healthy Foods to Northern Communities (Food Mail) X         Operating expenditure, Vote 15

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Office of the Federal Interlocutor Strategic Outcome
PAA Program Activity / Policy Area Risk Considerations Evaluation Timeframe Fiscal Year Coverage
  • Authority/year of expiry/
  • Annual allocation (08/09)
08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13
Management of Métis Aboriginal Rights Issues and Operation of OFI TBD 40 Impact Evaluation of Office of the Federal Interlocutor         X Federal Interlocutor's Contribution Program / 2009 / $5,504,000
Economic Development Mission – M
Materiality – M
Performance Info – M
41 Impact Evaluation of Urban Aboriginal Strategy     X     Urban Aboriginal Strategy / 2012 / $11,005,000

Internal Services Strategic Outcome: Chief Financial Officer
PAA Program Activity / Policy Area Risk considerations Evaluation Timeframe / Fiscal Year Coverage
  • Authority/year of expiry/
  • Annual allocation (08/09)
  • Policy framework
08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13
Departmental Management and Administration Mission – H
Materiality – H
Performance Info – H
42 Impact Evaluation of Intervention Policy     X     Intervention Policy Framework

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People Strategic Outcome: Resolution Sector
PAA Program Activity / Policy Area Risk considerations Evaluation Timeframe / Fiscal Year Coverage
  • Authority/year of expiry/
  • Annual allocation (08/09)
  • Policy framework
08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13
N/A Mission – H
Materiality – H
Performance Info – M
43 Aboriginal Healing Foundation   X       Grant for the Aboriginal Healing Foundation to deliver the Healing Strategy / 2011 / $25,000,000

Note: Authority expires in 2011, but AHF may accelerate its renewal process.
N/A Mission – M
Materiality – H
Performance Info – M
44 Advocacy and Public Information Program X         Contributions for eligible Aboriginal or other recipients for the purpose of providing advocacy and public education on a diverse range of issues related to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement / 2009 / $5,000,000
N/A Mission – M
Materiality – M
Performance Info – M
45 Evaluability Framework X          
N/A Evaluation underway 46 Public Awareness of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement X          

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Special Studies - Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive
Issue Study Timeframe / Fiscal Year
08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13
Funding Instrument Study and Accountabilities study An analysis of the effectiveness/appropriateness of funding arrangements available to the department for its programs/initiatives (Alternative Funding Arrangements, Flexible Transfer Payments, Contribution Agreements, Comprehensive Funding Arrangements) in the context of the government's/department's broad policy objectives for its work with Aboriginal peoples; and an assessment of the accountability provisions in departmental funding arrangements and whether satisfactory arrangements are being made for progress reporting by INAC to Parliament and Canadians and progress reporting by Aboriginal organizations to their communities. X        
Departmental performance monitoring/results reporting review Each year, an assessment of performance information being collected by the department and its usefulness for departmental results reporting purposes will be prepared, with a particular emphasis on performance information for programs due to be evaluated in the following year in compliance with the Treasury Board policy. X X X X X
Regional delivery/functional guidance study An analysis of departmental processes for coordination and delivery of departmental program/initiatives via regional offices, including performance monitoring and progress reporting.   X      


Evaluative Work by Year by Sector

2008 - 2009

Evaluation Sector
Income Assistance, National Child Benefit Reinvestment and Assisted Living Socio-Economic Policy and Regional Operations
On-Reserve Housing Socio-Economic Policy and Regional Operations
First Nations Infrastructure Fund (Infrastructure Canada-led) Socio-Economic Policy and Regional Operations
Long-Term Capital Planning Socio-Economic Policy and Regional Operations
SchoolNet Program Socio-Economic Policy and Regional Operations
Contaminated Sites Lands and Trust Services
National Centre for First Nations Governance (Independent) Lands and Trust Services
Community Economic/Aboriginal Business Development Aboriginal Economic Development
National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation (PCH-led) Policy and Strategic Direction
Representative Organizations and Consultation and Policy Development Policy and Strategic Direction
Gender-Based Analysis Policy and Strategic Direction
Comprehensive Land Claims Impacts Treaties and Aboriginal Government
Self-Government Agreements Treaties and Aboriginal Government
Treaty Related Measures Treaties and Aboriginal Government
Test Case Funding Policy and Strategic Direction
Strategic Investments in Northern Economic Development and Governance Northern Affairs
Healthy Foods to Northern Communities (Food Mail) Northern Affairs
Evaluability Framework Resolution Sector
Advocacy and Public Information Program Resolution Sector
Public Awareness of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement Benchmark Survey – Resolution Sector
Funding Instrument and Accountabilities Study Special Study - Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive
Departmental performance monitoring/results reporting review Special Study - Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive

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2009 - 2010

Evaluation Sector
Alberta Child and Family Services Model Socio-Economic Policy and Regional Operations
Labrador Innu Comprehensive Healing Strategy Socio-Economic Policy and Regional Operations
Elementary and Secondary Education Socio-Economic Policy and Regional Operations
Emergency Management Assistance Socio-Economic Policy and Regional Operations
Post Secondary Education Socio-Economic Policy and Regional Operations
Comprehensive Land Claims Impacts Treaties and Aboriginal Government
Treaty Commissions Treaties and Aboriginal Government
Registration and Administration Lands and Trust Services
Assist Northerners in Assessing Key Vulnerabilities and Opportunities (Clean Air Agenda) Northern Affairs
International Polar Year (program-led evaluation) Northern Affairs
Aboriginal Healing Foundation Resolution Sector
Regional delivery/functional guidance study Special Study - Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive
Departmental performance monitoring/results reporting review Special Study - Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive

2010 - 2011

Evaluation Sector
Family Violence Prevention Socio-Economic Policy and Regional Operations
Child and Family Services Socio-Economic Policy and Regional Operations
Elementary and Secondary Education (Summative) Socio-Economic Policy and Regional Operations
Post Secondary Education (Summative) Socio-Economic Policy and Regional Operations
Specific Claims Tribunal Action Plan Treaties and Aboriginal Government
EcoEnergy for Aboriginal and Northern Communities Northern Affairs
Urban Aboriginal Strategy Office of the Federal Interlocutor
Intervention Policy Chief Financial Officer
Departmental performance monitoring/results reporting review Special Study - Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive

2011 - 2012

Evaluation Sector
Negotiation and Implementation Treaties and Aboriginal Government
First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Lands and Trust Services
Indian Government Support Lands and Trust Services
Departmental performance monitoring/results reporting review Special Study - Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive

2012 - 2013

Evaluation Sector
First Nations Water Management Strategy Socio-Economic Policy and Regional Operations
First Nations Land Management Lands and Trust Services
Office of the Federal Interlocutor Office of the Federal Interlocutor
Departmental performance monitoring/results reporting review Special Study - Chief Audit and Evaluation Executive

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